Sunday, April 26, 2009

Achieve Success Beyond the Team - You Can Do it!

Today, it is not good enough, "only a part of the team."

You can use as part of a productive and smooth operation department of the company. The sale of the production of your team in May consistently outdistance the other operators in your franchise group. The profitability of your business, your team can be positioned as a model for the rest of the company.

pretty impressive, would not you agree?

There is only a problem if you want. Not to be selfish, or as someone who "Tooting your own horn," was the recognition of persons who were involved? You do not even earn?

team is important, but the team is not everything. The person or persons, the head of a project or perform an important facet of the group, the success should not and must not be overshadowed by the team. Perhaps their leadership, their organizational and their creative skills were the decisive factors that determine the difference in the project's success or failure.

We, as managers and team leaders, are programmed to believe that the team is everything. We were a brainwashed to believe that we as individuals are not capable of achievement. I have often heard my superiors to use the words: "There is no I-Team." You can also use it in this way, "There is no team, without the I's."

The world needs the original, a genuine and creative people.

If you want the recognition, appreciation and encouragement, you have to step forward and step into the pack. Claim what rightly belongs to you.

success on the team.

Autor: Bill Baumgartner Bill Baumgartner
Level: Basic PLUS
Bill Baumgartner is President of Gather Greatness, an internet-based company, dedicated to providing career direction and encouragement to its online members. Started in October of ... ...

Bill Baumgartner is President of Gather Greatness, an internet-based company, dedicated to providing career direction and encouragement to its online members. Started in October of 2007, Gather Greatness has grown from a handful of entrepreneurs, to a sizeable group of successful as well as aspiring business men and women. Bill is also a general manager for The Great Steak & Potato Company, headquartered in Scottsdale, Arizona. He has previously served this company in the capacity of Franchise Supervisor, Training Director, and Regional Director of Operations Bill attended LaSalle High School in Cincinnati Ohio and is a graduate of Xavier University with a Degree from The Arts and Science Department, Majoring in Psychology.

Currently based in Hamilton Ohio, Bill lives with his wife Janice and three of their granddaughters, Alexis, Haley and Desrial.

Added: April 27, 2009

The Priority of Creativity in Your Life

The dictionary defines creativity as:

1. The state or quality of creative.

2. The ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns, relationships, or the like, and to create meaningful new ideas, forms, methods, interpretations, etc., originality, progressiveness or imagination: the need for creativity in modern industry, the creativity in the performing arts.

3. The process by which one utilizes creative ability.

The human ability to be creative is what makes us superior to mammals. We all understand creativity as a great artwork, beautiful pieces of music or a well-written book. But that's not all. As a trainer, I have discovered that every single human being is creative. We are all creative. It is in our DNA. You can not consciously creative, you can even have negative or downplay your creativity, but you are creative.

Each of us have been developed to be creative. It is what our unique fingerprint in the mental world. No two expressions of creativity is equally. Just like our faces we differ, the expression of creativity is the face of our minds that we just show in the world.

In the Judeo-Christian tradition, God's first act was to create. He also says we are in the likeness of God, which means that we humans are creative beings. Whatever your belief system, which is a great message.

However, our brain the safety and comfort in repetitive behavior, and repetitive thoughts, and beliefs are. Many of us will have to creatively rusty. We have actually efforts to our creativity.

For much of my life, I was not about my own creative abilities. In my thirties, someone asked me what my favorite color was and could not respond. The question remained with me and myself that I will not close my settings to a color. It was not that I so many different colors, I just do not know what color I liked.

I thought back to my favorite dress like a child. It was yellow. I remember the extras around the arms, hem and neckline, and I smiled. I realized that my Emotions were me what I wanted. I have noticed that I smiled when I saw yellow flowers and the color that calms me. The color made me really happy. Voila, I unearthed my favorite color. It was always my favorite color, I did not know it.

Then I went into the pharmacy and bought a child coloring book and crayons. I sat on the floor of my home office and colored as if I was a child. I felt a little ridiculous about the whole thing so I ordered a mandala coloring book online. It seemed more adults to color, as children's books.

Coloring as a child is an amazing and sensual work for me. I love it. I will experience when I that a loss of sense of time. I love how some colors and some do not.

After I invest my season in color, I feel so much more to me. I am not the eternally long list of things to do and obligations and brain disorder. I actually think that I work my way from the center of my heart.

From this place, I write articles and brainstorming, and some of my best writing.

I vehemently defended himself and my creativity, as I am free. I believe that a life that is not in any form of creative expression is not worth living, like a man, but perhaps it is worth living, like a robot.

