Thursday, July 2, 2009

Creativity is Not Just For Artists - Be Creative to Think and Live Better

When we say creativity, which to our mind is almost always art ... Fantasy authors or ... or professional fields such as music, fashion, marketing, graphic design ... and we tend to think that only people who deal with such activities have a real need to be creative.

Sure, we've probably heard that creativity is good per se, and perhaps we would like some special talents in this sense, but most of us think that simply "OK, very nice, but I'm not an artistic Guy /Gal. It is unfortunate, but I've been good so far, and in my work and life after all I can do without it perfect. "

, however, that a limited interpretation of what actually means being creative.

I can certainly agree that creativity is more pleasantly situated in a beautiful painting or a sculpture, in the signature jewelry or clothing, in a delicious original court by the famous chef, in an exciting novel, into a music masterpiece, in a brilliant advertising campaign. ..

Additionally, as I stated in previous articles, "artistic" activities such as drawing with great benefit to us all, regardless of how "gifted" we feel. And practicing this kind of activity is an excellent, if we want to promote our imaginative side.

Although creativity is much more than this. It is all about and improve all aspects of our lives.
Creativity is primarily an attitude of mind, whereas with any situation you may encounter.

It tries to think "out of the box", with the famous "thinking outside the box", ask yourself whether what is happening in a certain way can actually in a different perspective. It means that flexible-minded, young-minded, the renunciation of all mental systems vorkonstituierte and distortions, if necessary.

If you see "unchain" your mind off useless and stiffness you feel that more efficient, more brilliant solutions. Even better, you may identify opportunities where others see only problems, as a stimulating challenge what someone else calls failure. In a broader sense, sometimes means being creative, from the fear itself

The adoption of this attitude is not so easy at first, but gradually you will feel more comfortable and, finally, you are not even able to get back to your previous way of thinking.

Autor: Alessandra Viero Alessandra Viero
Level: Basic PLUS
Alessandra Viero is a marketing and PR specialist, currently working for a dynamic multinational corporation, and she definitely loves her company and her job. Though, ... ...

Alessandra Viero - Alessandra invites you to see how a creative positive approach can improve your life at

Added: July 2, 2009

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Life by Design - Be Provocative, Explore Boundaries, Be More Than Ordinary

everyday has the potential for the inspiration. Be open to possibilities, your opinion, share your creative voice. For me, it begins with the day, good coffee, music and crazy outfits. I experiment with color, texture, tough layers, boots, fat zippers, pockets, rips, and fun. If something does not work I have just cut with scissors and razors are my friends! Those who know me, have a few Do's and Dont's! I am very much a gypsy-rocker's Edge, and always with a black twist. Biker boots are a favorite!

discover borders. How to everyday life, do something that you fear. For me yesterday was my urge to 6 miles today and make this presentation for Pecha Kucha Worcester. The challenge itself is inspiring! A little crazy, but believe me it works ... something outside your comfort zone, it will be you, the spirit to ask for new levels of creative, open new doors and welcome experience. So just say yes and the rest will follow.

Remove from the normal, waking up in the middle of the forest, on rooftops or in any other culture. Inspirational travel is spice. Taste of local flavor, see the colors, textures, smells, people and culture to all of your senses and creates the perfect recipe for inspiration.

Vama Veche, Romania is one of my favorite spots. Here time stands still, it's you, the Black Sea, a mix of world travelers and adventurers weekend lounging on order all hours day and night ... There is something in the air, a mood, the words can not describe, you have experience.

Live your dreams. Find your soul mate Inspirational and click on the path ... In February, a friend and I were on vacation, we have talked about for ten years ... spend four days and four nights in Puerto Rico. We walked the beaches, tropical rain forests, the streets of Old San Juan, the A5, met the locals and had the best moffaldo always! All this with our cameras in hand. We feed all the others who crave details and have the same creative juices. At the end of the day we would enjoy the pictures and compare, you laughed at the similarities and felt betrayed by the differences.

