Thursday, April 23, 2009

10 Easy Steps to JumpStart Your Creativity

Good imagination JumpStart Ten Steps to Your Creative Mind!

They can inspire us to create, through the many things around us. We just have to take the time to recognize and focus. Many people are concerned and get ideas from all different types of sources. May trigger inspiration visual, verbal, physical, sense-driven, information. Wherever you are, there is still a creative device with which to grow.

Here are 10 free and simple idea starters for creative people to create a small spark of what you already have it in you. Even if only a tip, idea and /or sports will help you, we have it in creative growth. Growth is good, they can be started.

1. Creative Visual Journal

If you do not have one already, this is the best way to exchange ideas quickly to hand. Find a beautiful hardcover magazine in a bookstore and /or on a cheap vehicle. You can label and date of each, how to, because if you start with the idea that you document this process will continue. Any idea, whether large or small, sketches or written, should be here in the magazine and at the end of each week an overview of all the writings and sketches throughout recorded. With this at any time, you can rely on and expand an idea of ten years ago until today. I find invaluable to a magazine, some of my best ideas have been re-visited ideas with fresh eyes and mind.

2. Spongy nature hike

some time to enjoy the sun. No iPods or MP3 only you and the great outdoors. Take a 15 minute walk, breathe deeply, and enjoy your surroundings. Look at nature a little closer to the pattern of bark on the tree, bird nests, the color of the pavement, the sound of birds, car, child and laughter. Find a place to sit and to the sound and movement around you. Clear your mind of any outside influences and just a sponge, the surrounding area. Look at the cloud formations of the curvature of the tree limbs, proximity searching, and with the announcement, more than ever. This is also a good thing for your body and healthy for the mind. You can use this meditation on foot, if you will.


shapes recognition practice, this focus is to identify forms that surround us all in everyday life. The whole world and beyond is of the form, shape and mass. Some forms on other forms of creation. Take a pen and a piece of paper, choose a place and everything around you and in recognition of the shapes.
cylindrical cans, lighting ball, rectangle, books, all standard forms recognizable. Not all are so widespread. Look at shapes that repeat themselves more often and those who do not. Do you see the difference in the forms in nature and the people who form, document the differences in your journal. What forms did you enjoy? Why? What do you do?

4. Collector Color - Color is all around us

Everything in the world consists of color and light. Without color life would not be as lively and loud, as it is. There are more than one billion colors, and our eyes process the smallest difference in colors. We are a magnet for the colors are an active part of our daily life. The dictate our actions in times, traffic lights, danger, health, fashion, sports, night-fall, etc. Use colors that you do not like for a change. Ask yourself why I did not like a certain color they write that they paint a shot. To sample some of the color of the paint and it is up to some cheap paint at the craft store. The work with him, they work for you. Perhaps the first evidence, to open up to conceptual use of color. In my area I work pattern of colors that inspire me or move me, and encouraged, a project or two. Let color inspiration.

5. Recommended Reading - Some of Interest

does not have to be art or design in context, something like you want to learn more, or have interest in at one time or another. Whether it is a book of Alice in Wonderland, Edgar Allen Poe, or a guide on vintage typewriters, it does not matter what it is, just that you view the topic. You see the funny thing about the creative inspiration is that they come from everywhere, sometimes unexpected places. Reading is a playground for the mind and imagination. It is a wonderful magical place where things can be very real, if the seed is planted.

6. Reserve time for your craft /art

This tip I can not emphasize enough: "Take time for yourself -art/craft!" If this is your passion, the time is like a lover. You can never have enough time for your creativity! Get an extra 30 minutes to hour, if possible, one day and spend the time to do what you love and passion are. This is an investment in your creative potential. They deserve this time, you are a creative force of the ship, this will contribute to growth and strengthen your vehicles. If you do not half an hour per day, on the day some time, at least two hours to maintain continuous block, writing, painting, sculpting, singing, dancing, whatever you do, the time for them. Her heart and soul will thank you.


If you have not already, start the goals for themselves. Realistic targets available. Start with small goals quickly visible. Buy your magazine, please take the nature walk, will find time to get early and devote your time for the craft industry. Each time you reach a target document in your journal. No target is too small. Then start a page of things to make your hope, and write a step-by-step plan of execution. Each step as a success in moving closer to fulfilling your goals. If you can see it materialize, can you believe anything is possible. Focus + Energy + Desire = Success!

8. Visit Exhibits -

Check out your local newspapers' Arts & Style pages and see if you have any gallery, design fairs, exhibitions, bead show, garden show or art show currently in the region. Try it on one or two months, to see just outside of itself and the experience of other artists work. They are not like all the arts, but also in this sense there is in terms of how to express and creative.

9 . verbalizing your vision - Open Your Mouth!

Who knows, your vision better than you, you know what your thoughts visually and it is now time for the mouth. Learn to verbalize your work, who you are, what you do and how you do it. First start by Aufsummieren who you are and how your work in your journal. What you try on your work. How you feel when you are working on this activity, your feelings, your goals, your focus and how you feel if your project. This is valuable for the purpose of personal achievement, both personally and professionally. you need to inner pulse of who you are, in order to achieve this, it is where you are inside.

10. Share Your Vision -

Tell people what you are doing, share your passion with people in your area. With journal in hand, work on the interpretation of your vision. And yes, over time to your vision May redesign itself, to Grander, more passion in mind, deep and sincere. Be aware of the changes and document what brings the change and share. Starting a blog can be a good opportunity your thoughts and your vision and growth process. Their magazines will be the largest archive of the whole over time. But the time is how everything begins to larger for you. Invest the time you are worth and your Creativity is in, what are you waiting for!

Autor: Jen Brown Jen Brown
Level: Basic
Jen is a craft activities & event professional, as well as mixed media artist. Her passion is visual facilitation and coaching encouraging others to reach ... ...

Jen is a craft activities and event professional and a mixed media artist. Her passion is visual facilitation and coaching encouraging people to reach their creative potential.

Jen's key passion is her art as it relates; to her life, balance, and the enrichment of life. An advocate of the Arts for Children and Growth Through Inspiration. Check out some of her beautiful designs at: and also contact her via etsy conversation link. Also check out author link for more venues & blogs.

Added: April 23, 2009


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