You do not have to be the greatest artist or musician who ever lived and to develop your creativity. Start by one vote. Nobody has to hear that voice. It's for you. It is like you are connected with parts of you that you do not know existed.

Autor: Iyabo Asani Iyabo Asani
Level: Platinum
I am an attorney turned transformational coach and founder of Authentic Change Coaching. My passion is helping clients blossom into who they really are by ... ...

Do you know that you have an Inner Genius that is amazing and wants to be awakened? As you tap into your Inner Genius, you will become more powerful and unstoppable as you live a purposeful, passionate and financially rewarding life.

If you would like to develop skills that keep you constantly in the flow of your value, preciousness and the incredible assets that lie within you as you create a wonderful and powerful life, visit me. To learn more about how your Inner Genius can bring you more happiness and financial abundance, join me on my blog and subscribe to my newsletter at As a thank you, you will receive my two part free gift to you, a written report and an audio recording on Powerful Questions to Awaken your Inner Genius.

To your greatness,

Iyabo Asani

Added: April 26, 2009

Friday, April 24, 2009

Seven Steps to Activate Your Creativity

For adults, being creative can be a chore. We believe it means to be a best-selling novel or a masterpiece. That is not true! Creativity is your natural state. It is what makes you unique and different from the next person.

Here are seven ways to stimulate your creativity.

1. Liven up your sense of awe and amazement: Try creating a sense of discovery and novelty of the mundane things that you do not every day. On a walk one day, focusing on the leaves, the next day, on your incredible legs, and how they drive the system to us. Another day, fall in love with the bark of every tree on the foot. A childlike curiosity about the world. Take time to understand that other matter, apparently.

2. Pay attention to your motivation: As soon as a spark out of interest in something, follow it. Express it. Write it on. Paint it. Play it. Keep a log of things that interest you, regardless of your qualifications. We are all lifelong learning. Everything you have an interest in is absolutely essential.

3. Have intellectual courage: strive to think outside the accepted principles and habitual perspectives, as we have always done that way. One of the fun, as my sister and I, the experiment is to work with the foods we eat traditionally by introducing new flavors and textures, our kitchen.

5. Value Relaxation: Take time to dream and think, because this is often where the best ideas emerge. Relaxation is not just sleep. Looking for ways to relax and consciously put them into practice. Do not waste your best ideas come when you are in the shower or driving, if you are not on paper and pen? Creativity does not thrive under pressure. When you create a space for relaxation, your brain itself and there is even the permission for the new expression.

6. In a variety of activities: Creative revelations, most people when their mind in an independent activity. This is because the brain continues to be a problem once it has been provided with the necessary raw materials.

7. Remember kids: A wonderful thing about the American educational system is that it allows children to actually playful and creative. Recently, I have a lot of time with my 8 years old niece and 6 year old nephew Tap the stories that they create their ideas. It was a sobering experience, as I watched their little heads limitless. You have absolutely no rules about where their fantasy goes! So that the bad guys in my nephew grew icicles history instead of hair on his head. I asked him why and he said, because the person was very cold. Wow! This creative unlimitations!

As you focus on your creativity to express, you can help your brain to be healthier, immune diseases and by improving blood circulation in your body. It is an act of health, and it is a signal to you that you respect yourself and enjoy. In fact, it is one of the greatest acts of love, you can deal with.

Go ahead, I give you permission. No matter how silly or incomprehensible, your creativity. They are already creative.

Know your creative expression?

What is this?

How can your creativity?

They practice regularly?

How do you feel when you express it?

Is it public or private?

Autor: Iyabo Asani Iyabo Asani
Level: Platinum
I am an attorney turned transformational coach and founder of Authentic Change Coaching. My passion is helping clients blossom into who they really are by ... ...

Do you know that you have an Inner Genius that is amazing and wants to be awakened? As you tap into your Inner Genius, you will become more powerful and unstoppable as you live a purposeful, passionate and financially rewarding life.

If you would like to develop skills that keep you constantly in the flow of your value, preciousness and the incredible assets that lie within you as you create a wonderful and powerful life, visit me. To learn more about how your Inner Genius can bring you more happiness and financial abundance, join me on my blog and subscribe to my newsletter at As a thank you, you will receive my two part free gift to you, a written report and an audio recording on Powerful Questions to Awaken your Inner Genius.

To your greatness,

Iyabo Asani

Added: April 25, 2009

Thursday, April 23, 2009

10 Easy Steps to JumpStart Your Creativity

Good imagination JumpStart Ten Steps to Your Creative Mind!

