Saturday, February 28, 2009

Tools to Promote Creative Thinking Among Your Employees

Our role as supervisors is to ensure our team achieves the highest level of success. The single greatest element contributing to this goal is the ability of a team to think creatively. How do you encourage creativity among your subordinates, though? The answer is that you give them the tools and role model creative thinking in your daily interactions with them.

Groups tend to develop memes the longer they exist. This tends to lead to group think, where one member suggests an idea or solution to a problem and the others agree with it. You can eliminate the effects of group think by playing devil's advocate. Show your employees that it is ok to disagree, to point out faulty reasoning and encourage them to do the same amongst themselves. By establishing a pattern of not adopting the first idea put forward, you will encourage members that otherwise wouldn't suggest a course of action to contribute their input.

Use team building exercises to build trust among your employees. Employees will be more inclined to offer original ideas in environments that are built on trust. You could have your team attend a formal seminar on the subject, or encourage activities like pot-luck luncheons. Make sure you attend these events and try to get to know a little bit about each of your employees. Let them see you as approachable and encourage them to bring ideas up with the group.

It is also important to reward originality. The best reward systems are something tangible. Find something that your team would enjoy and give it to them at the completion of a project. It could be a pizza party, or tickets to the movies. Let the reward be an excuse for your employees to let their hair down and step away from work for a short while.

Not every idea will be good. Creative and original thinking involve finding new ways to do things. Sometimes these will simply not be feasible. If you have to reject an idea, explain why. This will let your employees know where they went wrong, and show that you at least listened to them. Being rejected is hard, but if they know why they will be more likely to continue presenting ideas than if you don't explain your reasons.

Autor: Trevor Johnson

Get more creative thinking help and find out how you can naturally increase your brain power.

Added: March 1, 2009

Friday, February 27, 2009

Find Your Passion by Engaging Both Sides of Your Brain

I'm often contacted by new clients hoping to find their passion. They describe it as their guiding vision, a feeling of palpable excitement that's missing in their lives, and that will bring them a deeper and more abiding satisfaction. As I listen to their frustrations in sourcing this inspirational well-spring, I've noticed a common thread, and a common mistake, that blocks their path to clarity.

Most people take a logical and considered approach to finding out what they want. Believing, as conventional science has taught, that we live in a mechanical world -- they list their skills, preferences, needs, limitations, the things they love and are good at, and the life they dream about. And although they do in fact, arrive at perfectly formed conclusions about their options, not being machines, they're surprised when something in them -- their soul, to be precise -- rebels.

Actually, on the surface, their approach is exactly right. And it's a good step as far as it goes -- a good place to start. It's important to know these things about yourself. But in seeking to tap their passion, people are searching for ways to engage themselves in a way that is still unknown. They're seeking to give birth to something entirely new, and that contributes to something larger than they can imagine. That something has to do with meaning and purpose, and with relationship.

The problem is, we live in a quantum universe, one of profound interconnectedness and creativity, where discovery happens through a distillation process that can't be approached in a linear way.

Let me shift momentarily to quote Murray Gell-Mann, a Nobel laureate physicist who studies complex adaptive systems and inspired my thinking on this subject:

"...In the study of global phenomenon you have to allow the aspects to emerge... you can't go in with a specialized intention of finding out something. If you want to understand a system you have to stand back and take a crude look. You are looking for the relationship of one thing with another... then you discover certain principles. The principles give you possibilities .. you come up with correlations... with relationships that let you know what is going on. Einstein said that he only wanted beautiful theories... because intuitively you know it is right... because it is harmonious..."

I recently had a wonderful opportunity to explore how this systems approach works with a group of people who gathered for a day to imagine their perfect life. We listened to each other's stories and then went into a guided visualization to imagine our ideal environment, imagining what and who surrounded us, and evoked positive feelings of contribution, and re-enforced our balance. We shared our images with a small group, and constructed a collage of them made from magazine clippings and colored pens. It was great fun, and produced a tangible universe that visually reflected what we were seeking -- in ways we couldn't have predicted.

Staring at clips of two dogs, a toucan and a llama in her collage, for example, one woman realized that she didn't so much need to change what she was doing, as to bring supports into her life that helped her to enjoy simple pleasures, and companionship that allowed her to be present in each moment. Another woman pasted pictures on various parts of a body that she outlined on her page, and was startled to see a dispirited, plain figure that mirrored exactly how she felt about herself. In a flash she realized that doing a 'makeover' of her external appearance, to match how she felt on the inside, was her route to discovering the new identity that was waiting in the wings to emerge.

Our right brain stores the images, vision, creativity, self-image, and dreams that move and motivate us. If we find ways to access and take a look at them, we'll see that they combine to form a gestalt, a whole picture of the principles, and perhaps values, they represent. And, as importantly, how we feel about them, and what they mean, become instantly apparent, unleashing new purposefulness and passion.

There are a number of purposeful activities that can help uncover the passions already stored within us. Walk, journal, draw, sing, meditate, stare out the window, dig in the dirt, visit a gallery, listen to music, wash your car. If you stay alert to your feelings as they arise during these activities, you'll find that your right brain is only just waiting to reveal them to you.

Autor: Kathleen Daniel

Kathleen Daniel, MS, L.Ac. writes about change and transition from the inside out, combining insights and experience from a life lived internationally, with a lifelong yoga practice and work as an acupuncturist, organizational consultant, educator, and life and personal leadership coach. She is an alumni of Johns Hopkins Women's Leadership program, and the creator of the Wellness for Women and Pausing at Midlife retreats. Website:

Added: February 28, 2009

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Creativity and Feeling Stuck - The Artist's Way Using Nature For Your Break

Whether you are in a group studying Julia Cameron's The Artist's Way, or doing the exercises on your own, it can be useful to take time out in a fresh setting. Whether to get out of a slump or re-energize or just to have a fresh perspective, taking an 'on purpose' outing can be a terrific boost to your creativity.

