Thursday, June 4, 2009

Six Easy Ways to Turn Ideas Into Reality

Have the courage to dream?

Always a good idea-an idea so big and large, that for one second, it is the universe full of feeling way? Maybe it's an idea for a business you can start, or a dream for a year traveling around the world, or a vision that will take you to an artist or writer. For just a moment, all limits and rules fall away and it feels as if something can happen.

What do you really want?

I can not tell you how often I have a question, someone like this: "What do you really want?" or "If money does not matter, how would you spend your time?" And I can not tell you how many this time, as follows, in a spontaneous moment of clarity is an unguarded answer, so brilliant, so naturally, and makes so much sense.

Critical voices invasion?

And just as quickly as the idea appears in your head, BAM! The dreaded voice of reason rears its ugly head. It starts to tell you why this will not work. Perhaps there is a long list of reasons why the economy is bad, or you're not talented enough. Perhaps the critical voice that lives in your head is well versed in statistics (mine)-it all starts to recite the names of people you know who have tried and failed. Perhaps the critical voice can not think of who has even tried, so it tells you that is proof of why it can not function.

some reason does not make sense

We have learned to believe that the voice of reason is the goal. We trust. We believe it is reasonable. So we quiet our big dreams, and it scurries away into the recesses of our minds, never to hear again, unless in quiet moments, in the empty space (which is sometimes why we do not rest, empty space, but that's another blog posting for a day).

What if you dream ...

If we do not allow us the opportunity to linger in the possibility, we miss out what could happen. Most of the time, there are ways to make them happen. Most of the time if people stay in this empty space long enough to explore the idea, they see that it means and helpful people around them, the fear just blindly implement. Once this happens, the idea begins to seem more possible. In fact, things begin aligning snaps. A plan can be created. The idea no longer seems so impossible.

What can we do?

  • 1 . Eighth Sometimes, when we look at something, it starts to dissolve immediately. If you are a rational voice in there to throw cold water on the big ideas, just remember it and think, without a verdict, "ok, that's what happens. I'm scared and I'm after shutdown."
  • 2nd Take notes Keep a notebook everywhere you go. Write something that inspires you ideas, images, objects. Check the list if you feel safe, secure and happy.
  • 3rd Music Listen to music, encourages you, as the time daydreaming about what you most. One of my clients always hear the theme song to Rocky psyching when he fought for something.
  • 4th Give yourself permission a sense of security for you. For example, you say, "I do not have to act on each of those. I'm only allowed to explore. I will find out the how later." Sometimes it will allow you to enough pressure on you long enough to these ideas.
  • 5 # # $% Scared! Only you can decide that fear and discover your ideas anyway. Who says they can not survive complaints?
  • 6 Challenge, the fear . Talk back. If you notice it, is rebellious. Think to yourself: "I do not care. I can think about what I want."

Think about what the worst thing could happen? You can fail. So what? People are not all the time. For me it is better to keep the neck and the risk to fail than it is to stay healthy, bored, and not questioned. In the far more beautiful words of Anais Nin:

"Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states we have to move through. Where people do not is that they are to elect a government and remain. This is a kind of death. "

Autor: Heather Jassy Heather Jassy
Level: Platinum
Heather Jassy, MA, CCC, is a personal coach, licensed counselor, and founder of Empty Space Coaching. She coaches brilliant, inspiring clients throughout the world by ... ...

Heather Jassy, MA, CCC, is a personal coach, licensed counselor, and founder of Empty Space Coaching. She coaches brilliant, inspiring clients throughout the world by phone. You can learn more about her services at

Want to relax? Try my 7-minute, free meditation session:

Added: June 5, 2009


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