They can inspire us to create, through the many things around us. We just have to take the time to recognize and focus. Many people are concerned and get ideas from all different types of sources. May trigger inspiration visual, verbal, physical, sense-driven, information. Wherever you are, there is still a creative device with which to grow.

Here are 10 free and simple idea starters for creative people to create a small spark of what you already have it in you. Even if only a tip, idea and /or sports will help you, we have it in creative growth. Growth is good, they can be started.

1. Creative Visual Journal

If you do not have one already, this is the best way to exchange ideas quickly to hand. Find a beautiful hardcover magazine in a bookstore and /or on a cheap vehicle. You can label and date of each, how to, because if you start with the idea that you document this process will continue. Any idea, whether large or small, sketches or written, should be here in the magazine and at the end of each week an overview of all the writings and sketches throughout recorded. With this at any time, you can rely on and expand an idea of ten years ago until today. I find invaluable to a magazine, some of my best ideas have been re-visited ideas with fresh eyes and mind.

2. Spongy nature hike

some time to enjoy the sun. No iPods or MP3 only you and the great outdoors. Take a 15 minute walk, breathe deeply, and enjoy your surroundings. Look at nature a little closer to the pattern of bark on the tree, bird nests, the color of the pavement, the sound of birds, car, child and laughter. Find a place to sit and to the sound and movement around you. Clear your mind of any outside influences and just a sponge, the surrounding area. Look at the cloud formations of the curvature of the tree limbs, proximity searching, and with the announcement, more than ever. This is also a good thing for your body and healthy for the mind. You can use this meditation on foot, if you will.


shapes recognition practice, this focus is to identify forms that surround us all in everyday life. The whole world and beyond is of the form, shape and mass. Some forms on other forms of creation. Take a pen and a piece of paper, choose a place and everything around you and in recognition of the shapes.
cylindrical cans, lighting ball, rectangle, books, all standard forms recognizable. Not all are so widespread. Look at shapes that repeat themselves more often and those who do not. Do you see the difference in the forms in nature and the people who form, document the differences in your journal. What forms did you enjoy? Why? What do you do?

4. Collector Color - Color is all around us

Everything in the world consists of color and light. Without color life would not be as lively and loud, as it is. There are more than one billion colors, and our eyes process the smallest difference in colors. We are a magnet for the colors are an active part of our daily life. The dictate our actions in times, traffic lights, danger, health, fashion, sports, night-fall, etc. Use colors that you do not like for a change. Ask yourself why I did not like a certain color they write that they paint a shot. To sample some of the color of the paint and it is up to some cheap paint at the craft store. The work with him, they work for you. Perhaps the first evidence, to open up to conceptual use of color. In my area I work pattern of colors that inspire me or move me, and encouraged, a project or two. Let color inspiration.

5. Recommended Reading - Some of Interest

does not have to be art or design in context, something like you want to learn more, or have interest in at one time or another. Whether it is a book of Alice in Wonderland, Edgar Allen Poe, or a guide on vintage typewriters, it does not matter what it is, just that you view the topic. You see the funny thing about the creative inspiration is that they come from everywhere, sometimes unexpected places. Reading is a playground for the mind and imagination. It is a wonderful magical place where things can be very real, if the seed is planted.

6. Reserve time for your craft /art

This tip I can not emphasize enough: "Take time for yourself -art/craft!" If this is your passion, the time is like a lover. You can never have enough time for your creativity! Get an extra 30 minutes to hour, if possible, one day and spend the time to do what you love and passion are. This is an investment in your creative potential. They deserve this time, you are a creative force of the ship, this will contribute to growth and strengthen your vehicles. If you do not half an hour per day, on the day some time, at least two hours to maintain continuous block, writing, painting, sculpting, singing, dancing, whatever you do, the time for them. Her heart and soul will thank you.


If you have not already, start the goals for themselves. Realistic targets available. Start with small goals quickly visible. Buy your magazine, please take the nature walk, will find time to get early and devote your time for the craft industry. Each time you reach a target document in your journal. No target is too small. Then start a page of things to make your hope, and write a step-by-step plan of execution. Each step as a success in moving closer to fulfilling your goals. If you can see it materialize, can you believe anything is possible. Focus + Energy + Desire = Success!

8. Visit Exhibits -

Check out your local newspapers' Arts & Style pages and see if you have any gallery, design fairs, exhibitions, bead show, garden show or art show currently in the region. Try it on one or two months, to see just outside of itself and the experience of other artists work. They are not like all the arts, but also in this sense there is in terms of how to express and creative.

