Monday, June 15, 2009

Creativity - The Wave That Will Take You Higher

Some myths are to keep you down, others to destroy everything you own. Some fantasies are that you are small, others to reduce nothing.

myths There are many to choose from. If you want to give you your future, go and choose a fantasy. On the other hand, if you believe that there is a better choice, look around and find your own voice.

Here are some of the nonsense, most of us have been fed:

* The only creative people are the ones who are artistic things such as singing, playing guitar, drawing, or the line of films.
* Jobs in industry and trade, primarily from the boring routine, must be in a narrow manner to certain results.
* In any organization, only top positions require a degree of creativity. All other employees will be to shut up and follow orders, that is, if they work.

These statements represent the worst kind of propaganda, and you should not believe a word from him.

I will tell you things as they really are, and then I will ask to be myths about creativity. In case nobody told you, this is the truth:

1 .- ON your creativity. You are an intelligent, creative people. It is your own business to decide how to exercise your creativity. Nobody has the right to determine which fields you are creative and what not. You are the only person who is entitled to choose which objectives you want to pursue and how.

2 .- ON YOUR uniqueness. Your life and your personal circumstances are unique. There is nobody else like you in the world, and it will never be another person like you. Their perceptions and experiences are not internalized by another man. The combination of knowledge in the head is unique to one person. Your creativity is the factor that allows you to reconfigure, and that knowledge is something new.

3 .- ABOUT HER limited time. The years of life at the end of the day, hopefully in a distant future. No one knows how much time he has, but all of us are aware of our mortality. This should not be interpreted negatively. On the contrary, this should be seen as an encouragement to use every hour creative.

Today, right now, is the best moment to ideas about creativity. It is the ideal time to get back for ourselves, in our chosen field of activity, the right to exercise our mind to the highest.

It is not a minute in the admiration of another glimpse of his own avocation. Make your own decisions and throw away what does not work. Creativity is in all our daily actions. If we choose, and if we move, we will be the living proof.

Autor: John Vespasian John Vespasian
Level: Platinum
John Vespasian has lived in New York, Madrid, Paris, and Munich. His stories reflect the values of entrepreneurship, tolerance, and self-reliance....

JOHN VESPASIAN writes about rational living. He has resided in New York, Madrid, Paris, and Munich. His stories reflect the values of entrepreneurship, tolerance, and self-reliance. See John Vespasian's blog about rational living.

Added: June 16, 2009


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