Sunday, November 16, 2008

Creativity Myths Exposed - Only A Special Chosen Few Can Be Creative

There are many myths about creativity. These are general beliefs, thrown about by people often enough that others begin to believe it, just because they? Ve know and hear often, not because it? S actually all truth in them.

One of the most powerful, widespread and damaging is the creativity myth that there are only a few special chosen to be creative.

The rest of us just yet, in a state of frustrated envy.

you? Sa myth that? S rife in society, from school upwards.

But it is not easy? T true!

Everyone has creative abilities, each has only its unique range of creative talent that nobody else in the world. It is up to us what we do with them.

Where the myth is so harmful is that it causes us to completely ignore the talents that we have.

Even if we succeed, often abundant and if we believe this myth that only a chosen few that can create dismiss our own creative work.

We say things like:

? Oh yes I do, but it? S is not proper art, I? M just dabbling, I? M brass only really about.

? I can understand some things very well. But you? Again, only a true artist, if you can paint like Michelangelo, dance like Nureyev, write like Shakespeare and sing like Aretha Franklin. All at the same time. ?

? I admit I? Ma productive artist. But I make very little money from him. I have to work one day, I can? T consider myself a true artist.

All this restriction, harmful convictions stem from a bias from what a ? real? or ? real? Artists, and that? s there? s just that very few live up to this ideal, we can consider, really creative. All other is completely discounted.

How much creativity this myth impact your life?

How often have you said things like the above, considered and rejected the wonderful art, because it? or you? don? t meet some impossible ideal of what a true artist is?

It is paralyzing your creativity to think that these kinds of myths.

There are millions of people who show and create every day. It is very likely you? One of them again.

simply surf the Internet for terms like ? Creative blog? or ? Creative Artists? and see, literally, as millions of people? no more or less creative than you? create, in search of their best opportunities.

You can also dismiss these destructive myth and realize your own unique, valuable creative talents.

And, I'd like to invite you to take the next positive step to increase your creativity today by downloading your free copy of the powerful and practical "Explode Your Creativity!" Action Workbook at

From Creativity Coach Dan Goodwin

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