9 . verbalizing your vision - Open Your Mouth!

Who knows, your vision better than you, you know what your thoughts visually and it is now time for the mouth. Learn to verbalize your work, who you are, what you do and how you do it. First start by Aufsummieren who you are and how your work in your journal. What you try on your work. How you feel when you are working on this activity, your feelings, your goals, your focus and how you feel if your project. This is valuable for the purpose of personal achievement, both personally and professionally. you need to inner pulse of who you are, in order to achieve this, it is where you are inside.

10. Share Your Vision -

Tell people what you are doing, share your passion with people in your area. With journal in hand, work on the interpretation of your vision. And yes, over time to your vision May redesign itself, to Grander, more passion in mind, deep and sincere. Be aware of the changes and document what brings the change and share. Starting a blog can be a good opportunity your thoughts and your vision and growth process. Their magazines will be the largest archive of the whole over time. But the time is how everything begins to larger for you. Invest the time you are worth and your Creativity is in, what are you waiting for!

Autor: Jen Brown Jen Brown
Level: Basic
Jen is a craft activities & event professional, as well as mixed media artist. Her passion is visual facilitation and coaching encouraging others to reach ... ...

Jen is a craft activities and event professional and a mixed media artist. Her passion is visual facilitation and coaching encouraging people to reach their creative potential.

Jen's key passion is her art as it relates; to her life, balance, and the enrichment of life. An advocate of the Arts for Children and Growth Through Inspiration. Check out some of her beautiful designs at: and also contact her via etsy conversation link. Also check out author link for more venues & blogs.

Added: April 23, 2009

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Art Is Boundless

art is the ability to lift spirits and move people to great heights. Art has the power, inspiration to create change, challenges to overcome, express ideals, and to grow. Art has always had a place in the history of the world, but today it seems less recognized as such.

Many were in the creation of great artistic monuments to country, to the faith and love to name a few. Art is in many forms and media of each, very expressive, in its own way. The magic lies in the discovery that something artistic Talk to your care, the heart, the soul, that is what needs to be done, as well as the artists Vision Express.

The wonderful thing about art is that it is accessible to all, no matter what your income or your so-called status in life. Buildings, monuments, fashion, cars, all through the creative design, all from an idea in someone 'mind and a real hands around.'s Artistic creativity is the basis in the literature, nature, healing, education, etc., all have a creative origin. ideas are of the opinion that creativity can be based on measures taken to give them real, depending on how we act. We have to create the opportunity to appreciate and artistic possibilities. We are all capable of thought, perception, the ability to move, and in and through the arts.

art plays a very important role in each of our life, consciously and unconsciously. Every part of our lives is deeply infused with creativity, the 'turn' shapes our world view . As children, it is important that we work together on the basis of fostering creativity and learning. Art helps children to grow and prosper, to open up to creative thinking and thought process. And let us not forget, fantasy, the gateway to dream and dreams lead to goals. imagination and art have a partnership is that all inspiring. Art is a place where the life or not.

Take your time to go back to the art and share it with your family and friends. Be in products, architecture, functional design, nature, art galleries, children's art, an obvious artistic creations, "paintings, clothing, etc. Visit a local issue, go to an art and design school to see what they show in this month, visiting a public arboretum and /or the library. Start taking the time to ancient and modern architecture. You will see, are you for them and the people in your environment to create, draw, learn to knit, paint, sidewalk chalk art, a Friesen-class, what you find fun to do. Art can inspire, and most of them are free. Share the gift of art.

know that you are on ART and not EVERYDAY COST A THING.

Autor: Jen Brown Jen Brown
Level: Basic
Jen is a craft activities & event professional, as well as mixed media artist. Her passion is visual facilitation and coaching encouraging others to reach ... ...

"I want to wake up each and everyday with purpose in one pocket and dreams in the other!" Jen Brown - WonderArt Studio09.

"Inspiration is neither hindered by time or space. Life has pearls of wisdom throughout it. Take the time to collect them as they adorn your path." ... Jen Brown WonderArtstudio 2009

Come see my work via and I'm also looking to collaborate on projects in 2009.

Added: April 22, 2009

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Art Will Bring You Into a Sphere of Wonder If You Notice All the Colors

Art should the viewer into a space of wonder, what is what from Leonardo da Vinci such extraordinary role model, not only artists, but for all who long to know themselves, the world around them and beyond.

Da Vinci asked questions of himself, like a child would. He fed his curiosity by going to the research, which fulfilled his desire and felt captivated by the simple, because it reveals the nudity of the complex, so to understand it.