My best photography is on its way, whether it is miles away or just stop and keep my camera out the window. One of my favorites is to sign up for a drive with my music, camera, mocha and no goal.

dance the rhythm of life. Music inspires me to the moon! Ich habe eine Playlist für jede Stimmung, Antrieb, Ort etc. Mein iPod ist einer meiner besten Freunde. I can say my life with a list of a lot better than playing with words. , A dance floor in the picture, and I'm lost in a trance. I encourage you to make your music and just dance ...

passion is a key word, and I'm a Junky. As much as I like to inspire me even from other inspiration. The creative spirit must be constantly stimulation. As CEO of Creative Group, I have to inspire. One day, instead of working we have a day trip to MassMoca. New themes, landscapes and stimulation ... a great place for adults to play against the mundane everyday, ideas, dreams and inspiration. I recommend a creative day for you all!

Every creative mind needs a break, a button "Update", a time when you can switch off and say, talk to me later, not now. I find that when I exercise, this is a time when the time is everything. I ask the buzz and physical exhaustion! If I do that endorphins are kicking, and there is a new perspective on existing and new information. Good opportunity to get out of a creative funk. I recommend, you will find that for you.

Passion /Chemistry /Talent. If you do /something from your soul, it will be easy, it's magic. I was recently in New York City at a beauty-business show and watched a team of Italian barbers working the stage. I was, there was immediate chemistry, I have up to 300 pictures! I am exhausted by inspiration. I ended up driving in the Berkshires Search Franklin, MA is still very high on the Italian Buzz ...

Autor: Andreea Waters Andreea Waters
Level: Basic
Born in Bucharest, Romania, now living in New England. Work / Psychology major with an art and photography interest. My professional background involves the printing ... ...

Surrounded...My family, friends and work are my constant feed. With them I dream, experience, taste and dance to the rhythms of life.

Life by Design Be provocative, Explore Boundaries, Be more than ordinary...

Andreea Waters presented for Pecha Kucha Night Worcester, July 14, 2009.

Added: June 25, 2009

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Be Different, Do Different

definition of insanity: the same thing over and over again with a different result.

Would you like something and you just have not been able to do it? Here's the thing: If we want to experience something different, or to create something new, we have from our regular routine. We need to turn our minds to different perspectives. We need to mix things. This is especially true if we want to stir our creativity and our authentic voice. We must be different, and not otherwise.

Here are some ideas:

Please try a new workshop
overlooking art

Get out of your regular routine and mindset to your creative spirit of the times to mature. Begins the options. Proactively. Go online and research, or say, a good friend about your plans and listen to their ideas. Imagine, if you perhaps know what you're looking for and themselves in this situation. Start to give, that others that you want to create for you. Be open to all possibilities.

The physicist Fritjof Capra put it this way: "During a period of relaxation after concentrated intellectual activity, the intuitive mind seems to take over and can the sudden clarifying insights, so much joy and pleasure."

joy and pleasure are the qualities of the creative spirit. This is when the child comes in and plays. Freeing that part of us, our creativity. The more we are ready, open to new experiences and try new things, we have the juice in our creativity machine.

Unfortunately, for some of us, hold us, before we even begin. We have so many messages in our lives "not so stupid and silly." It is important to view the messages, and the fear they create and the illusions they are. Those ideas were expressed to us from our own borders, which to them as well. The good news is, you can specify a different choice.

adopt a beginner's mind. To achieve this, we must let go of what other people think. I am not saying, no matter what your boss wants or what your customer wants, or what your spouse or children want. I think to be able to own outside of the egoic concerns and do not worry about looking silly. No big ideas have always thought that if there is a great concern about what anyone else thought.

Here is what Paul McCartney had to say: "I thought that everyone has something strange was strange. I suddenly that somebody was not funny strange, and that the people saying they were weird, the weird."

And T.S. Elliot: "Only someone who is willing to go too far will ever find out how far one can go."

Every time I have prepared to do something that others can see how a little crazy, I was free. And so can you. You will free yourself to experience the life and totally new possibilities in an area you desire.

So, go and try something new. Be different and not different. This is the way to your creativity and your machine authentic voice. Enter the gift of childlike. If things are not as you hope, who cares? Easy to laugh and smile. It does not matter. Just learn to cut loose and try something else!

