Monday, January 26, 2009

Play With Your Creative Self

The creative urge lives within us all. It rumbles and bubbles up often like an underwater spring feed stream. When we say YES to the impulse the urge to do something with it, we have already taken the first step in play with our creative self. That my friend is the first practice in becoming more creative and probably the one most overlooked or under valued. The response is to say yes to the urge and watch what happens.

Help your creativity flow by watching and listening for your internal bubbles of brilliance and say yes to keep it flowing.

There is no perfect or magic formula and there are ways to practice. In the spirit of offering you ways to become more in tune with your creative rumbles and be in action around your creativity here are five playful practices to move you closer to your YES.

Set aside time each day to tap into your creative self. Yes, it sort of seems counter intuitive that you would have to schedule creativity time and you do. So mark your calendar and set aside creativity time for yourself each day to make sure that it happens. Write, dream, bake a cake, build a snowman, draw a picture just start somewhere, and tap into the place inside of you that wants to make something new.

Give yourself permission to make a mess and screw up. Oh how many artists could attest to this one? Creativity is messy. Let go of your inner critic and make room for not getting it right. Whatever right is?

Give yourself over to the process. Your inner muse wants to have fun. Let the dance of creativity start and stop and begin again sometime incorporating the mess and sometimes with a new page. There is no perfect answer...just keep trusting your daring spirit inside of you.

Follow YOUR natural instinct to create and play. This often means that you have to tune the outside world out. We can get stuck trying to do the proper thing and follow the guidelines of the outside world and we end up trying too hard to fit in and create some one else's way. This leads to more of the same old same old, how boring. With this sort of response going on we can start to feel tired and bored. Colour outside of the Lines!!

LISTEN to the small nudges that your creative self gives you and respond with a YES. We all have those little nudges and we can tend to dismiss them and not listen or respond. Our inner creativity goddess is always offering up suggestions to how she would like to be in your world.

So when she shows up with a silly idea (who are you to judge) go with it!! Like yesterday when it was minus 40 with the wind chill factor my creative muse said GO BOWLING! I know that she knows how much I crave to be physically active. What a brilliant and fun solution to what the weather was offering me.

LET go of any expectations. This practice makes space for having to get it right. Give that up before you start and see where the process takes you. More importantly tap into your feelings along the way. Are you engaged? Are you having fun? Has time sort of stood still? Is there a smile on your face? Is your body relaxed and enjoying itself too! Is your breathing deep and relaxed? All these are great signs that you have said yes to the process and not to any rigid expectations.

When you fall in love with your own creativity and creativity process the world falls in love with you. YES!

Autor: Teresa O'Neill

Teresa O'Neill is the founder of Become A Women Soaring movement where she champions and supports women in mid life to powerfully move through this time of life with more ease and flow.

Her motto is to play powerfully, work with ease and feel the flow.

Her playful, gentle and loving spirit creates a safe and comfortable environment where her client's explore there own unique spirit.

Teresa has empowered many women to celebrate there success and create even more space for gratitude and grace in their lives.

You can sign up for her enewsletter at

Added: January 26, 2009


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