Thursday, June 11, 2009

Learn How Your Daydreams May Be Hurting Your Artistic Success

After the popular online encyclopedia, Wikipedia, daydreams are the visionary fantasies Happy thoughts, hopes and goals enjoy while awake. Remember how creative visualization without the relaxation part.

double-edged sword of Daydreams

daydreaming can be a constructive activity, particularly if they are to develop new ideas and inspire new art. Indeed, many artists and scientists have stumbled on creative ideas and practical solutions through daydreams like Richard Branson, Peter Jones, Albert Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci, Beethoven and Walt Disney. Research has shown that all of them in daydreams about her success.

However, daydreaming can hurt your dreams of artistic success, perhaps because you focus too much on the ifs, what if even, someday, somehow, somewhere, and someone, instead of thinking of ways to include them in the What, When, Where, Why, out, and of setting and achieving goals.

Yes, you can dream, like the successful people already mentioned, but make sure your abstract daydreams into concrete action plans and goals. In other words, build foundations under your imagination!

conversion into fantasies objectives

Fortunately, there are measures to assess progress from fantasy to reality in artistic achievement, and success in whatever area in your life, for that matter.

First, write down all your hopes and dreams, regardless of their impossibility. Then start to your list Whittle on the hopes and dreams that you want to achieve before you die, is the nature of your group, although the name of your core business dreams. Just make sure that your core business dreams are achievable in a given period examined, with your current skills and future potential.

Second, your dreams into concrete core objectives. Basically, your goals are the concrete steps that your dreams of changing the personality characteristics (ie, more and more patients with the work) to expand professional contacts (ie, participation in exhibitions and forums). Just make sure that your goals are time-and plan-specific, because you need to make them later.

Third, work on your goals one step at a time. For example, if your dream is to produce a solo exhibition of the work, you can goals such as the production of an image per week, at the galleries of your choice within one month, and the invitations to friends, one week after the information already were completed.

As already mentioned, it is important to their artistic success, even if it is against the idea that art exists for art's sake. Remember that art is a valuable commodity market, and, as such measurements. You can measure your success in the achievement of objectives kee ping a magazine.

And so you think you can not reach your dreams of world domination art, then you should know that Grandma Moses, probably the most renowned American folk artist who began her career in the arts, if they have a less - as a strapping lass in their seventies!

Truly, all people have the power to make their dreams come true. You might have to work for them, but you have power in their hands, but still. So, start the discharge, and then transforming the abstract of your dreams into concrete reality.

Autor: Cynthia A. Goranson

Cynthia Goranson has been interested in the art world for many years. She has joined forces with Randy Patton an Anime Artist to bring you some unique new Anime inspired Art as well as a fascinating look into what really goes on in the art world.

Take a look-

Added: June 12, 2009


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