Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Biggest Block to Creativity - Unreleased Negative Emotions

Creativity isn't essential only for artists or writers, but also for anyone who wants to be successful nowadays. We constantly need to adapt to fast-paced change, and also need to find ways to stand out in a sea of a multitude of business communications (advertising, free educational material, blogs, podcasts, etc.).

Being in the flow; tapping into inspiration; connecting to some unknown collective wisdom; all of that describes creativity.

Of course some of it is based on innate talent and experience, but an essential condition is the ability to tap into that "other realm" where ideas originate.

And nothing blocks that flow more than being caught up in negative emotion. There are three main reasons for that.

First, our mind finds it difficult to fully liberate itself from the emotion; it will chew on all aspects of it, the story that is attached to it, the regrets about what was said or not said, the possible outcomes and how they might change things, etc. A mind that busy has trouble tuning into anything else.

Also, we've all experienced that negative emotions make us tense. And tension always blocks flow. It's even true in the physical world: for example, tense arteries do not regulate blood properly resulting in high blood pressure.

Finally, we have innate warning mechanisms that are triggered by tension and will be on the lookout for the danger that made us tense. Do you think that they will allow us the semi-daydreaming state necessary to tune into inspiration? Not on their hyper-vigilant watch!

I know that we all have an image of famous novelists as tortured souls and therefore able to create despite being full of tense emotions. Maybe a few people are able to by-pass their crowded mind to get to the sea of ideas, but most of us average folks are well advised to not bank on it.

Saying we want to get rid of negative emotions is one thing, doing it is another. But even putting attention on our desire to get beyond them is a start. There is a lot of free information available on good emotional management techniques.

For example, feel free to grab the free course available on my site on how to stop fear from ruining your day...and your business.

Why focus on fear? Because it's the root of all negative emotions, whether we are conscious of it or not. So if you get good at dealing with fear when it arises, you've got your bases covered.

Autor: Helene Desruisseaux Helene Desruisseaux
Level: Platinum
Helene helps women entrepreneurs design their businesses to reflect their life purpose, unique strengths, and blind spots. This allows them to conduct business profitably while ... ...

If you want practical tips that you might not have heard elsewhere on how to stop fear from ruining your day...and your business, go to

The free course is created by Helene Desruisseaux (Helene D.), who combines years of upper corporate management with research in the fields of personal growth, energy psychology, and mind/body/soul integration. She helps entrepreneurs design their businesses around their purpose and unique personalities, so that they can have both success and a high quality of life. Yes, even in this economy.

Added: January 28, 2009


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