Sunday, April 5, 2009

How to Have Endless Creative Ideas With the Magic Bullet Point Method

Creative ideas are the lifeblood of all creative artists. No idea = no creativity. Here is a powerful method for all the ideas that you could ever need.

I came into the Magic Bullet Point (MBP)-method, while the writing of articles for an article to challenge a few years back. I thought the best way to ensure the provision of article ideas, and to me in full flow with the letter, became a single place to make them all together.

As long as I write, I have jotted ideas as they come to me.

If I had those elsewhere, or in the laundry, I have always captured the ideas in a notebook or more usually on the nearest scrap of paper.

After the attainment of a pile of torn bits of paper scrawled with ideas was on my desk and not really used, I decided to make them all together.

So I started with a simple text file called "article" Ideas "and although I still jotted ideas in all kinds of situations, remains on paper and stored as text messages on my phone, when I at home and on my computer I added the latest ideas of the article ideas document.

To clear it, and see where an idea ends and another I just started an asterisk at the beginning of each new idea, like a dot.

It these points is the key to a new level of wealth idea. Here is what I continue:

was clear to me that by clicking on the current article "list of ideas, the last idea ever kind of end and the endpoint in a list of ideas. It was a unique number, and symbolically, I was not comfortable with that. It somehow said to me "This Is The End Of The Line" and they feel daunting to cross, and the beginning of a new item and write a new idea.

I have only a dozen or so "empty" points, which is still no ideas written beside them.

This simple act a message to my creative spirit, and presented a challenge.

He said: "There are many more ideas to come, here is your invitation. Fill in the blank points if you can!". And I could, and I have!

Now I always have extra empty Magic Bullet Points at the end of my article ideas list. And they are always filled, I have even more empty. It just works!

A big change is when I write an article where I want, say, 5 tips on how to more creative ideas, I will write the numbers 1-7 and 1-10 in the margin. If you simply write, then only 1-5 Idea 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. seem more of a struggle, again, that the "End Of The Line" illusion.

With 7 or 10 numbers written, it is much easier, Rattle last 5 with ease! If I come with a 7 or 10, I simply make it a 7 or 10 articles instead of typing, or some of the tips as the basis for a new article.

Try the Magic Bullet Point Method now have countless creative ideas can be.

Trust the method, trust your own ability, new ideas, and you will be amazed at how it works ...

Autor: Dan Goodwin Dan Goodwin
Level: Platinum
Creativity Coach Dan Goodwin helps people who are frustrated they're not making use of their creative talents and abilities. A highly creative person himself, in ... ...

Want to learn more about how to increase YOUR creativity? It's easy: just sign up to "Create Create!" - Creativity Coach Dan Goodwin's free twice monthly ezine - today, and get your free copy of the "Explode Your Creativity!" Action Workbook. Head on over now to

Added: April 6, 2009


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