Everyone in each thing has a beginning. Everyone in each case also has an amazing opportunity, again on every street it into something brilliant and find that the simplest things in life are indeed full recognition complex by their mere existence.

View Matisse, who said the feeling of the color.

Ahh my Matisse, he gave us the treasure of a full range of new sensations to the eye.

Ponder, and try to find value in all artistic forms of expression through color alone.

interface colors can be anywhere for you ... If you decide. Simple as that, just decide and then begins a journey of discovery of da Vinci. Look for as many colors as you might find in everything. If you paint? Try pressing the color of each tube color you have. If you are trying to color match for all their brilliance somewhere, even if only one lane.

colors are not always what you think they are not, the mountains are not usually green or brown and the sky is certainly not always blue. She knew that if the right? Take a step on these things known to you but more about the color and the "

... Try that in love with color.

Autor: Kathy Ostman-Magnusen Kathy Ostman-Magnusen
Level: Platinum
ABOUT Kathy Ostman-Magnusen I am an artist, I paint and sculpt women primarily; in their daily lives, in lives they might be afraid of, and ... ...

ABOUT Kathy Ostman-Magnusen: I am an artist, represented by Monkdogz Urban Art, New York. ORIGINAL ART may be purchased through Monkdogz: FREE ART GIFTS,suitable for children plus prints, giclees, cards, available on my website:

Added: April 15, 2009

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Stimulating Creativity With Constraints and Limits

While thinking about the bigger picture "is often used as a synonym for creativity, thinking" in-the-box "with the boundaries of time, money and other resources often helps the mind to concentrate and respond with innovative solutions for the problems. Composer Stephen Sondheim once said:

"If you ask me to write a song about the ocean, I'm baffled. But if you tell me to write a ballad about a woman in a red dress, the from her chair at three clock morning, I'm thrilled. "

Here are two examples of how you can use your creativity to rise by boundaries:

three units for a good tragedy

In an interview on "Heads up! on organizational innovation, creativity guru Roger from Oech explains that the existing restrictions innovator to think and focus more on the opportunities. As an example, he explains that he just completed a Roman Polanski's 1962 film entitled "Knife in the Water." One of the DVD's special features was an interview with Polanski and his screenwriter, in which both of them, that they forced themselves to keep up with Aristotle's "three units for a good tragedy:

All the actions carried out within 24 hours;
All action takes place in the same place, and
There are a limited number of characters

This made them think deeply about plot and character rather than cinematic shortcuts. That is, these three boundaries helped them a film much better than they would have together, she had not all the borders.

The Houdini Solution

Ernie Schenck is an advertising and creative director, and author of "The Houdini Solution." He argues that the best way to proceed with great ideas is not to think outside the box, but to believe in the box. He quotes psychologist and expert creativity Rollo May, as follows:

"Creativity requires limits for the creative act arises from the struggle of the people and against what boundaries are. "

Schenck argues that you do not need to wait," the muse "to appear or for your life circumstances change, but with the circumstances in which you currently find yourself, and use all the available parameters or limitations as a vehicle for your creative direction. He adds that by the time you finish reading "The Houdini Solution" you can use the following :

"The biggest secret of the truly productive creative people is that they are obstacles, they do not run from them. In their minds, any setback is an opportunity, any restriction is an opportunity. Where other wall, they see a door. "

One of the examples provided by Schenck, to his point is that of Jack White, guitarist and songwriter and the leader of the Grammy Award-winning rock band White Stripes. These are just some of Jack White's self-imposed restrictions :

* No computer.
* No digital recording technology.
* No bass guitars.
* No studio equipment invented after 1968.
* No clothing that is not red, white or black.

This forced captivity creative innovation and the results in the music, which is more centered on talent rather than on the technology.


How many of us waiting for something to happen or an obstacle to remove before they affect our creativity • Start with any restrictions in your life as a way to shape your creativity, rather than as an excuse for not starting. In fact, in order to more creativity begins with the next restriction, which can help to structure to your creativity.

Autor: Marelisa Fabrega Marelisa Fabrega
Level: Platinum
I hold a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., as well as a Juris Doctor from the Georgetown University ... ...

This article was written by Marelisa Fabrega. For more fabulous tips and resources on how to increase your creativity visit her squidoo lens, How to Be More Creative.

Added: April 13, 2009

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Learning Different Painting Techniques

There are a variety of techniques of painting that can be used to interest in your projects. Some are easier than others. Practice allows you to master each of these specific techniques.