Autor: Andrea Beaulieu

Andrea Beaulieu is a professional speaker, author and coach, assisting individuals to become the people they always wanted to be -- themselves. She helps them engage their true potential to live, work, and lead in ways that are authentically theirs. She is the author of Ah Ha! 100 Flashes of Insight and Inspiration from Your Authentic Voice and Finding Your Authentic Voice: Seven Practices to Free the Real You and Experience Love, Happiness and Fulfillment, about her Your Authentic Voice System.

Added: June 24, 2009

Monday, June 15, 2009

Creativity - The Wave That Will Take You Higher

Some myths are to keep you down, others to destroy everything you own. Some fantasies are that you are small, others to reduce nothing.

myths There are many to choose from. If you want to give you your future, go and choose a fantasy. On the other hand, if you believe that there is a better choice, look around and find your own voice.

Here are some of the nonsense, most of us have been fed:

* The only creative people are the ones who are artistic things such as singing, playing guitar, drawing, or the line of films.
* Jobs in industry and trade, primarily from the boring routine, must be in a narrow manner to certain results.
* In any organization, only top positions require a degree of creativity. All other employees will be to shut up and follow orders, that is, if they work.

These statements represent the worst kind of propaganda, and you should not believe a word from him.

I will tell you things as they really are, and then I will ask to be myths about creativity. In case nobody told you, this is the truth:

1 .- ON your creativity. You are an intelligent, creative people. It is your own business to decide how to exercise your creativity. Nobody has the right to determine which fields you are creative and what not. You are the only person who is entitled to choose which objectives you want to pursue and how.

2 .- ON YOUR uniqueness. Your life and your personal circumstances are unique. There is nobody else like you in the world, and it will never be another person like you. Their perceptions and experiences are not internalized by another man. The combination of knowledge in the head is unique to one person. Your creativity is the factor that allows you to reconfigure, and that knowledge is something new.

3 .- ABOUT HER limited time. The years of life at the end of the day, hopefully in a distant future. No one knows how much time he has, but all of us are aware of our mortality. This should not be interpreted negatively. On the contrary, this should be seen as an encouragement to use every hour creative.

Today, right now, is the best moment to ideas about creativity. It is the ideal time to get back for ourselves, in our chosen field of activity, the right to exercise our mind to the highest.

It is not a minute in the admiration of another glimpse of his own avocation. Make your own decisions and throw away what does not work. Creativity is in all our daily actions. If we choose, and if we move, we will be the living proof.

Autor: John Vespasian John Vespasian
Level: Platinum
John Vespasian has lived in New York, Madrid, Paris, and Munich. His stories reflect the values of entrepreneurship, tolerance, and self-reliance....

JOHN VESPASIAN writes about rational living. He has resided in New York, Madrid, Paris, and Munich. His stories reflect the values of entrepreneurship, tolerance, and self-reliance. See John Vespasian's blog about rational living.

Added: June 16, 2009

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Learn How Your Daydreams May Be Hurting Your Artistic Success

After the popular online encyclopedia, Wikipedia, daydreams are the visionary fantasies Happy thoughts, hopes and goals enjoy while awake. Remember how creative visualization without the relaxation part.

double-edged sword of Daydreams

daydreaming can be a constructive activity, particularly if they are to develop new ideas and inspire new art. Indeed, many artists and scientists have stumbled on creative ideas and practical solutions through daydreams like Richard Branson, Peter Jones, Albert Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci, Beethoven and Walt Disney. Research has shown that all of them in daydreams about her success.

However, daydreaming can hurt your dreams of artistic success, perhaps because you focus too much on the ifs, what if even, someday, somehow, somewhere, and someone, instead of thinking of ways to include them in the What, When, Where, Why, out, and of setting and achieving goals.

Yes, you can dream, like the successful people already mentioned, but make sure your abstract daydreams into concrete action plans and goals. In other words, build foundations under your imagination!

conversion into fantasies objectives

Fortunately, there are measures to assess progress from fantasy to reality in artistic achievement, and success in whatever area in your life, for that matter.

First, write down all your hopes and dreams, regardless of their impossibility. Then start to your list Whittle on the hopes and dreams that you want to achieve before you die, is the nature of your group, although the name of your core business dreams. Just make sure that your core business dreams are achievable in a given period examined, with your current skills and future potential.

