Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Be Different, Do Different

definition of insanity: the same thing over and over again with a different result.

Would you like something and you just have not been able to do it? Here's the thing: If we want to experience something different, or to create something new, we have from our regular routine. We need to turn our minds to different perspectives. We need to mix things. This is especially true if we want to stir our creativity and our authentic voice. We must be different, and not otherwise.

Here are some ideas:

Please try a new workshop
overlooking art

Get out of your regular routine and mindset to your creative spirit of the times to mature. Begins the options. Proactively. Go online and research, or say, a good friend about your plans and listen to their ideas. Imagine, if you perhaps know what you're looking for and themselves in this situation. Start to give, that others that you want to create for you. Be open to all possibilities.

The physicist Fritjof Capra put it this way: "During a period of relaxation after concentrated intellectual activity, the intuitive mind seems to take over and can the sudden clarifying insights, so much joy and pleasure."

joy and pleasure are the qualities of the creative spirit. This is when the child comes in and plays. Freeing that part of us, our creativity. The more we are ready, open to new experiences and try new things, we have the juice in our creativity machine.

Unfortunately, for some of us, hold us, before we even begin. We have so many messages in our lives "not so stupid and silly." It is important to view the messages, and the fear they create and the illusions they are. Those ideas were expressed to us from our own borders, which to them as well. The good news is, you can specify a different choice.

adopt a beginner's mind. To achieve this, we must let go of what other people think. I am not saying, no matter what your boss wants or what your customer wants, or what your spouse or children want. I think to be able to own outside of the egoic concerns and do not worry about looking silly. No big ideas have always thought that if there is a great concern about what anyone else thought.

Here is what Paul McCartney had to say: "I thought that everyone has something strange was strange. I suddenly that somebody was not funny strange, and that the people saying they were weird, the weird."

And T.S. Elliot: "Only someone who is willing to go too far will ever find out how far one can go."

Every time I have prepared to do something that others can see how a little crazy, I was free. And so can you. You will free yourself to experience the life and totally new possibilities in an area you desire.

So, go and try something new. Be different and not different. This is the way to your creativity and your machine authentic voice. Enter the gift of childlike. If things are not as you hope, who cares? Easy to laugh and smile. It does not matter. Just learn to cut loose and try something else!

Autor: Andrea Beaulieu

Andrea Beaulieu is a professional speaker, author and coach, assisting individuals to become the people they always wanted to be -- themselves. She helps them engage their true potential to live, work, and lead in ways that are authentically theirs. She is the author of Ah Ha! 100 Flashes of Insight and Inspiration from Your Authentic Voice and Finding Your Authentic Voice: Seven Practices to Free the Real You and Experience Love, Happiness and Fulfillment, about her Your Authentic Voice System.

Added: June 24, 2009


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