In a desert, it's rare to have rain or snow as we do this winter. How that white magic glistens on the distant mountain tops! I know it's very different for those who live in areas where it has to be shoveled; that's another story. For me, today, this snow is an accent; the perfect finishing touch to this morning's early light. Intense, clear, blue sky, the wet, glistening green of the now shiny palm fronds and that crystal-like, sparkling white. Wow. Yes, it's a "Wow" of a wintery day.

So what? Well, turns out, that taking time out of the office, out of the house, out of the studio, out of the routine with the sole (soul) purpose of experiencing Nature is a wonderful tool for jump starting new appreciations, getting un-stuck and removing that feeling of being blocked. I urge you to try it. You do not need a miracle of weather to motivate you; you can schedule experiencing a fresh vantage point for yourself by putting it on your calendar. Treat yourself. Find a different park to visit. Stroll along a path you haven't walked before. Consider the variety in your own neighborhood that's awaiting your attention. You on the calendar.

In the spirit of zapping yourself into a shift when feeling stuck, take pencil and paper along and ponder/answer these:

  • the greatest joy in my life is
  • I am excited that
  • What I really love to do is
  • I know it's good for me to

Supporting your creativity and the unique contribution you bring to this world is something that matters. Your unique idea or song or poem or sketch, or garden, or script, or quilt, or entre, or dance move or invention is ours to receive and enjoy. Keeping it stuck inside not only blocks the flow of your own creativity, it deprives the rest of us of your gift. Make responding to those 4 bulleted zaps above your artist's date with yourself. You'll be glad you did!

Autor: Leslie Gebhart

You'll find immediate access to your free Special Report (12 Tested Tips on taking action to expand your creativity NOW) at This special report and the series of articles, Zapping Blocks to Creativity are offered by Leslie Gebhart, M.A., Professional Certified Coach who supports you to connect with your creativity no matter what your work or leisure schedule. In addition to coaching in support of creativity, she adds facilitating the book study of Julia Cameron's The Artist's Way as a highlight of her work week. Feel free to paste this article into your own material so long as you also maintain the author contact information as is herein. Hope you found it useful! Make it a terrific day. :)

Added: February 25, 2009

Monday, February 23, 2009

Do You Think That it Takes Money to Make Money?

Does it takes money to make money?


A lot of people think that it takes money to make money but I think they are wrong, it takes only an idea. All you have to do is think what can you do to help others get what they want and you are on your way to success. If you are in the business of multilevel you know that this is true,the more people you help the more successful you become.This is also true in any kind of business you are involved in. If you are selling something you know you are helping people get what they want, the more sales you make,the more people you help to get what they want. So does it takes money to make money? NO,it only takes an idea. I you want to be successful in life, all you need to do is get an idea of how to help people get what they want.

How can you get the idea of helping people get what they want? Simply think about a need and how you can fulfill that need. For example:

If someone needs your products or services try to give them the best possible you can,that way you are helping them, they in return will help you get what you want,that may be in money or they will refer you to other people.

There are a lot of articles written about this subject, but the answer is within you. One way to make money is HELPING other people in things that they are not able to do themselves.

This is an ever changing world,but the fundamentals will remain the same,if you can do or produce something better, faster, easier and/or cheaper, with the idea of of helping people get what they want, you will be on your way to a successful life.

Autor: Ignacio O. Anguiano

Ignacio Anguiano visit:

Added: February 24, 2009

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Passion For Living a Life With the Fulfillment of Happiness and Success

What are you doing today? What are you thinking about today? Where are you on the ladder of life? Have you ever gotten on the ladder or are you just standing there and waiting for something or someone to come along and show you the way? Are you just waiting for someone to show you what you need to do? Are you just out there looking around to see what is going on? Well, no one can show you or tell you what you need to do because they are not you.. Perhaps, you are just standing there in the dream state and waiting for a good safe place to get on. Maybe you are saying to yourself, I need to get on half way to the top or somewhere above that to be happy and successful. After all, I deserve more and I see other people who have more. Maybe there are a few people out there who have things handed to them, but are they happy and successful or is it they have inherited the success of someone else. Who are you kidding, you are going to get knocked off. You have to start at the bottom and climb. Of course, you already know this. Of course, you are on the ladder of life, but you are probably not where you want to be. Why are you not where you want to be? It is because you have not figured out where you want to be. It is because you have not figured out that you can find happiness and success.

It takes passion. Maybe you dream the passionate dream and it continually eludes you. You must awake with passion and live your day with passion. Whatever you are doing, you have to live it with passion. When you go to work and you work with passion, you find that you become very accomplished at what you do. There is always a satisfaction, a happiness, a feeling of success when we do something well. Of course, you may not be happy with what you are doing, but you have to do it with passion if you are going to move on. Move with passion and you will likely move on to something that you like to do. If the passion is there, you will find what you will be happy doing. Of course, it is all about being successful in life. So if you live with passion, you will find success and happiness in life. If you really take a good look at what happy and successful people are doing, you find that they have a strong passion for life. It is not why some people seem to have everything, It is what is the passion. What is that some people are doing to be so happy and successful. It is because they have found the passion and determination, they are doing what makes them happy with a passion and that passion has led them to success.

Of course I hope it is understood that i am writing about having good passion.and not the unselfish passion that some people exhibit. Our passion in life influences every one around us. Others see our burning passion. Our passion should always be to do the good and right thing. It should always be to lift up and help everyone around us. It should be a passion to fight against discrimination. It should be a passion to always be charitable. It should be a passion to help the elderly, the disabled, and those who are born with physical and mental impairments. It should be a passion to not discriminate against these people or any people in fact. When was the last time you opened a door for someone who is struggling with disability? Did you just stand there or walk on by. I see this everyday in life and it saddens my heart to see it happening. When we are living our life with passion, we should be living it to look at what is going on around us and be helpful to others. After all how can we be happy and successful, if we do not live the good passion. I have found that the most happy and successful people are living the good passion.

