Friday, January 30, 2009

The Biggest Single Reason You're Not More Creative

If I asked you why you weren't more creative, no doubt you could come up with a whole host of reasons. So let's try that. Take a pen and paper and write down all the reasons you aren't more creative.

- You might write about how you struggle to have enough good ideas.

- Or maybe you'd say it's because you struggle to focus on just one creative project?

- You might say you don't ever have enough time.

- Maybe you'd say a lack of motivation holds back your creativity.

- Or is it because you can never find the right materials you need at the right time?

Write out a list of every reason you can possibly think of that stops YOU from being as creative as you can be.

Now, here's the moment of truth. Here's how to find out what the biggest single reason you're not more creative is.

Ready for the revelation?

It's not about a lack of ideas, struggling to focus, not having time, low motivation or unorganised materials and workspace, or any other reason you've got on your list.

The biggest reason you're not more creative is quite simply the biggest reason you tell yourself you're not more creative.

Now that probably sounds like stating the obvious. Or nonsensical! So let's change the emphasis.

You're not more creative because of the reasons YOU TELL YOURSELF you're not more creative.

If you hear something often enough - whether it comes from someone else or from inside your own head - you start to believe it.

It will become your truth, your reality. And it will influence everything you do.

So by telling yourself: "If only I could have more ideas, I would be so much more creative", guess what? A part of you gives up on trying to have ideas, and taking the step towards reading the hundreds of articles, and researching the hundreds of resources available to actually help you have more ideas.

Your identity becomes that of someone who cannot have ideas. You inflict that disability on yourself, you hypnotise yourself into being an artist without ideas, and discard all evidence that would suggest otherwise.

The same principle applies whatever you wrote on your list above.

So how do we overcome this? How do we turn these beliefs around, when it seems like they're an immovable truth?

The first step you've already taken. You identify those damaging, limiting beliefs. Get them out in the open, shine a huge spotlight on them so they can't lurk in the shadows inflicting their damage in a destructive and underhand way.

The second step is to try a new belief on for size. Write down the opposite of that negative belief, say it a few times, see how it feels.

So to go with the ideas example, you might say: "I have an abundance of great ideas, they flow to me like water flows down Victoria Falls..."

Just saying this a few times you'll feel different. You'll have a glimpse into a different version of you. A you that believes in your creativity.

To back this up, go out and find some ways to have more ideas. Search on the internet, type "creative ideas" or "more creative ideas" into a search engine and spend some time going through the articles and resources that come up.

The bottom line is, you're as creative as you believe you can be, as creative as you allow yourself to be. Isn't it time you gave up the biggest reason you're not more creative and started to share your creative talents with the world?

Autor: Dan Goodwin Dan Goodwin
Level: Platinum
Creativity Coach Dan Goodwin helps people who are frustrated they're not making use of their creative talents and abilities. A highly creative person himself, in ... ...

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Added: January 30, 2009


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