Friday, April 10, 2009

5 Good Reasons You Won't Act on Your Ideas

Why is it easier for ideas to live (and die) In Your Head

You have thought of something fantastic. Something that you do, would make a difference what you think, that someone to do. They have also shared in the form of vague in passing conversation with a friend at a cafe or while shopping, during a trip to the mall escalator. However, if coffee or retail therapy, the idea went, just at the back of your brain that rarely, if ever be seen again.

No matter. Here are five good reasons to just let go. They have enough on your plate, is not it? But then again, maybe those reasons are just excuses to remain boring, but comfortable. You decide.

1st They are easy to forget. "I always have such good ideas, but I can never forget." This is an easy fix. Keep a small notebook handy. It does not need a big heavy thing. I carry a small journal that I have copied my ideas Impulsive book , so that when the inspiration strikes, I can write them in rough shape. Sometimes I have an alarm on my phone to remind me misplaced idea caught on that I am at an "inconvenient" are. I know people who have voice-mail messages, images on a handheld recorder, or even e-mails sent. With these tips you can actually forget your ideas, they know somewhere safe and accessible when you need it.

2nd You can just as big and amazing as you hope they would. This is the reason, the perfectionist. It is full of "what ifs" that you secure in the knowledge that you never respond to any of these questions: What if it does not work? What if it does not look, taste, sound, feel or smell, as I have in mind? Well, so what if they do not? Does this mean that you have a bug? Of course not! In fact, "The only real mistake in life is the failure to try." How does this statement make your ideas now?

3rd Nobody will judge, criticize or oppose. This reason reflects common fears we have picked before we have the courage to, and no longer in our lives. We care about what others say about our ideas or information about us, and we're not sure we could, if they send their comments and views are negative. So to us, we remain at the status quo. We dare not rock the boat. Our fragile egos are more important than a life of fulfillment and purpose, even more important than our creative ideas that inspire, entertain, educate or improve the lives of others. Really? If this is the case, some serious soul-searching is in order. Take your time to your values. I have no doubt you will notice that you are decide what is truly useful, you are far above any criticism you were afraid you would.

4th You do not have to provide any additional efforts. This is a lazy, and I dare say, selfish excuse. Am I too harsh? Well. Sometimes we need a good kick to move. Therefore, belongs to the person who does not want to get out of his comfort zone. There is no plan to modify or additional burden on you. Instead of everything you were born to be, you are happy to be on the agenda of the morning, followed by soap, followed by game shows, followed by. . . Or you can change the life of the office or home life to keep you stagnated in the same routine, day after day, while promising you that "one day" You do what it takes to make your ideas into reality . But one day never comes. It is up to you, time, space and energy required. Meanwhile, someone out there waiting for what you have inside.

5th You just do not "feel like it." How often do we wait to see how the feeling to do something before we trade them? Take laundry, for example. I never feel how to do laundry. I am not one day wake up and think, "Wow, I really feel like a good four load of laundry today. That'll really made my day to a good start." No, I do laundry when I unmentionables, and I have no other choice. I do not want to do then, but I'm doing it anyway. I am sure you are countless examples of things you "do anyway," regardless of your feelings. This example illustrates the point that determines your emotional state is not your ability to take action. This is actually a form of spread. If you do not feel like something about your ideas today, you know? Ask yourself, if not now, when? And then answered himself. It is likely that you do not want to hear about your creative ideas then, yes, how long it takes, let something as fickle as to stop the feeling? They know that they have been for more than this.

I hope that you now these "reasons" for what they really are - excuses. I also hope that today is the day you stop those excuses power over you and you choose to live the creative life you were born for!

Autor: Melissa D. Williams

To get you started, I'd like to offer you my free audio e-course on The 7 Secrets of Creative Success when you visit

Melissa Williams, MA, Creative Ideas into Reality Coach, empowers creative thinkers to take action and turn the ideas they only ever think or talk about into purpose-filled, lucrative, life changing realities.

Added: April 11, 2009


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