Autor: Paul H Gardner

Paul Gardner is an internet marketer living in Dixon, Ky.

Added: February 23, 2009

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Introducing SCAMPER

This is an idea generation tool that can be used either solo or in groups. It is best used for generating ideas about something that you wish to modify in some way such as upgrade or enhance a current product or service. You need to create a 'problem statement' e.g. How might we make our car go faster?

SCAMPER is an acronym as defined below. Select a letter from the list and read its trigger word and associated questions. Ask yourself what new ideas do this word and questions suggest or try to associate the question and trigger word with your original statement. Record your ideas and then repeat this as many times as you want, each time picking a new letter from the SCAMPER list. Note you do not have to use the letters in sequence.

Substitute: what might you take away and put back in its place? What might you substitute, replace, exchange. Think of who else, what else, other ingredients, other material, different approach?

Combine: what two or more things might you put together? What could you combine this with, what sort of blend or alloy, assortment or ensemble?

Adapt: how might you change something to solve the problem? What could you do differently, what else is similar, have we done this before, what can I copy?

Modify, magnify, minify: what can be made bigger or smaller? How would things change if the object were made bigger or smaller. What could be increased or reduced in size or which attributes could be enhanced or diminished?

Put to other uses: what might be used in a different way? Can this be used for different purposes, does its properties suggest other uses, do its properties such as size or weight suggest other uses, can it be used in another context?

Eliminate: what might you get rid of? Can you leave something out, condense or concentrate, remove parts, make lighter?

Rearrange or reverse: what might you mix up or move around? Can you reverse roles, turn upside down (backwards or inside out), change perspective, alter timing, change objectives?

Your recorded ideas may themselves be combined or investigated further if necessary. Note these may not be sensible ideas (although they could be) and may just suggest ways forward for you or your business.

Autor: Derek Cheshire Derek Cheshire
Level: Platinum
Derek Cheshire is an expert, speaker, consultant and facilitator in the areas of Business Creativity, Innovation and Idea Generation. He is creator of the Innovation ... ...

Derek Cheshire is an expert, speaker, consultant and facilitator in the areas of Business Creativity, Innovation and Idea Generation. He is creator of the Innovation Toolkit, and co creator of workshops such as Creating The Difference, Creativity as a Business Tool, Sticky Strategy and The Idea Factory. Derek is also a director of the PRD Partnership, experts in commercialising ideas.

You can receive regular ideas and updates on Business Creativity and Innovation by visiting and filling out the simple sign up form. See also

Added: February 22, 2009

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Artist's Way - More Zaps in Support of Creativity With the Focus on Awareness

Whether you are in a support group, a class, a casual band of buddies or an organized artist's way workshop, you'll benefit from these 3 zaps to support your creativity. If you're fortunate enough to have been encouraged and nurtured when you were young, you may be off and running with your creativity. Some are blocked and frustrated and uncertain how to get started. As a coach to people ready to START or experiment or explore, I've developed long lists of what I call, "zaps" to support what's next or to un-block the pathway to clarity. Here is a random sampling of 3 which I hope you'll find useful:

  1. Along with monitoring how much time you spend in front of the TV which is electronic clutter, there's the traditional, literal clutter that seems to come along with life. Is it under control? (or under the bed?) My business partner recently commented that my car looked hectic. It did. It was due to my casual tossing of papers and bags, extra sweaters and miscellany. It felt yucky and I fixed it. Sigh. Big relief. So, now I say to you, check the clutter in your briefcase, car, home, desk drawers & decide if it's ok with you as is or if it's time to revise and stop buying more stuff. Clutter equals blocks to creativity and blocks to energy flow. Think of it as stuff in the way. Wouldn't it be better if the path is clear? When your path is clear, it's easier to see space for the one step at a time you'll be wanting to take in the direction of your goals and dreams.
  2. Set aside one day a month to edit clothes in the closet, stuff in drawers, the car, etc; you get the idea; the tidy-ing process. Breathe. This does not have to be complicated. Just put a half a day on your calendar and treat yourself to this organizational booster. Is there a good cause which would benefit from your donations? Isn't it time to make space on that shelf? Who would be thrilled with those "hand-me-down" shoes you no longer wear? And, by the way, the other half of that de-cluttering day is for something just for FUN.
  3. Speaking of fun, it's important to have a place in your home that is just for you. It may be a corner or a special desk or it could be a room. A space of your own. No sharing, no explanations. You deserve it. Create it. One student asked his family to help him decide where he could paint uninterrupted and where they would not be tempted to touch his stuff. With that sort of team spirit consultation, he had fun brainstorming, hearing from all who agreed that it'd be a personal corner in the garage just for dad. He's thrilled! They feel heard, he feels supported and he just purchased a stack of canvasses and an easel when "coincidently" he found a 1 cent sale. The universe really does support creative desires. Your friends and family can be supporters too if you ask. First decide that it matters enough to ask. Where would your ideal spot be?

As you make the decision to say, 'yes' to yourself in this way, you increase your awareness about what you need to thrive. That's a good thing; go for it!

Autor: Leslie Gebhart

Resource box

You'll find immediate access to your free Special Report (12 Tested Tips on taking action to expand your creativity NOW) at This special report and the series of articles, Zapping Blocks to Creativity are offered by Leslie Gebhart, M.A., PCC who supports you to connect with your creativity no matter what your work or leisure schedule. In addition to coaching in support of creativity, she adds facilitating the book study of Julia Cameron's The Artist's Way as a highlight of her work week. Feel free to paste this article into your own material so long as you also maintain the author contact information as is herein.