Drybrushing is often used when you Faux painting. It is not limited to this, but also in paintings, for texture and interest.

You can use this technique with different types of brushes and do not have with a special brush. It works better if you stiff bristles, but that is not required. The results vary with each type of brush you use.

As the name suggests, you can use this technique with a dry brush. You begin with dry brush Immerse yourself in your paint. You can either use the brush back and forth on the pallet or in a paper towel to remove excess paint. Then starting at the surface of the painting with the brush. Again and again this process as the brush is too dry and more color.

If you are painting on the wall, light brush strokes in a random pattern in the same direction on the wall can be a clean look. You can also use this technique and a criss-cross pattern. If you are in a painting, it is a nice way to deep, high-lighting and shading.

You can create a lot of nice faux designs with this technique.

You can practice on many boards, home improvement stores. They are relatively inexpensive and a great size for your designs, before going to your walls. This is a fun technique. Try it!

Autor: Amy Ressa Amy Ressa
Level: Basic PLUS
I am the owner of The Painted House and More. I am decorative painter and jewelry maker. I paint on many types of surfaces from ... ...

My name is Amy Ressa. I am the owner of The Painted House and More. My business is located in Central Ohio. I am however always interested in working with others that are located througout the United States and not limited to Central Ohio. I am a decorative painter who offers a service to paint items for weddings and special events. These items can include ring bearer pillows, flower girl baskets, cake and knife serving sets, plates, dessert or wedding cake plates, centerpieces, and more. I am open to any ideas you would like to discuss. Please feel free to contact me at my email address: or
by phone at: 614-530-0219.
Please feel free to visit my website: or


Added: April 12, 2009

Friday, April 10, 2009

5 Good Reasons You Won't Act on Your Ideas

Why is it easier for ideas to live (and die) In Your Head

You have thought of something fantastic. Something that you do, would make a difference what you think, that someone to do. They have also shared in the form of vague in passing conversation with a friend at a cafe or while shopping, during a trip to the mall escalator. However, if coffee or retail therapy, the idea went, just at the back of your brain that rarely, if ever be seen again.

No matter. Here are five good reasons to just let go. They have enough on your plate, is not it? But then again, maybe those reasons are just excuses to remain boring, but comfortable. You decide.

1st They are easy to forget. "I always have such good ideas, but I can never forget." This is an easy fix. Keep a small notebook handy. It does not need a big heavy thing. I carry a small journal that I have copied my ideas Impulsive book , so that when the inspiration strikes, I can write them in rough shape. Sometimes I have an alarm on my phone to remind me misplaced idea caught on that I am at an "inconvenient" are. I know people who have voice-mail messages, images on a handheld recorder, or even e-mails sent. With these tips you can actually forget your ideas, they know somewhere safe and accessible when you need it.

2nd You can just as big and amazing as you hope they would. This is the reason, the perfectionist. It is full of "what ifs" that you secure in the knowledge that you never respond to any of these questions: What if it does not work? What if it does not look, taste, sound, feel or smell, as I have in mind? Well, so what if they do not? Does this mean that you have a bug? Of course not! In fact, "The only real mistake in life is the failure to try." How does this statement make your ideas now?

3rd Nobody will judge, criticize or oppose. This reason reflects common fears we have picked before we have the courage to, and no longer in our lives. We care about what others say about our ideas or information about us, and we're not sure we could, if they send their comments and views are negative. So to us, we remain at the status quo. We dare not rock the boat. Our fragile egos are more important than a life of fulfillment and purpose, even more important than our creative ideas that inspire, entertain, educate or improve the lives of others. Really? If this is the case, some serious soul-searching is in order. Take your time to your values. I have no doubt you will notice that you are decide what is truly useful, you are far above any criticism you were afraid you would.

4th You do not have to provide any additional efforts. This is a lazy, and I dare say, selfish excuse. Am I too harsh? Well. Sometimes we need a good kick to move. Therefore, belongs to the person who does not want to get out of his comfort zone. There is no plan to modify or additional burden on you. Instead of everything you were born to be, you are happy to be on the agenda of the morning, followed by soap, followed by game shows, followed by. . . Or you can change the life of the office or home life to keep you stagnated in the same routine, day after day, while promising you that "one day" You do what it takes to make your ideas into reality . But one day never comes. It is up to you, time, space and energy required. Meanwhile, someone out there waiting for what you have inside.

