Thursday, June 25, 2009

Life by Design - Be Provocative, Explore Boundaries, Be More Than Ordinary

everyday has the potential for the inspiration. Be open to possibilities, your opinion, share your creative voice. For me, it begins with the day, good coffee, music and crazy outfits. I experiment with color, texture, tough layers, boots, fat zippers, pockets, rips, and fun. If something does not work I have just cut with scissors and razors are my friends! Those who know me, have a few Do's and Dont's! I am very much a gypsy-rocker's Edge, and always with a black twist. Biker boots are a favorite!

discover borders. How to everyday life, do something that you fear. For me yesterday was my urge to 6 miles today and make this presentation for Pecha Kucha Worcester. The challenge itself is inspiring! A little crazy, but believe me it works ... something outside your comfort zone, it will be you, the spirit to ask for new levels of creative, open new doors and welcome experience. So just say yes and the rest will follow.

Remove from the normal, waking up in the middle of the forest, on rooftops or in any other culture. Inspirational travel is spice. Taste of local flavor, see the colors, textures, smells, people and culture to all of your senses and creates the perfect recipe for inspiration.

Vama Veche, Romania is one of my favorite spots. Here time stands still, it's you, the Black Sea, a mix of world travelers and adventurers weekend lounging on order all hours day and night ... There is something in the air, a mood, the words can not describe, you have experience.

Live your dreams. Find your soul mate Inspirational and click on the path ... In February, a friend and I were on vacation, we have talked about for ten years ... spend four days and four nights in Puerto Rico. We walked the beaches, tropical rain forests, the streets of Old San Juan, the A5, met the locals and had the best moffaldo always! All this with our cameras in hand. We feed all the others who crave details and have the same creative juices. At the end of the day we would enjoy the pictures and compare, you laughed at the similarities and felt betrayed by the differences.

My best photography is on its way, whether it is miles away or just stop and keep my camera out the window. One of my favorites is to sign up for a drive with my music, camera, mocha and no goal.

dance the rhythm of life. Music inspires me to the moon! Ich habe eine Playlist für jede Stimmung, Antrieb, Ort etc. Mein iPod ist einer meiner besten Freunde. I can say my life with a list of a lot better than playing with words. , A dance floor in the picture, and I'm lost in a trance. I encourage you to make your music and just dance ...

passion is a key word, and I'm a Junky. As much as I like to inspire me even from other inspiration. The creative spirit must be constantly stimulation. As CEO of Creative Group, I have to inspire. One day, instead of working we have a day trip to MassMoca. New themes, landscapes and stimulation ... a great place for adults to play against the mundane everyday, ideas, dreams and inspiration. I recommend a creative day for you all!

Every creative mind needs a break, a button "Update", a time when you can switch off and say, talk to me later, not now. I find that when I exercise, this is a time when the time is everything. I ask the buzz and physical exhaustion! If I do that endorphins are kicking, and there is a new perspective on existing and new information. Good opportunity to get out of a creative funk. I recommend, you will find that for you.

Passion /Chemistry /Talent. If you do /something from your soul, it will be easy, it's magic. I was recently in New York City at a beauty-business show and watched a team of Italian barbers working the stage. I was, there was immediate chemistry, I have up to 300 pictures! I am exhausted by inspiration. I ended up driving in the Berkshires Search Franklin, MA is still very high on the Italian Buzz ...

Autor: Andreea Waters Andreea Waters
Level: Basic
Born in Bucharest, Romania, now living in New England. Work / Psychology major with an art and photography interest. My professional background involves the printing ... ...

Surrounded...My family, friends and work are my constant feed. With them I dream, experience, taste and dance to the rhythms of life.

Life by Design Be provocative, Explore Boundaries, Be more than ordinary...

Andreea Waters presented for Pecha Kucha Night Worcester, July 14, 2009.

Added: June 25, 2009


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