Added: February 19, 2009

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Creativity and the Artist's Way - No Cost Samples For Un-blocking

Have you dreamed of a special project you'd like to do one day? Have you postponed your scrap book project or spending time with supplies from your tool bench? Sometimes when feeling discouraged by the media emphasis on what's wrong with our economy, we loose sight of the fact that we can actually make choices to support low cost, money saving creative projects that actually both feed our spirit as well as our economic situation.

You can feel abundant and creative if you let yourself focus on your creative bursts. Here are 3 zaps to jump-start that process:

1. Note to self: supporting my creativity does not have to be expensive. If budget is tight right now, use that challenge to create a list of all the things you can do with materials on hand. Scope out that pile in the garage or behind the house. Do you have an attic or a basement where treasure might be lurking? Maybe this is the time to turn yourself into a collage artist, or gather your supplies and find someone with whom to trade if you aren't in the collage mode. Who needs what you have to offer?

2. Take an inventory of your "junk drawers" around the house. A coaching task is to set the timer for 50 minutes and start with one drawer and an empty carton. Start with just one. If you get into it, you can proceed drawer by drawer or closet by closet, but to start, just chooses one. Select items you no longer need or want or use and put them into the carton. By the end of 50 minutes you'll have accumulated things that will

a. Inspire you to create something different

b. Be ready to donate to the charity of your choice

c. Earn you extra money when you are ready to sell them.

3. Answer the question, "Who needs what I have to offer?" Creativity abounds when you open the box of possibilities. Start a list of brain dumps. Are you in the mood to teach? Do you need to earn money for your creativity or are you available as a volunteer? Do you need time? Might you arrange a no cost trade of child care to have mental space for your creative process?

You are filled with unique ideas that can flourish when you set a time for supporting your creativity. This does not cost money. Regardless of the economic situation, you can focus on what is in front of you. You can make changes with ease when you see the money challenges as opportunities for evolution. Yes you can!

Autor: Leslie Gebhart

You'll find immediate access to your free Special Report (12 Tested Tips on taking action to expand your creativity NOW) at This special report and the series of articles, Zapping Blocks to Creativity are offered by Leslie Gebhart, M.A., Professional Certified Coach who supports you to connect with your creativity no matter what your work or leisure schedule. In addition to coaching in support of creativity, she adds facilitating the book study of Julia Cameron's The Artist's Way as a highlight of her work week. Feel free to paste this article into your own material so long as you also maintain the author contact information as is herein. Hope you found it useful!

Added: February 18, 2009

Monday, February 16, 2009

Why Working on Multiple Creative Projects Doesn't Make You a Serial Adulterer

How do you work with creative projects? Do you work on just one at a time, and don't even think about starting another before you current project is completely finished down to the last tiny detail?

Or do you, like most of us, have a number of different creative projects in development at any one time, of different sizes, different complexities and in different media?

The problems start to arise for us creative artists when we feel that working on more than one project at a time is similar to getting married then the next day going out and having affairs here there and everywhere, as if your marriage vows are meaningless.

Here's the thing. You're creative; you have a creative, active mind. This means you have lots of different ideas and like to work in different media.

This is positive, healthy, a good thing!

It's not something to be ashamed of, to feel guilty about, or that means you're any less committed to each of the projects you're working on at any time.

Now, if you find you're going through a regular pattern of having a new idea, rushing headlong into it with the enthusiasm of a 6 year old let out in the snow for the first time in their life, then a few weeks, days, or hours later, you abandon it completely and starting something new again, then you might want to look at why that cycle keeps repeating.

If you never finish ANY projects, and only get part way through with everything you begin, then maybe there's an issue with finishing that it'll be beneficial to address.

But, whilst for most people, having a string of brief love affairs, or simultaneously having many lovers on the go at once, is not an option we would ever consider or be able to deal with, it's a very different story with your creative projects.

Think for a moment about your own attitude towards multiple projects.

Do you think it's OK to have a number of works in progress that you spend time on?

Projects of different sizes, different levels of challenge, and in different media? Or are you racked with guilt as soon as you even entertain the idea of a new project before your current one is finished?

For some, multiple projects works differently to others, and there are different scales.

As with all creating, experiment and find what works best for YOU. It won't be the same as what works best for everyone else, we are each unique.

Maybe a major project like a novel or a series of paintings, interspersed with shorter works like 50 word flash fiction and journaling, or ATCs and collage is the way you can be at your most creative. Try it out, you'll know what works and what doesn't.

Remember, be kind on yourself, honour your creativity and the methods that fit for you. And remember too, working on multiple creative projects does NOT make you a serial adulterer!

Autor: Dan Goodwin Dan Goodwin
Level: Platinum
Creativity Coach Dan Goodwin helps people who are frustrated they're not making use of their creative talents and abilities. A highly creative person himself, in ... ...

Ready to be more creative? Then sign up to "Create Create!" - Creativity Coach Dan Goodwin's free twice monthly ezine - today, and get your free copy of the "Explode Your Creativity!" Action Workbook. Just head over to

Added: February 17, 2009

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Two Creativity Tips

The two creativity tips that follow suggest two of the dozens of basic questions you can ask to increase the creativeness of your thinking. Ask these as you work on something, and you can see more creative results today.

1. A Question Of Purpose

Asking certain questions can lead to more creative ideas. These questions don't include "How is everyone else doing this?" or "What is the usual approach to this problem?" Here is a better one: "What is the important goal here, and how could that be accomplished differently?"

The idea is to look past the form to the function, and find new ways to achieve that. For example, when you consider your job, the most creative approach is not to ask where you can find a better one, but to ask why you have one, and what alternatives there are. Is the purpose to make money, pay the bills, or work up to a better job?

Consider how you might accomplish each of these in other ways. Can you make a business of what you do? Can you write a book about the characters you work with? Can you get someone else to pay the bills (manage an apartment complex in exchange for rent and utilities?)? Can you design the position you want and then convince an employer that they need to create it just for you?

