Saturday, November 22, 2008

Maximizing Your Creativity by Defining Left and Right Brain Functions

creativity and your left and right brain functions

Lets talk about how to be more productive by not only the right brain and left brain functions correctly, but also with them in the right order. They are perhaps unaware that how you separate functions in a creative endeavor can be the difference in how easy and pleasant creative experience. The more fun and relaxing experience, the more your mind will gravitate toward inspiration, so that more creative output and a more authentic personal expression.

Lets take a look at a few words to describe the best left and right side of the brain:
Left brain


detail oriented

Fact oriented

Interprets words and language

mathematical and scientific

ordering patterns and perceptions



The left-brain functions are often associated with the right people. The left brain is great with information, organizing and quality control. They want to use the left brain in the planning ideas, find out which tools are best for the job, and guesstimating how much time something might look like. In musical terms, these are some things you want to May the left side of the brain work to do:

templates, which are best for the type of music that you create. These include fx would you most likely use and sounds, you may need to access. Done after that do you think of to slow or stop entirely, if you are in a creative groove.

Make sure all your studio and routing cabling has been completed. This gives you easy access to your hardware and software.

Getting all your samples and loops on easy access

Checking all your recording levels

Creating a creative mood with the right lighting and aroma. Also make sure you do not have any annoying noises that deal with your concentration or recording process.

Right Brain:

Feeling oriented

"big picture" oriented

Interprets sounds, images and symbols

philosophical and spiritual

? "Out-of-the-box" thinking inspiration




deals with the realm of possibility

The Law of the brain affected the creative process, and if this is not to create uninterrupted and without Left brained second guess, you can expect a fantastic creative experience. The right brain must be free flow of ideas, without a verdict.
for 10 minutes and then analyzed for the next 20 minutes is like driving in stop and go traffic. It is counter-productive and frustrating.

The right brain is best at these functions:

brass with loops, samples and sounds uninterrupted

First "Lost" in the music


mixing and panning

real-time or "at the moment "Creativity

Given how each side of the brain functions differently so it is very important to each side for work in the correct order so that one side does not interfere with the other.

Lets take a look at a way of creating music while you use the above information in mind.

Start with the right brain:

This is a dream in which you have an idea. You do not have the idea, a song in mind at all. The point of this process is to prime your mind for creativity, by providing a clear direction.

Spend a few minutes, imagine you want your audience to hear and enjoy your new song. Imagine, or even physically, as your CD cover look like. Perhaps you can imagine your song always Raving reviews in journals.

The point is, even in the mental state of mind that you are not only capable but also very talented and creative in what you do. They do not want you in the creative process of thinking "Well crap, I hope I can at least somewhat Finish". It is much better himself on the phase of "This song is Gonna knock 'em dead".

If you believe that all the people who seem to crank out hit after hit (not that I say, a hit song should be your goal) it has to strike you that these guys are able to keep that creative Tension, because they have witnessed the positive results of their work in the past. You will need to create this in your head. That sounds like a stupid step, but there's a shot, you might be surprised.

Once you've done this, and you get to an excited state, just Let It Go for the day.

Get organized:

This is the part that your left brain loves so let it play. In this step you get organized through the creation of Song Templates. In these templates you want to create

Plenty of audio and MIDI tracks loaded with instruments and sounds, you are most likely to use. You will also want to set up, send some fx with a few good reverb, delay and compression (or whatever is important for you to create your kind of music).

Check all your cable of all hardware, sound cards, external hard drives, MIDI controller, and monitored. Make sure that all microphones set up and ready to go when necessary and amp settings in the selected etc..

Make sure that your recording levels are good and that your environment is the host for the inspiration and creative flow. This could be the special lighting, candles, incense or inspiring images. Make sure you have access to all sample CD "? S, sanding or other resources as well.

Make sure your work area is clean. A rarely inspired chaos.

The crux of the matter in the so - is when you start, you have no obstacles slowing or stopping your process.

Have you ever been so in a book to read that you no longer recognize that you just read the words instead of images that you see? Have you ever been interrupted and find it hard to get back to the "zone" They were just in? That is what we want to do our best to avoid if you are in this musical zone. It is always difficult Himself there at the beginning and even harder when you have a roadblock or technical problem slowing you.

Time to Create:

This is where all this work is really paying off, using your right brain do what it meant was to be done. Just play and experiment. Throw things around, with chaos sounds, have fun with samples, loops and rhythms. Do not worry about trying to build a genius, only to realize that the genius will come when Do you just have fun without a second guess.

best to just record everything you do, because often it's the mistakes that at the end of the most unique sounds of your best and give your music some real personality. Not to much worry about creating a song, just enjoy the sounds and taking note of what strikes your interest. Continue to do this as long as you enjoy it. At the end of this, you should take a few parts inspiring to work with .

Copy, Paste, Delete:

You have let your creative spirit to play and have a few ideas that you want. This is about the time you want to be, let the left brain some ruling calls.

important thing is that you do not too much to any of your noodling around. Just accept that some things are Gonna stay and some things must go. Do not take too much time with this, the more a few seconds to guess the better. your mind processes things much faster than you realize, so just go with your gut feeling. Listen to something and decided quickly, stay or go.

You will quickly find the most inspiring work and get rid of everything, what would end up cluttering your music. Just roll with it and enjoy the process. Make sure that you have caught up to one or 2 sounds or loops. You have your first ideas, then you come to create, once you have You best pieces. Arrange


placement of your ideas and add parts as needed is a balance between left and right brain functions. Do not lose yourself in your head, but do not do too much second guessing ( As you can see, I believe, second guess what is usually a bad thing and intuitive meters).

If you are finding yourself stuck, then do not hesitate to listen to another song, and borrow some ideas of the agreement. You are not try to do everything perfect, but more trying to create the big picture.

At the end of this process, you should know how long your song will have your entire order in that order. You should also see where the gaps are in Your Song, which must be filled.

fill in the gaps:

This will add the parts that are missing, make your request by the creative right brain, left brain but practical. You want your Hall and delays in the elected and compression and creative effects.

You also want your parts EQ'd and strip away unwanted frequencies in the sound to remove mud and keep everything clean. They want self-prepared and organized for the mixing phase.

mixing should be a very right brained function and should perhaps be one of the most beautiful parts of the creative process.

You want to relax in the mood of the song and the levels and panning placed. Do not try to simply things pan, where you usually do (though there are some rules can be observed). It is better to play with a few channels that work well together and you can determine levels and panning until you feel a kind of shift yourself.

You should feel like you are always a bit lost in the music. This is a very good sign. Although sometimes his great start with your drum and bass and work from that format, you can also try the inspiring mix of sound down. May are some interesting results.

start with what you as your magic part and try another tone to them. If you lose the feeling, turn it down and enter a different sound. This ensures that your songs mix of strengths.

You may find that this approach sounds quite different from a normal mixed approach. Find out which is more inspiring for you and go with him.

Hopefully today's ramblings, you have inspired and not leave you feeling like I'm a complete nut! J I'm sure you can expect more of these kind of newsletter from me.

As always, I appreciate any feedback.

'til next time, Happy Music Making


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