Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Special Plates

Notice how each particle moves.
Remember, everyone has just started here from a trip
Notice how everyone wants a different food.
Notice how the stars are disappearing as the sun comes,
And like all streams stream to the ocean.

Look at the kitchen with special plates
For all, depending on what they need.
Look at this cup of the sea.
views of those who face.
look through friends' eyes to water
, the total jewels.

Rumi is an expression of consciousness. Rumi understands that life is diverse, there is a multitude of realities and experiences. There are metaphors throughout to point out that my diversity. I mentally make a note of, but they ignore it. It is fascinating to see me on a single standard of life, the straight-line standard that has a beginning and an end, all other life is blurred.

For me, the distance is short, the road is bumpy and joy is limited. In fact everything seems to be limited, there is simply not enough material to bypass, or that is what I believe. I've learned that I once on this kind of existence and it must be correct for my brand and what I was born to be, but I forget what I was born to be and another person in order to remember for me. I lost in the woods of the ruling and my only objective is to survive, and I make it as difficult as I can on me.

Rumi talks about the diversity in his work special plates. Every particle or awareness has its own plate, their own food, and moves to a different vibration. Physikalische a common awareness of the diversity panel to expand. Water, stars and all planets vibrates and moves with me, but they express that move in very different ways.

Everything depends on From my perception, my faith, then they become real to me. My five senses judge what is right or wrong, in default of the backyard, I call physical life. Everything else I reject and throw in the basement of the mental illusions, but in this basement particles continue to move and flow. Consciousness is always in action, independent of my consciousness for them.

The basement door opens. I'm open. Now is the time. Aware that the particles were swirling around waiting for me to open that in my door, and I am the consciousness expanded. The chef of consciousness that prepares food for all life lives through me and adding desert on my table. I am my extended presence sensors in the ant, in a rose bush and a palm tree with nectar. I swim in a melting pot of consciousness and hear the sounds of beauty, through the bladder.

The face of a star on my face when I dream of bouncing on the moon as well as the sun rises. The stream of consciousness in me is an ocean. It is another world full of ideas. There is a special plate and a cup of water filled with friends and the jewels of eternity. The special feature is a record for all.

Autor: Hal Manogue Hal Manogue
Level: Platinum
Hal has been in the Shoe Business for over 35 years. He began writing in 1996, and published his first book of poetry in 2003. ... ...

Howard (Hal) Thomas Manogue, was born in Philadelphia, and is a forerunner to the Indigo children, a now age term for misfit with an intuitive nature, a desire to know his truth with a gift of giving and sharing. Hal retired from the shoe industry after 35 years of sole searching, and discovered his real soul. He enjoys art, music, philosophy, psychology, nature and people.

His poems have been published by: Mystic Pop Magazine, Children Of The New Earth Magazine, New Age Tribune, Seasons Of The Soul Newsletters, Lightship News and Writers In The Sky Newsletters. His essays can be found on Hal"s Blog and Website:
He lives in Franklin Tennessee.

Hal"s new book Short Sleeves Insights: Live A Ordinary Life In An Non-Ordinary Way will be in print in April. Visit any bookstore or Hal"s website to get a copy. Hal"s third Collection Of poetry: Short Sleeves A Book For Friends will also be in print in April.

Added: June 4, 2009


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