Saturday, November 15, 2008

A Virtual Road Trip As a Source of Inspiration - Part I

I love road trips, and I know many of my friends feel the same way. Do you?

In the past week I was on the road, the trip from California to Montana, and I realized that my love for road travel is so deep that I began to consider that perhaps in a previous life I was a drover a Criss -Crossing the Great Basin of the American West with herds of cattle.

Being on the road is a time when I feel grateful beyond - it's a heart swelling, abject gratitude for everything in my life, for every single decision I ever made that I am at this time on the Street. It is a time when my creative juices flowing from every pore, I always paper and pencil in the immediate vicinity, often stopping to write notes, (or may not stop, and still more creative when I try to decipher my writing! ) Making sketches - tried valiantly to the flood of inspiration from moving.

Now that gas prices have forced me against the reality I was before - the do not want my deepest gratitude, creativity, inner peace and joy to be inextricably tied to petroleum products and global warming, I went and thought - what can I really from the road trips, and how can I create that in my daily life?

I have some basic pieces.

First, I was aware of a relaxed feeling of soft focus. While I was on the road, I'm able to let my mind wander, without notes on a topic to a project, an idea. But neither am I multi-tasking. There is no sense of distraction. I think that the millions of images, while she goes free, so that new and unusual connections. Remember, dreams and invent.

It is a very fluid state of mind. Perhaps the movement itself turns left my brain for a while.

Music is the next piece. I carefully choreograph road trips with playlists on my iPod - switching between music for radical views, and pounding energy music I can sing along to the top of my lungs. With what I know about anchoring - the creation of hints that some new feeling at other times - I use music as my main anchoring technology. I can back the feeling of driving through Monida Pass between Idaho and Montana, just by listening to the flying theme from Out of Africa.

And finally, the sense of being in between things - with a bit of a break from routine, new places to see the sense of adventure, the possibility of meeting new people to play as well.

My question is:

If I want to create a virtual road trip for me, today, what I do?

What would you do?

I have some ideas I will be shares in Part II, while your thoughts.


Scout Wilkins,
Master Results Coach

Dream Weaver Life Coaching

Life is a grand adventure.M
Why not move boldly in the direction of your dreams?

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