2. The Basic "What If" Question

This is a fun way to have more creative ideas. Just start asking crazy "what if" questions, and then find a way to make them not so crazy. Eventually you'll refine a few of your ideas into something useful.

For example, if you run a college and want to develop more creative ways to educate people and increase enrollment, you could start by asking, "What if we made a drive-though window for students, instead of another classroom?" That seems crazy enough, so you start looking for ways to make sense of it - to create something useful from it.

The first thing that pops into your head is a drive through window for the bookstore - that seems like something which might work. Taking classes at such a window just seems too crazy, though, until you consider the window as just the place the student gets his or her assignments. What kind of assignments? That's when you have your "breakthrough idea."

The name "audio college" enters your mind, and you imagine classes on CDs. People spend so many hours in there cars, so why not use that time? A student could listen to class lectures while traveling or just driving to work or to the store. This isn't appropriate for all classes, and on-site testing might be necessary, but perhaps as much as a third of the students credits could be accomplished in this form, and at a lower cost. Enrollment might go up with a system like this.

The key is to ask any "what if" question that comes to mind and play with it for a few minutes without criticizing any ideas that come to mind. Critical analysis should be done after this "brainstorming" session, so you don't discourage your creativity. Many bad ideas will lead to good ones if they are allowed to develop and change.

The two creativity tips here cover just a couple of many dozens of creative thinking techniques, but they are powerful enough to get you thinking in new ways. Why not try them out today?

Autor: Steven Gillman Steven Gillman
Level: Platinum
A collector and distibutor of unique and interesting information, Steve has two dozen web sites on topics ranging from how to have good luck to ... ...

Copyright Steve Gillman. For more on Creative Thinking, and to get the Brain Power Newsletter and other free gifts, visit:

Added: February 15, 2009

Friday, February 13, 2009

We Still Do Not Know All We Wish We Did With Regards to Creativity

What makes one person more creative than another? There are many theories, some known facts and the reality is we don't really know. It has been shown that a child, teen without a father figure around, but an active mom, tends to be the most creative. It has also been shown that younger teens and single women apparently create in order to display their worthiness. Some believe that babies, through play and fun games from parents and siblings, are developing their brains in a certain way that indeed, ignites the creativeness of their minds. If this is the case, then how does it work?

Well, maybe if the child's brain develops pleasure from games, play, humor or ironic happenings, perhaps triggering the N400 brain wave during these events then chemicals are released and the brain "thickens" in those areas or makes stronger connections to allow for even more creativeness, self confidence to try new stuff (or the desire to).

Maybe the statement; "get the creative juices flowing" is actually literal in that regard, because as that young person turns to adult, they will seek out events that give pleasure to the brain by triggering those same chemicals in the same regions.

Of course, much more work needs to be done, but it would sure serve us well to complete such research - after all, the benefits to knowing would allow us to produce more creative geniuses for our society and civilization. This would further spur innovation and forward progress into future periods, thus, guaranteeing the strength of our nation. Think on this.

Autor: Lance Winslow Lance Winslow
Level: Platinum
Greetings to Everyone, I am a retired Franchisor, Business Consultant, Philantropist and I run a Think Tank, as well as do a lot of Traveling, ... ...

Lance Winslow - Lance Winslow's Bio. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance;

Added: February 13, 2009

The Gift of Imagination - Conscious Evolution and Spiritual Growth With Creativity

It is vital to the happiness of every individual that he or she continues to evolve in spiritual growth, self-awareness, and personal development. This growth and expansion as our true and authentic self is the basis of all spirituality. Accordingly, this growth and expansion can be enhanced by the use of the gift of imagination for creativity.

Progression and advancement in consciousness is the Universal Law of Continual Consciousness. And just how does creativity and imagination play an impacting role in our progression and advancement in consciousness? It plays a role through our ability to constructively and productively use the imagination to co-create life. The imagination when use properly begins the process of allowing the Creative Spirit to move.

Each time we use the gift of imagination properly we stir creative expression (the movement of the creative spirit). Creative expression promotes conscious evolution and spiritual growth. This growth and evolution is possible because as we use the gift of imagination, we are inspired and we inspire others. This inspiration is the substance which allows us to become more and add more life to life. Accordingly, if we were to ever wonder what the greatest desire for all mankind and womankind could be, the answer would be-more life. More life is riches and we have a divine right to live richly and in abundance.

Now, the question is, how can we use our imagination effectively to enhance creativity, conscious evolution, and spiritual growth? The answer is, go to the core of your being where your true and authentic self resides. Your true and authentic self is a natural co-creator who has been implanted with a vision for purpose in life. When we use the gift of imagination from the core of our true and authentic self, we are powerful co-creators and most importantly we are functioning as unstoppable visionaries.

A fine illustration from an artistic perspective is the art form of performance art, specifically acting and dramatic interpretation. An actor or actress who wants to deliver a powerful and dynamic performance always looks for ways to relate to the character from his or her true and authentic self-why? By taking the time to relate some aspect of the character's nature to his or her true and authentic self, the performance becomes more authentic. And if this actor or actress is seeking to communicate something about life and the human condition, he or she evolves and grows from having "played" the role of the character.

For example, if you were an actress who wanted to play the role of Lady Macbeth and you wanted to identify with her character, you may want to tap into your desire for success and fame in order to understand Lady Macbeth's ambition and greed. To heighten the identification and relation to the character, you may use your imagination to intensify your desire for success in order to understand Lady Macbeth's level of ambition. You may ask yourself: "What lengths would I go to achieve success?" With greater intensity with the use of your imagination, you may imagine what Lady Macbeth is feeling. How she make think she is justified in her actions. Later as she is tormented with guilt of her actions, you may use your imagination through the knowledge of your true and authentic self to understand her guilt.

