Sunday, April 26, 2009

Achieve Success Beyond the Team - You Can Do it!

Today, it is not good enough, "only a part of the team."

You can use as part of a productive and smooth operation department of the company. The sale of the production of your team in May consistently outdistance the other operators in your franchise group. The profitability of your business, your team can be positioned as a model for the rest of the company.

pretty impressive, would not you agree?

There is only a problem if you want. Not to be selfish, or as someone who "Tooting your own horn," was the recognition of persons who were involved? You do not even earn?

team is important, but the team is not everything. The person or persons, the head of a project or perform an important facet of the group, the success should not and must not be overshadowed by the team. Perhaps their leadership, their organizational and their creative skills were the decisive factors that determine the difference in the project's success or failure.

We, as managers and team leaders, are programmed to believe that the team is everything. We were a brainwashed to believe that we as individuals are not capable of achievement. I have often heard my superiors to use the words: "There is no I-Team." You can also use it in this way, "There is no team, without the I's."

The world needs the original, a genuine and creative people.

If you want the recognition, appreciation and encouragement, you have to step forward and step into the pack. Claim what rightly belongs to you.

success on the team.

Autor: Bill Baumgartner Bill Baumgartner
Level: Basic PLUS
Bill Baumgartner is President of Gather Greatness, an internet-based company, dedicated to providing career direction and encouragement to its online members. Started in October of ... ...

Bill Baumgartner is President of Gather Greatness, an internet-based company, dedicated to providing career direction and encouragement to its online members. Started in October of 2007, Gather Greatness has grown from a handful of entrepreneurs, to a sizeable group of successful as well as aspiring business men and women. Bill is also a general manager for The Great Steak & Potato Company, headquartered in Scottsdale, Arizona. He has previously served this company in the capacity of Franchise Supervisor, Training Director, and Regional Director of Operations Bill attended LaSalle High School in Cincinnati Ohio and is a graduate of Xavier University with a Degree from The Arts and Science Department, Majoring in Psychology.

Currently based in Hamilton Ohio, Bill lives with his wife Janice and three of their granddaughters, Alexis, Haley and Desrial.

Added: April 27, 2009


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