5th You just do not "feel like it." How often do we wait to see how the feeling to do something before we trade them? Take laundry, for example. I never feel how to do laundry. I am not one day wake up and think, "Wow, I really feel like a good four load of laundry today. That'll really made my day to a good start." No, I do laundry when I unmentionables, and I have no other choice. I do not want to do then, but I'm doing it anyway. I am sure you are countless examples of things you "do anyway," regardless of your feelings. This example illustrates the point that determines your emotional state is not your ability to take action. This is actually a form of spread. If you do not feel like something about your ideas today, you know? Ask yourself, if not now, when? And then answered himself. It is likely that you do not want to hear about your creative ideas then, yes, how long it takes, let something as fickle as to stop the feeling? They know that they have been for more than this.

I hope that you now these "reasons" for what they really are - excuses. I also hope that today is the day you stop those excuses power over you and you choose to live the creative life you were born for!

Autor: Melissa D. Williams

To get you started, I'd like to offer you my free audio e-course on The 7 Secrets of Creative Success when you visit

Melissa Williams, MA, Creative Ideas into Reality Coach, empowers creative thinkers to take action and turn the ideas they only ever think or talk about into purpose-filled, lucrative, life changing realities.

Added: April 11, 2009

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Be More Creative - Is Your Creativity Starving, Tired, Broke and Out of Inspiration?

As artists, our creativity comes from us, a place in our heads, in which new ideas and race, it will be further developed and developing creative projects large.

Although all this seems to be an internal process, if we do not have exposure to something outside of ourselves, our creativity would be stifled.

This flow of ideas would be just an ugly parched, cracked ditch.

The obvious way this would happen is if you are a complete hermit and locked himself away from the outside world, without notice or something outside of one's own mind.

This is an extreme example, if, and only a few of us even have this kind of existence.

But there are many other ways, you can unleash your creativity starving new inspiration, without really being aware of it.

You can walk a certain route each day or every week, and always the exact same way, the same people, trees and buildings. From a time until the next one can not tell the difference between the trips. And often you arrive at your destination you can hardly remember a single step away.

Although clearly you are out in the world, you get so little new inspiration and encouragement for your raw creativity, you might as well walk round in complete darkness, or with a deep-sea diving helmet on his head. The wrong way!

We all go through various tours and events in our lives entirely on autopilot, which lives only blurring of lines into strips like the photos on delayed exposure, the details get lost and overlooked.

As you can order? How can letting your creativity neglected feel tired, broke and hungry?

The answer is two-fold:

1. Open your senses. They experience the world through your senses, and this is how your creativity will be encouraged. Spend time with the focus on each of your senses, discover how much more vibrant stimulation around you the whole time that you are overlooking, or by date. Take 2 minutes now just to be heard, for example. How many different layers of sound you hear around you? In rock music, there is usually drums, bass, guitar and vocals, four different layers. In everyday life, there is a symphony of sound similar, but most of the time that we do not hear. If you realize, you can use it to all your other senses, and the new, creative inspiration is Gush her!

2. Find new people, places and experiences. As we talked about before, if you use the same routes all the time, you can not forget, with a single look, sound or smell. Instead, Zapping, try different ways to get to the same sites. Go regularly to different places, places you never before. Search for new people, online and in the rest of the world. Read articles and journals in the fields you never usually reading. All these things will be your usual level of experience, and with the new meaning, it means that your creative inspiration will be full to bursting.

Take your creativity back to the rich sensory existence she lives today, by following these tips.

Autor: Dan Goodwin Dan Goodwin
Level: Platinum
Creativity Coach Dan Goodwin helps people who are frustrated they're not making use of their creative talents and abilities. A highly creative person himself, in ... ...

Want to learn more about how to increase YOUR creativity? It's easy: just sign up to "Create Create!" - Creativity Coach Dan Goodwin's free twice monthly ezine - today, and get your free copy of the "Explode Your Creativity!" Action Workbook. Head on over now to

Added: April 10, 2009

Sunday, April 5, 2009

How to Have Endless Creative Ideas With the Magic Bullet Point Method

Creative ideas are the lifeblood of all creative artists. No idea = no creativity. Here is a powerful method for all the ideas that you could ever need.

I came into the Magic Bullet Point (MBP)-method, while the writing of articles for an article to challenge a few years back. I thought the best way to ensure the provision of article ideas, and to me in full flow with the letter, became a single place to make them all together.

As long as I write, I have jotted ideas as they come to me.

If I had those elsewhere, or in the laundry, I have always captured the ideas in a notebook or more usually on the nearest scrap of paper.

After the attainment of a pile of torn bits of paper scrawled with ideas was on my desk and not really used, I decided to make them all together.