Once your performance of Lady Macbeth has ended, it would be beneficial to you the artist to take the time to discover what new things you have discovered about who you really are and what is important to you. As such, by way of creativity and your imagination, you have grown in some way spiritually and consciously for having played the role of Lady Macbeth.

The same is true when we sing a song, draw picture, paint a portrait, or read literature. The same is true when we visualize how we want to live our lives, take meditative journeys to understand our true desires, or journal for self-realization. Creativity is creativity. It does not matter if creativity is used for art, personal development, spiritual development, self-actualization, or self-improvement. It does not matter because in the process, we are embarking on a journey to discover more about who we really are. The authenticity of this discovery is what leads to spiritual growth, conscious evolution, personal power, and success. This freedom of self-discovery becomes contagious and it inspires others to reach within to create more life.

So, if you desire to grow, progress, and expand spiritually and consciously, use the gift of imagination in the creation process. Imagination is a powerful gift and it is most powerful when we use it as our true and authentic self. The journey begins when we let go of the fetters and illusions of the ego and let the Creative Spirit move.

Autor: Carmellita M. Brown Carmellita M. Brown
Level: Basic PLUS
Carmellita M. Brown is the Founder and Creative Director of Blue Lotus Living, LLC. Blue Lotus Living is a Spiritual and Personal Development Community and ... ...

Carmellita M. Brown, a Writer, Artist, Visionary, and Entrepreneur, is the Founder and Creative Director for Blue Lotus Living, a Spiritual and Personal Development Community and Holistic Lifestyle Media and Education Company. She has developed a creative success system which teaches the power of co-creating life. She invites those who want to transform their lives and manifest their dreams and true desires to visit Blue Lotus Living today.

Added: February 13, 2009

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Why Do You Want to Mentor Creative Teens?

Before you volunteer to become a coach for teens or join a teen mentoring group you'll need to assess your temperament, strengths, and patience. No, it's not going to be easy, and teens require a special kind of attention when you are working with them.

Teens will listen to what you say and replay those words in your mind, so you must be careful how you talk to them and choose those words correctly. Not long ago, I asked a fellow mentor joining the group about what he wanted to get out of mentoring teens and why he wanted to mentor teens. Here below is his reply:

"Perhaps, because I felt as if my education was insufficient, too structured, and inadequate for my talents, personal displacement, and thirst for knowledge. I felt as if it was there to funnel me into a box, rather than to unleash my creative genius. No, I take that back, It is not as if I felt if it was insufficient, I know it was inadequate."

Indeed, we all realize that we must teach kids to "think" and not just answer questions on tests or pretend that they are learning through rote memorization. Our mentor group here locally deals with Creative Studies and yes they are so vitally important in this regard, more than most people realize.

But, perhaps you might look around your own community and see what types of mentoring groups are available. You'll be glad you did and it's amazing how much joy you will get 0out of it and how much you yourself will learn. So, think on this and become a volunteer.

Autor: Lance Winslow Lance Winslow
Level: Platinum
Greetings to Everyone, I am a retired Franchisor, Business Consultant, Philantropist and I run a Think Tank, as well as do a lot of Traveling, ... ...

Lance Winslow - Lance Winslow's Bio. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance;

Added: February 10, 2009

Monday, February 9, 2009

Creation Or Matter Begins With Thought

If consciousness forms matter, then thought has been before the brain. Think about this for a bit... We don't doubt for a minute that a child thinks coherently before he learns vocabulary. Right! We also know that an idea creates form which is matter.

For instance, if you are an entrepreneur creating gift cards, its creation begins in the idea or the thought. Then this thought forms into matter. Just as a child thinks before he/she speaks, writes or reads. Or take an artist creating music or a painting. They will begin the creation process through the imagination first, then in something tangible as in a song or a painting; And, what about an actor's script? You don't see actors on stage acting without a script. First, they create the script from a thought, then act it out.

So why would we doubt that our thoughts create our reality? Or, why would we think only certain things are created through consciousness and not others. It seems as though we are being selective and critical in what we can or cannot do, be or have.

In my own experience, every time I write something, or do basically anything, it begins with a thought. The other night, I sat in bed reading. I began thinking about a turtles chocolate. Back and forth my mind went from book to chocolate. I finally got up, found one and ate it. There is no doubt that I created this through thought. This was initially a mental act which became a physical act of doing. So no matter how small and simple this example may be, creation begins with an act of the imagination, starting from an idea, resulting in a physical act or physical reality.

We create our reality through all mental acts, which include our feelings, thoughts and beliefs. Choose wisely what you want to think about.

Autor: Desiree Thompson Desiree Thompson
Level: Platinum
I will always remember watching a tv interview with Anthony Robbins. I was at a place where I finally had begun to make a change ... ...

Discover the #1 Rule to Live By! Wake Up To Life is the bi-monthly ezine, sent out twice per month, for women who seek clarity, direction, change, meaning, purpose and passion in their lives. Visit to begin designing the life of your dreams!

Added: February 9, 2009

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Enhance All Areas of Your Life!

Creativity is not only a stress reliever, but it enhances all aspects of your life.

When you let your creativity flow, you are opening doors of opportunity in all areas of your personal, professional and spiritual life.
Creativity can promote:

* Relaxation

* Problem solving

* Income

* Books or newsletters

* Vision boards or DVD's

* Paintings

* Songs

* Poetry

* Inspiration and Ideas

* Soul centered businesses

* Better relationships at work and home

Is creativity a God given talent? Yes, it is. The good news is we all have it. We just haven't discovered and uncovered how to bring it into play and enhance all aspects of our lives.

1. How do you discover what your creativity is? This is the fun part. Explore, explore, explore.

Try writing, singing, drawing, painting, playing an instrument, meditating, dancing, exercising, brainstorming, woodworking etc. Your creativity has optimum possibilities and potential.