Second, your dreams into concrete core objectives. Basically, your goals are the concrete steps that your dreams of changing the personality characteristics (ie, more and more patients with the work) to expand professional contacts (ie, participation in exhibitions and forums). Just make sure that your goals are time-and plan-specific, because you need to make them later.

Third, work on your goals one step at a time. For example, if your dream is to produce a solo exhibition of the work, you can goals such as the production of an image per week, at the galleries of your choice within one month, and the invitations to friends, one week after the information already were completed.

As already mentioned, it is important to their artistic success, even if it is against the idea that art exists for art's sake. Remember that art is a valuable commodity market, and, as such measurements. You can measure your success in the achievement of objectives kee ping a magazine.

And so you think you can not reach your dreams of world domination art, then you should know that Grandma Moses, probably the most renowned American folk artist who began her career in the arts, if they have a less - as a strapping lass in their seventies!

Truly, all people have the power to make their dreams come true. You might have to work for them, but you have power in their hands, but still. So, start the discharge, and then transforming the abstract of your dreams into concrete reality.

Autor: Cynthia A. Goranson

Cynthia Goranson has been interested in the art world for many years. She has joined forces with Randy Patton an Anime Artist to bring you some unique new Anime inspired Art as well as a fascinating look into what really goes on in the art world.

Take a look-

Added: June 12, 2009

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Six Easy Ways to Turn Ideas Into Reality

Have the courage to dream?

Always a good idea-an idea so big and large, that for one second, it is the universe full of feeling way? Maybe it's an idea for a business you can start, or a dream for a year traveling around the world, or a vision that will take you to an artist or writer. For just a moment, all limits and rules fall away and it feels as if something can happen.

What do you really want?

I can not tell you how often I have a question, someone like this: "What do you really want?" or "If money does not matter, how would you spend your time?" And I can not tell you how many this time, as follows, in a spontaneous moment of clarity is an unguarded answer, so brilliant, so naturally, and makes so much sense.

Critical voices invasion?

And just as quickly as the idea appears in your head, BAM! The dreaded voice of reason rears its ugly head. It starts to tell you why this will not work. Perhaps there is a long list of reasons why the economy is bad, or you're not talented enough. Perhaps the critical voice that lives in your head is well versed in statistics (mine)-it all starts to recite the names of people you know who have tried and failed. Perhaps the critical voice can not think of who has even tried, so it tells you that is proof of why it can not function.

some reason does not make sense

We have learned to believe that the voice of reason is the goal. We trust. We believe it is reasonable. So we quiet our big dreams, and it scurries away into the recesses of our minds, never to hear again, unless in quiet moments, in the empty space (which is sometimes why we do not rest, empty space, but that's another blog posting for a day).

What if you dream ...

If we do not allow us the opportunity to linger in the possibility, we miss out what could happen. Most of the time, there are ways to make them happen. Most of the time if people stay in this empty space long enough to explore the idea, they see that it means and helpful people around them, the fear just blindly implement. Once this happens, the idea begins to seem more possible. In fact, things begin aligning snaps. A plan can be created. The idea no longer seems so impossible.

What can we do?

  • 1 . Eighth Sometimes, when we look at something, it starts to dissolve immediately. If you are a rational voice in there to throw cold water on the big ideas, just remember it and think, without a verdict, "ok, that's what happens. I'm scared and I'm after shutdown."
  • 2nd Take notes Keep a notebook everywhere you go. Write something that inspires you ideas, images, objects. Check the list if you feel safe, secure and happy.
  • 3rd Music Listen to music, encourages you, as the time daydreaming about what you most. One of my clients always hear the theme song to Rocky psyching when he fought for something.
  • 4th Give yourself permission a sense of security for you. For example, you say, "I do not have to act on each of those. I'm only allowed to explore. I will find out the how later." Sometimes it will allow you to enough pressure on you long enough to these ideas.
  • 5 # # $% Scared! Only you can decide that fear and discover your ideas anyway. Who says they can not survive complaints?
  • 6 Challenge, the fear . Talk back. If you notice it, is rebellious. Think to yourself: "I do not care. I can think about what I want."

