Friday, April 24, 2009

Seven Steps to Activate Your Creativity

For adults, being creative can be a chore. We believe it means to be a best-selling novel or a masterpiece. That is not true! Creativity is your natural state. It is what makes you unique and different from the next person.

Here are seven ways to stimulate your creativity.

1. Liven up your sense of awe and amazement: Try creating a sense of discovery and novelty of the mundane things that you do not every day. On a walk one day, focusing on the leaves, the next day, on your incredible legs, and how they drive the system to us. Another day, fall in love with the bark of every tree on the foot. A childlike curiosity about the world. Take time to understand that other matter, apparently.

2. Pay attention to your motivation: As soon as a spark out of interest in something, follow it. Express it. Write it on. Paint it. Play it. Keep a log of things that interest you, regardless of your qualifications. We are all lifelong learning. Everything you have an interest in is absolutely essential.

3. Have intellectual courage: strive to think outside the accepted principles and habitual perspectives, as we have always done that way. One of the fun, as my sister and I, the experiment is to work with the foods we eat traditionally by introducing new flavors and textures, our kitchen.

5. Value Relaxation: Take time to dream and think, because this is often where the best ideas emerge. Relaxation is not just sleep. Looking for ways to relax and consciously put them into practice. Do not waste your best ideas come when you are in the shower or driving, if you are not on paper and pen? Creativity does not thrive under pressure. When you create a space for relaxation, your brain itself and there is even the permission for the new expression.

6. In a variety of activities: Creative revelations, most people when their mind in an independent activity. This is because the brain continues to be a problem once it has been provided with the necessary raw materials.

7. Remember kids: A wonderful thing about the American educational system is that it allows children to actually playful and creative. Recently, I have a lot of time with my 8 years old niece and 6 year old nephew Tap the stories that they create their ideas. It was a sobering experience, as I watched their little heads limitless. You have absolutely no rules about where their fantasy goes! So that the bad guys in my nephew grew icicles history instead of hair on his head. I asked him why and he said, because the person was very cold. Wow! This creative unlimitations!

As you focus on your creativity to express, you can help your brain to be healthier, immune diseases and by improving blood circulation in your body. It is an act of health, and it is a signal to you that you respect yourself and enjoy. In fact, it is one of the greatest acts of love, you can deal with.

Go ahead, I give you permission. No matter how silly or incomprehensible, your creativity. They are already creative.

Know your creative expression?

What is this?

How can your creativity?

They practice regularly?

How do you feel when you express it?

Is it public or private?

Autor: Iyabo Asani Iyabo Asani
Level: Platinum
I am an attorney turned transformational coach and founder of Authentic Change Coaching. My passion is helping clients blossom into who they really are by ... ...

Do you know that you have an Inner Genius that is amazing and wants to be awakened? As you tap into your Inner Genius, you will become more powerful and unstoppable as you live a purposeful, passionate and financially rewarding life.

If you would like to develop skills that keep you constantly in the flow of your value, preciousness and the incredible assets that lie within you as you create a wonderful and powerful life, visit me. To learn more about how your Inner Genius can bring you more happiness and financial abundance, join me on my blog and subscribe to my newsletter at As a thank you, you will receive my two part free gift to you, a written report and an audio recording on Powerful Questions to Awaken your Inner Genius.

To your greatness,

Iyabo Asani

Added: April 25, 2009


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