There are so many ways to be creative. Look at the hobbies you like, or things that you feel really energized by, or perhaps something completely new that piques your interest or curiosity. Once you discover which ones you feel connected to, you can uncover how to channel them for the best results.

2. Apply them everywhere and as often as you can in your personal, professional and spiritual life.

Say your creativity is coming up with ideas as well as painting. Perhaps you can use these at the office or home, by painting inspirational words or pictures and posting them each morning or once a week for focusing and inspiration.

3. Drop the expectation of what or how your creativity "should be". Let it evolve. Let it flow. Let it emerge from within and trust what you feel drawn to. Then allow it to shine and radiate in all aspects of your life.

4. How will utilizing your creativity enhance these 4 areas of your life?

Personal Time & Spiritual Growth

Health & Well Being

Money & Career


When you apply your creativity to each area of your life you will reap the benefits and rewards and others will also. The more creativity you use, the better the outcomes and solutions will be.

5. Don't stop at one. We all have creativity and generally more than one way of expressing it. The more you open the window to your mind, body and soul's creativity, the more doors of opportunity will open.

When you use your creativity, you are aligning with your true inner purpose. How can your outer purpose and others not benefit from it?

A special thanks to all who recognize their creativity and have inspired, touched, opened and blessed us with your many talents. You too can be one of them!

Remember , when you Shine, the world shines brighter because of you!

Autor: Kimberley Cohen

Kimberley Cohen is the Founder, Facilitator and Personal Insight Coach of The Insight Technique . She is certified in Body Mind Counselling, Process Oriented Body Work and Spiritual Psychotherapy. She founded the Insight Technique - Your Insight to genuine Happiness, Purpose and Prosperity to assist herself and others in uncovering and discovering their brilliance. To question and understand your thinking so you can transform what blocks and limits you from living the life you desire and deserve. Or "living your dreams".

Added: February 8, 2009

Thursday, February 5, 2009

How to Choose the Best Creative Project to Create Right Now

As a Creativity Coach, often I'll get emails and messages from creative artists who simply feel overwhelmed with all the possible options they have to create.

They might say something like: "I've got this great idea for a new short story I want to develop, that came to me in the middle of the night. I wrote down the core idea and really can't wait to develop it. But I'm also in the midst of a new collection of poems for a book I want to publish. Then there's my novel, I really should be adding to that and getting the first draft finished at least. So I can't decide where I should focus my creativity and energy and end up flitting between different projects, not really getting into any of them. And these are just writing projects I've told you about. I also have a new camera I'm enjoy experimenting with and want to spend more time with. And I got 6 huge new canvases at a discount last week that I'd like to prepare for a new abstract series of portraits I've begun sketching out. And then there's..."

The list of possible creative projects goes on. Does this sound at all familiar to you?

We all have a number of ideas we'd like to work on and different media we'd like to experiment with and evolve in. What also happens is that the more ideas you have, the more ideas seem to spring from them.

When you try a new creative form and enjoy it, it opens doorways to a whole load of other creative media that you'd not considered before because you didn't even know they existed!

So whatever can we do? How can we possibly choose firstly which creative media to work in, then which project to start within that, when the choice seems so completely overwhelming?

In short, what IS the best creative project for you to create right now?

The answer is, there is no single "perfect choice". There are a number of projects you could choose from, and begin. And any of those choices would be a good choice for you right now.

Here's a stark reality that many of us overlook:

You will never have enough time - even if you created every minute of every day for the rest of your life - to develop every good idea you'll have.

Read that statement again, and absorb the truth of it.

Once you realise this, you can let go of the endless anxiety at trying to create EVERYTHING and get down to creating SOMETHING.

You can choose one creative project to work on right now, one project that inspires, excites and motivates you, and give that your full focus and attention for the next few days, weeks, months, or however long it needs your focus and attention.

Would you rather get to the end of your creative life knowing you'd begun hundreds of different projects in a range of different media, and never got even halfway through any of them? So your creative life looks like an ocean floor strewn with decaying shipwrecks?

Or would you rather look back with the satisfaction and pride that each year of your life you'd worked on a select few projects, made wonderful progress and truly felt you'd evolved and blossomed as an artist, giving these projects the best you could?

Instead of shipwrecks, wouldn't you rather look back proudly at the fleet of beautiful vessels you'd created and sailed such wonderful adventures in?

That's your choice to make. I think you know which one will make you the happier artist. Pick something, commit to it, start creating. Today.

Autor: Dan Goodwin Dan Goodwin
Level: Platinum
Creativity Coach Dan Goodwin helps people who are frustrated they're not making use of their creative talents and abilities. A highly creative person himself, in ... ...

Ready to be more creative? Then sign up to "Create Create!" - Creativity Coach Dan Goodwin's free twice monthly ezine - today, and get your free copy of the "Explode Your Creativity!" Action Workbook. Just head over to

Added: February 6, 2009

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

How to Have More Creative Ideas - Are You Making This Classic Mistake?

One of the biggest issues creative artists like us have that stops us being more creative, is believing we never have any good ideas.

The problem is not that we don't have the ideas in the first place, but we simply forget how many ideas we do have.

Let's imagine this scenario, and follow a day in the life of a painter and writer called Jessica, and see how her belief that she never has any good ideas fits in with the reality of her creative life.

So, this morning Jessica wakes from an amazing dream about flying serpents, castles with impenetrable walls and her great Aunt stood at the top of the castle tower sprinkling glitter into the wind. "Hmmm", thinks Jessica, "I could maybe use some of these strange images for a new painting, or maybe a story. I'll come back to them when I have some time."

What she's already forgotten is that half an hour earlier she woke momentarily from an equally vivid dream involving her three favourite dolls from childhood being lost in the biggest snowfall for decades.

As Jessica gets up and prepares for the morning ahead, she daydreams about possible new painting techniques. The way the soap bubbles as she washes makes her wonder how she could make similar patterns as she paints, or maybe how she could use different materials to apply paints to create new textures, instead of using brushes all the time. "I'll experiment a little when I have more time," she muses.