Think about what the worst thing could happen? You can fail. So what? People are not all the time. For me it is better to keep the neck and the risk to fail than it is to stay healthy, bored, and not questioned. In the far more beautiful words of Anais Nin:

"Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states we have to move through. Where people do not is that they are to elect a government and remain. This is a kind of death. "

Autor: Heather Jassy Heather Jassy
Level: Platinum
Heather Jassy, MA, CCC, is a personal coach, licensed counselor, and founder of Empty Space Coaching. She coaches brilliant, inspiring clients throughout the world by ... ...

Heather Jassy, MA, CCC, is a personal coach, licensed counselor, and founder of Empty Space Coaching. She coaches brilliant, inspiring clients throughout the world by phone. You can learn more about her services at

Want to relax? Try my 7-minute, free meditation session:

Added: June 5, 2009

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Special Plates

Notice how each particle moves.
Remember, everyone has just started here from a trip
Notice how everyone wants a different food.
Notice how the stars are disappearing as the sun comes,
And like all streams stream to the ocean.

Look at the kitchen with special plates
For all, depending on what they need.
Look at this cup of the sea.
views of those who face.
look through friends' eyes to water
, the total jewels.

Rumi is an expression of consciousness. Rumi understands that life is diverse, there is a multitude of realities and experiences. There are metaphors throughout to point out that my diversity. I mentally make a note of, but they ignore it. It is fascinating to see me on a single standard of life, the straight-line standard that has a beginning and an end, all other life is blurred.

For me, the distance is short, the road is bumpy and joy is limited. In fact everything seems to be limited, there is simply not enough material to bypass, or that is what I believe. I've learned that I once on this kind of existence and it must be correct for my brand and what I was born to be, but I forget what I was born to be and another person in order to remember for me. I lost in the woods of the ruling and my only objective is to survive, and I make it as difficult as I can on me.

Rumi talks about the diversity in his work special plates. Every particle or awareness has its own plate, their own food, and moves to a different vibration. Physikalische a common awareness of the diversity panel to expand. Water, stars and all planets vibrates and moves with me, but they express that move in very different ways.

Everything depends on From my perception, my faith, then they become real to me. My five senses judge what is right or wrong, in default of the backyard, I call physical life. Everything else I reject and throw in the basement of the mental illusions, but in this basement particles continue to move and flow. Consciousness is always in action, independent of my consciousness for them.

The basement door opens. I'm open. Now is the time. Aware that the particles were swirling around waiting for me to open that in my door, and I am the consciousness expanded. The chef of consciousness that prepares food for all life lives through me and adding desert on my table. I am my extended presence sensors in the ant, in a rose bush and a palm tree with nectar. I swim in a melting pot of consciousness and hear the sounds of beauty, through the bladder.

The face of a star on my face when I dream of bouncing on the moon as well as the sun rises. The stream of consciousness in me is an ocean. It is another world full of ideas. There is a special plate and a cup of water filled with friends and the jewels of eternity. The special feature is a record for all.

Autor: Hal Manogue Hal Manogue
Level: Platinum
Hal has been in the Shoe Business for over 35 years. He began writing in 1996, and published his first book of poetry in 2003. ... ...

Howard (Hal) Thomas Manogue, was born in Philadelphia, and is a forerunner to the Indigo children, a now age term for misfit with an intuitive nature, a desire to know his truth with a gift of giving and sharing. Hal retired from the shoe industry after 35 years of sole searching, and discovered his real soul. He enjoys art, music, philosophy, psychology, nature and people.

His poems have been published by: Mystic Pop Magazine, Children Of The New Earth Magazine, New Age Tribune, Seasons Of The Soul Newsletters, Lightship News and Writers In The Sky Newsletters. His essays can be found on Hal"s Blog and Website:
He lives in Franklin Tennessee.

Hal"s new book Short Sleeves Insights: Live A Ordinary Life In An Non-Ordinary Way will be in print in April. Visit any bookstore or Hal"s website to get a copy. Hal"s third Collection Of poetry: Short Sleeves A Book For Friends will also be in print in April.

Added: June 4, 2009
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