So I started with a simple text file called "article" Ideas "and although I still jotted ideas in all kinds of situations, remains on paper and stored as text messages on my phone, when I at home and on my computer I added the latest ideas of the article ideas document.

To clear it, and see where an idea ends and another I just started an asterisk at the beginning of each new idea, like a dot.

It these points is the key to a new level of wealth idea. Here is what I continue:

was clear to me that by clicking on the current article "list of ideas, the last idea ever kind of end and the endpoint in a list of ideas. It was a unique number, and symbolically, I was not comfortable with that. It somehow said to me "This Is The End Of The Line" and they feel daunting to cross, and the beginning of a new item and write a new idea.

I have only a dozen or so "empty" points, which is still no ideas written beside them.

This simple act a message to my creative spirit, and presented a challenge.

He said: "There are many more ideas to come, here is your invitation. Fill in the blank points if you can!". And I could, and I have!

Now I always have extra empty Magic Bullet Points at the end of my article ideas list. And they are always filled, I have even more empty. It just works!

A big change is when I write an article where I want, say, 5 tips on how to more creative ideas, I will write the numbers 1-7 and 1-10 in the margin. If you simply write, then only 1-5 Idea 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. seem more of a struggle, again, that the "End Of The Line" illusion.

With 7 or 10 numbers written, it is much easier, Rattle last 5 with ease! If I come with a 7 or 10, I simply make it a 7 or 10 articles instead of typing, or some of the tips as the basis for a new article.

Try the Magic Bullet Point Method now have countless creative ideas can be.

Trust the method, trust your own ability, new ideas, and you will be amazed at how it works ...

Autor: Dan Goodwin Dan Goodwin
Level: Platinum
Creativity Coach Dan Goodwin helps people who are frustrated they're not making use of their creative talents and abilities. A highly creative person himself, in ... ...

Want to learn more about how to increase YOUR creativity? It's easy: just sign up to "Create Create!" - Creativity Coach Dan Goodwin's free twice monthly ezine - today, and get your free copy of the "Explode Your Creativity!" Action Workbook. Head on over now to

Added: April 6, 2009

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Save Your Inner Artist! How to Reach Out Before You Fall Down

a brand of shower gel has creative packaging of the product as a delicious enough to eat, as well as a refreshing way to prepare for the day before.

The label on the underside of the packaging says: "Best before - there is too much!"

This is unexpectedly good advice, especially from a sachet of shower gel!

How many times in our lives we find it is too late, before the guidance, support, sufficient for a friend?

As an artist there are many times when you all alone to create. This is very necessary for you to get the best you can without endless distraction.

But there is a danger to become isolated, alienated from the communities of other creative artists who can support you, and from the rest of the world completely.

How many times have you been to create, and how much it really matters?

asked if anyone worries about what and why you create?

wondered whether anyone knows they create?

Too many "wondererings" of this kind, and we can quickly dejected. Although most of us, partly for us, because it is a basic necessity, our motivation can quickly evaporate when we feel like we're the only one in the world to support and encourage our creativity.

Better support is in your hands. There are ways that you can achieve, and save your creative artist, keep it fresh and inspired, before it is too late and you collapse into a kind of state of the block and inactivity.

these days with the Internet, there is no end to the creative communities for artists, the kind of support, discussion, consultation and sharing of resources, a world of difference to your creative life.

One thing that we see how much that can be part of a community's own creativity.

If you are simply on Support, then you will receive, and this can be very valuable. But if you support when you are ready to promote and the other artists who find the feeling of fulfillment can not help but nurture your own creativity.

knowing that a few positive words from someone in the creation of a new media have tried it before or writing her first poem for 6 months, or take a brush for the first time in 3 years, is extremely satisfactory. Hey, it's one of the main reasons why I am a Creativity Coach!

Get creative communities today. Reach out, save your inner creative artist, before you fall.

can be found in a few others from stumbling on to.

Autor: Dan Goodwin Dan Goodwin
Level: Platinum
Creativity Coach Dan Goodwin helps people who are frustrated they're not making use of their creative talents and abilities. A highly creative person himself, in ... ...

And with this in mind, I'd like to invite you to CoachCreativeSpace, a thriving interactive creative community space for you to learn how to be as creative as you've always known you can be.

You'll find Creative Forums, Groups, Artwork and Blogs to share in and contribute to, and supportive like minded creative people who are experiencing some of the same challenges and triumphs you are. Check it out now, at:

From Creativity Coach Dan Goodwin

Added: April 2, 2009
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