Friday, November 21, 2008

How to Restore Your Power to Create

They came to earth as a ghost with all the power of the universe to create everything you desired. Her name was "I Am" and from the time you could open your eyes you were a part of all that you surrounded. There was no manger, no mom and dad, brother or sister, walls or ceilings. They were them, and they yours. Although there was time and space between you and what you have seen, you do not understand that you were not what you saw, felt, tasted or heard. Even smelly diapers had no meaning for you. There was nothing you wanted or needed because it was outside your awareness and experience.

Then something happens, you began to communicate with your parents and they began educating you in the ways of the world. Sometime you responded to a sound every time someone comes into the room - it was your name. Well, it was' I'm Roy "and you began to discover that you had some personal power in the New World; You cried when someone comes to you. But this power was very limited, and you do not understand why you do not always get what you wanted, and people are not always how you would like.

As you grew older the people around you limit your power by telling you what you can and could not do or have, and of course up to this time the power you have entered into the life was severely restricted. They were expected to be within the limits allowed by your parents, your community and country. They received a system of faith or religion, by your parents, laws, and the right to use detergents, such as hand down from your grandmother.

You got to use five words every day to disempower you, kill the spirit, and make yourself dependent, these words are "right and wrong, good and bad," and most of all disempowering, "can not!"

So far the only way that you had to fight back was to break their laws, regulations and turn away from their beliefs and use your own language. And it is because you still believe that only the physical body that you are powerless to change the world and God is punishing you. They are totally apart with the WHO and what you are. You do not know that you are the creator and that you are not a victim.

They were limited not only by those who have power over you, but by a punitive God, the power on your parents. If you wanted everything you did to your knees and beg for them and more than likely that you will not receive because you were unworthy. They were also required to support the institutions taught that you have these things. Failure to comply with the rules would mean even less control over your destiny in this life or any other.

Time has shown that humanity is unable to communicate with systems, rules or commandments, which meant for the spiritual nature of mankind. The system, which taken away our power is now dismantling. It was an era, a time in our history that no longer has any relevance to us, we were in our development.

The damage is not irreversible, and we now have more freedom to other aspects of humanity or the human condition. For centuries we have agreed on the five senses, and anyone exploring or demonstrate their abilities others were from the church and /or killed. The progress of the earthly perspective is very slow, but from the perspective of the universe, it has to happen over night.

In our day and age, religion represents approximately 84% of the world. It is religion, has led us to this stage in our development and is the biggest influence on how we live our lives today. It is religion, is therefore responsible for most of what is happening in the world at this time in our history, "the religious revolution." Because we have so disempowered we believe that we can not create or are responsible for the way we act, whether it is personal, world or natural conditions. God was the scapegoat and comfort for us to relieve us of responsibility and accountability. Until recently the extent of our personal power was only known that a few who use it, uses the less known.

developing our spiritual awareness comes slowly, the longer we leave it. It is usually because we have bought into what we have been taught and we do not see the need. But with age comes wisdom to know what is and what might have been. Until that time many have given up and think it's just too much expense or effort to try and change. The fact that I am sixty years old and had 9 years experience in writing about these things only makes it a little easier. I still have to deal with over fifty years of experience of the past and it is a lengthy process, but it is not impossible.

As a child, and even in my teens and adulthood, I felt powerless. I also felt like a victim and limited in the options. I fit in well with around me, because I lost my power to them. On the back of my mind I knew that this was not who I was, patience, persistence and a glimmer of light in the future would help me break the mold.

For those who ever this type and for those who want to take back their power, there is certainly a way is a step at a time.

Simply put, and says it can be used in a word, responsibility. It is a simple methodical procedure that allows you to create your own life and enable you to get a picture of the power that you have always to create wealth, good health and happiness.

For this to happen, you need to even the circumstances of your life, everything you do, and everything that others do to you and everything that comes naturally. You can not away what you do not own.

You are one of two things, one is either a victim or a creator. The exercise is to know yourself as the creator of everything you experience. The concept will be very difficult, even for the most enlightened. But you must not forget that it is in your past, is the opinion dictate. That's why you need small steps to overcome them. Remember, I said that the exercise is easy, but it is certainly not easy.

From now on everything that happens to you is a direct consequence of the desire that it happen on a certain level of your consciousness. Whether it is good or bad, works or does not work for you, you need to own it. You are the creator, and there is a reason for it to happen. They are creating all the circumstances of your life. So that the scapegoat here, your subconscious you are not willing to own them at a higher level. It is not God's will, and it is not so that you are worthy or unworthy or are victims of natural circumstance or in the wrong place at the wrong time. It is not that even the luck or bad luck, or something happens through change. Everything is your body for a reason that may or may not be aware that you at this time. Even if you have lying to themselves for a period of time, you must own all that you experience.

You must know that accidents and diseases are also your responsibility. You create it for your own purposes at a certain level of consciousness. Take that responsibility, whether you like it or not, and know that it for the intended purpose - not give it away or any debt or thing. This will also your own power to alter or avoid these things. When you enter your power, you automatically become a victim and powerless To change the circumstances. Do not try to outthink itself, and wonders why should I want that, why would I do that myself or I can not make that happen. Take your power to make it happen, for whatever reason known or unknown, and finally you will be in control and able to these things around. Also know that every event or circumstance is not a "bad" or "good" thing. All things are created for your purpose, whatever that might be. In retrospect, you will be the reason.

Dropping a hammer on your big toe can be a good thing if it interferes with your consciousness - it works for you. There may be a sign that something is not working in your life, time for a change. A trip to the doctor May provide an opportunity for you to save your soul mate. It happens for a reason, your reason to accept that and you will know that your power, all the circumstances of your life. It is not God's will, you are no victims, and it is you who manifest all the events in your life.

In every moment of your life from that moment on your power does not give them away no longer. Do not listen to the old ideas, create new ones. Every minute every day, you say that you are the creator; that what you are doing is basic, for your purposes. It does not matter what others may say or not, you are not using your power away. This can be slow and painful, but it works. Create this awareness into thee and thou shalt be the person you've always known, even to be. You will never again be a victim.

Remember, it never works in your favor to give your power away, no matter what the circumstance. Even if the moment someone has physical power over you, know that to a certain degree you have the situation for your purposes, hang on, and thinking that someday you will have the power to change. Most importantly, how you notice that your personal power to create, you will no longer need to arouse unwanted experience the things in your life that does not work. Avoid

verdict, which also included in the evaluation of your own experience, you will fail.

So when the boss calls you into his office today and fires, you have it happen for a greater purpose. If you win the lottery, it was not luck or coincidence, it was your wish, your power, which it happen. All things for your purpose more. And you have the power to change them, regardless of whether you believe it or not. This exercise will help you get reacquainted with your power. Recognize the doubt when it comes and understand that it is only natural for it to happen, their own doubts and give it away. It is your doubts, not anybody else, and you have the power to overcome it. The more you work on the faster this will be manifest in your life.

Roy is a resident of British Columbia, Canada. An international published spiritual author, a student of NLP, spiritual philosopher, New Age Teacher and Phenomenologist. Think outside the box - discover who you really are. Find out why the "Law of Attraction" won't work for you, and how you can turn it around. Visit Roy at

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