Saturday, November 15, 2008

Creativity: The Key To Getting More Done In Less Time

If your to-do list, as long as at the end of the day as it is at the top (or worse, more!), Then you could definitely with an injection of creativity in your work day.

Here are five easy ways to use your creativity to improve the quality of the day:

1) Stop banging your head against the wall - A good piece of time people waste in a day due to stresses compared to the same problems facing them every day. If you have a problem that you do not know how to solve, you get paralyzed, get inefficient, and it overwhelmed. Not only do you not solve the problem, but you also start to slack off in other areas. The key is to get out of this state by your creativity, more solutions to your problem. Here is one way - at a table with a blank sheet of paper. Write your problem in the head, and then forcing sure that it's the page with possible solutions. Do not worry about how feasible or your crazy ideas are you tap your creativity and your authorization. Just keep the pen moving until you fill the page. This will free you from overwhelm and get through your day. Also, the new solution to your problem may very well be that on this page!

2) Stop-Time - If you were in your work for a period of time, you will probably have a routine. Routines are great because they are safe, but once in a routine you run the risk, not on ways better. The worst answer you can give why you do something is to say, "that's the way I've always done." Keep your mind, eyes and ears open for new and more efficient ways of doing things. Even if you can save 15 minutes on 4 daily tasks, which is an extra hour every day. Request and check your routines!

3) Love your work, even if you hate it - It is extremely difficult to results if you are not satisfied. This leads to an ugly cycle: you do not like your work, so you are less efficient, so lot of work, which adds stress, such as your work even less, and so on and so forth. If, for whatever reason, to apply for a job you hate, then at least find ways to enjoy it. How do you do that? I do not know, it depends on you. This is why you need your creativity. You can listen to music or set up your environment that you enjoy, or working on a special project that you met, etc. Life is too short to be unhappy for 1 /3 of it, use your creativity to Happiness, fulfillment and joy in the day.

4) Get someone else to do it - Here's an interesting fact: For every job that you hate to do and are not doing well, there is someone out there who happy to do so. And for every job that you love to do and are very interested in, there's someone out there who hate it do so. Find someone who hates doing what you love and love doing what you hate, and you can both benefit immensely. They both get more done in less time and make happy.

5) get done what needs to be done - This is the easiest method is that the least used. Take a look at what you have to do today. Take a look at the item that would have the greatest positive impact on your day /life /business. This should be your number one priority. Do it first and get it done, even if other things do not get. The challenge is that it is probably something that you do not want to do (otherwise it would have already done). Be creative to get, and set up your day and timetable for the work high priority on your first tasks, and you get more done in less time than ever before.

go there. Get out there, start with your creativity, time to stop and spend more time doing what's important for you and your company.


Avish Parashar is a dynamic professional speaker who shows organizations and individuals how to get what they want using the Art and Science of improv comedy. He weaves together humorous stories, witty observations, and interactive exercises from improvisational comedy to get people laughing, learning, and motivated!

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