Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Priority of Creativity in Your Life

The dictionary defines creativity as:

1. The state or quality of creative.

2. The ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns, relationships, or the like, and to create meaningful new ideas, forms, methods, interpretations, etc., originality, progressiveness or imagination: the need for creativity in modern industry, the creativity in the performing arts.

3. The process by which one utilizes creative ability.

The human ability to be creative is what makes us superior to mammals. We all understand creativity as a great artwork, beautiful pieces of music or a well-written book. But that's not all. As a trainer, I have discovered that every single human being is creative. We are all creative. It is in our DNA. You can not consciously creative, you can even have negative or downplay your creativity, but you are creative.

Each of us have been developed to be creative. It is what our unique fingerprint in the mental world. No two expressions of creativity is equally. Just like our faces we differ, the expression of creativity is the face of our minds that we just show in the world.

In the Judeo-Christian tradition, God's first act was to create. He also says we are in the likeness of God, which means that we humans are creative beings. Whatever your belief system, which is a great message.

However, our brain the safety and comfort in repetitive behavior, and repetitive thoughts, and beliefs are. Many of us will have to creatively rusty. We have actually efforts to our creativity.

For much of my life, I was not about my own creative abilities. In my thirties, someone asked me what my favorite color was and could not respond. The question remained with me and myself that I will not close my settings to a color. It was not that I so many different colors, I just do not know what color I liked.

I thought back to my favorite dress like a child. It was yellow. I remember the extras around the arms, hem and neckline, and I smiled. I realized that my Emotions were me what I wanted. I have noticed that I smiled when I saw yellow flowers and the color that calms me. The color made me really happy. Voila, I unearthed my favorite color. It was always my favorite color, I did not know it.

Then I went into the pharmacy and bought a child coloring book and crayons. I sat on the floor of my home office and colored as if I was a child. I felt a little ridiculous about the whole thing so I ordered a mandala coloring book online. It seemed more adults to color, as children's books.

Coloring as a child is an amazing and sensual work for me. I love it. I will experience when I that a loss of sense of time. I love how some colors and some do not.

After I invest my season in color, I feel so much more to me. I am not the eternally long list of things to do and obligations and brain disorder. I actually think that I work my way from the center of my heart.

From this place, I write articles and brainstorming, and some of my best writing.

I vehemently defended himself and my creativity, as I am free. I believe that a life that is not in any form of creative expression is not worth living, like a man, but perhaps it is worth living, like a robot.

You do not have to be the greatest artist or musician who ever lived and to develop your creativity. Start by one vote. Nobody has to hear that voice. It's for you. It is like you are connected with parts of you that you do not know existed.

Autor: Iyabo Asani Iyabo Asani
Level: Platinum
I am an attorney turned transformational coach and founder of Authentic Change Coaching. My passion is helping clients blossom into who they really are by ... ...

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To your greatness,

Iyabo Asani

Added: April 26, 2009


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