Jessica then heads to meet a friend for coffee and breakfast at the local caf�. It had been raining earlier, and on the way she notices the reflections in puddles, and how they make the roads appear tiled with mirrors of different shapes and sizes. "I wonder how I could use mirrors and reflections in my paintings", she wonders.

Entering the caf�, the delicious aroma of fresh coffee fills Jessica's nostrils and she thinks back to the times growing up when her mother would always have fresh coffee every morning as Jessica and her brother came down to breakfast.

"Why are some scents so nostalgic", ponders Jessica. "Maybe I could use nostalgia as theme for a series of paintings, recreate scenes from my childhood, from anyone's childhood. Maybe I could try a painting completely in shades of sepia, so it looks almost like an old photo? I'll try that one day when I get round to it."

Jessica's friend Molly has already arrived and they greet each other warmly. ""So Jess," says Molly, "how's the painting going? Tell me all about your latest ideas!"

"I wish I could," replies Jessica, "but I never seem to have any ideas these days. I sit at my canvas desperately hoping some bolt of inspiration will come to me, but nothing does. I'm so frustrated and disillusioned with it all."

At this point I'm sure you're thinking what I'm thinking. Jessica, rewind the tape and see what we saw!

What about the serpents, your Aunt, the glitter, the castle? What about the dolls lost in the snow? What about the soap bubbles and using different materials to apply paint? What about the scent of coffee, the nostalgia, the sepia coloured paintings? All of these possible starting ideas for new creative projects occurred in less than a couple of hours!

Jessica made the classic mistake that so many of us make. We have ideas all the time, but we don't capture them, because we think we'll remember them.

Then when we don't remember, it feels like we never even had the ideas in the first place!

You can put an end to this frustration very simply.

Just get yourself a small notebook, call it your Ideas Journal, and keep it with you at all times. Then whenever you have an idea, stop, take 30 seconds to write it down, and continue with what you were doing.

In just a few days you'll realise how many ideas have been flowing to you all along, you've just not been recording them, so they've evaporated as quickly as they came.

The more ideas you capture, the more will come to you. Go, get started right away, and realise that you are a veritable creative ideas factory!

Autor: Dan Goodwin Dan Goodwin
Level: Platinum
Creativity Coach Dan Goodwin helps people who are frustrated they're not making use of their creative talents and abilities. A highly creative person himself, in ... ...

Ready to be more creative? Then sign up to "Create Create!" - Creativity Coach Dan Goodwin's free twice monthly ezine - today, and get your free copy of the "Explode Your Creativity!" Action Workbook. Just head over to

Added: February 5, 2009

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Creating Anew - Eight Simple Ideas That You Can Use Right Now to Help Create a Better World

In the winter plants die back, animals hide away, people try to keep warm and days are short. Wild animals have a harder time surviving as food supplies are scarce, unless they have secured them away or are hibernating. Gales howl and dead wood is cast off from the trees. Underneath the earth the seeds of the next Spring are dormant awaiting the light and warmth to grow again.

It seems to me that human society in the West is going through its own winter and yet within that winter, as in the rest of nature, the seeds of new beginnings lie dormant, awaiting the right conditions to spring into life.

So, rather than bemoan the passing of the old, lets take what was good from it, dispense with the things that no longer serve us and begin to create anew, ready for the next Spring. This article was written to motivate you to use your own innate and precious creativity to improve your world and that means my world too.

What I'm writing here is by no means a blueprint to be followed rigidly. Its a collection of thoughts and ideas to mull over and put into action should you feel so moved. Firstly, I would like to ask you how you are using creativity in your own life right now? Are you doing or thinking anything that is creating a better future for us all?

Undoubtedly, there is much that is wrong with human society today but this is where the past has brought us and so, maybe you and I can be a part of creating the world we would like to live in, instead of waiting for other people to improve the world for us(Or not improve it as the case may be). Take some large pieces of paper and give yourself a little space and time for the following: (You could do this on the computer) Getting ideas into writing or print helps bring clarity to mental processes.

1) Think for a few minutes about what most concerns you about the world today. The absolute top of your list. Write it down.

2) Now underneath that, write what you would like to see happening instead. If you have not given this much thought before, now is a time to do it.

3) Then write down what you are doing about this situation. If its nothing put that down too.

4) Below that write what you are letting/expecting other people do about it

5) Now take a few deep breaths and ask your own innate creative genius to come up with ideas that will help develop the things that you would like to see happening in the world. Let your hand write and the words flow, don't judge what comes out keep writing till you can't write any more.

6) Look through what you have come up with and take out the solutions that seem best, most workable and most inspire you and write them onto another fresh page.

7) Shut your eyes and let your imagination play with the ideas and how they could be implemented in day to day reality. Jot down what comes to you, it may come in words or pictures, sounds or feelings.

8) Look through what you have written. Do any of the seeds you have created inspire you into action? How could you nourish them? Will they actually grow? Could you do something practical with these seeds? It doesn't matter how small or how large. Could your way forward be in the world of ideas; online forums, newspapers, discussion groups, etc. Or could you look for groups to join within your local community, places to share and implement your vision?

Be prepared for your ideas to change as you go out into the world with them and also be prepared for opposition. Seeds have to push up through the earth till they reach the light and put forth leaves and flowers. Being fired up with purpose is in my opinion, one of the things that makes life worthwhile. Lets make this world a better place together and use our creativity for the good of all. Have fun too.

Autor: Gillian Knebel Gillian Knebel
Level: Basic
I live in West Cork Ireland and am present making music and dance videos to communicate my love of nature. I have found throughout my ... ...

Gillian creates Music and Video inspired by the beauty of nature in West Cork Ireland, see her work at

Added: February 4, 2009
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