Monday, February 16, 2009

Why Working on Multiple Creative Projects Doesn't Make You a Serial Adulterer

How do you work with creative projects? Do you work on just one at a time, and don't even think about starting another before you current project is completely finished down to the last tiny detail?

Or do you, like most of us, have a number of different creative projects in development at any one time, of different sizes, different complexities and in different media?

The problems start to arise for us creative artists when we feel that working on more than one project at a time is similar to getting married then the next day going out and having affairs here there and everywhere, as if your marriage vows are meaningless.

Here's the thing. You're creative; you have a creative, active mind. This means you have lots of different ideas and like to work in different media.

This is positive, healthy, a good thing!

It's not something to be ashamed of, to feel guilty about, or that means you're any less committed to each of the projects you're working on at any time.

Now, if you find you're going through a regular pattern of having a new idea, rushing headlong into it with the enthusiasm of a 6 year old let out in the snow for the first time in their life, then a few weeks, days, or hours later, you abandon it completely and starting something new again, then you might want to look at why that cycle keeps repeating.

If you never finish ANY projects, and only get part way through with everything you begin, then maybe there's an issue with finishing that it'll be beneficial to address.

But, whilst for most people, having a string of brief love affairs, or simultaneously having many lovers on the go at once, is not an option we would ever consider or be able to deal with, it's a very different story with your creative projects.

Think for a moment about your own attitude towards multiple projects.

Do you think it's OK to have a number of works in progress that you spend time on?

Projects of different sizes, different levels of challenge, and in different media? Or are you racked with guilt as soon as you even entertain the idea of a new project before your current one is finished?

For some, multiple projects works differently to others, and there are different scales.

As with all creating, experiment and find what works best for YOU. It won't be the same as what works best for everyone else, we are each unique.

Maybe a major project like a novel or a series of paintings, interspersed with shorter works like 50 word flash fiction and journaling, or ATCs and collage is the way you can be at your most creative. Try it out, you'll know what works and what doesn't.

Remember, be kind on yourself, honour your creativity and the methods that fit for you. And remember too, working on multiple creative projects does NOT make you a serial adulterer!

Autor: Dan Goodwin Dan Goodwin
Level: Platinum
Creativity Coach Dan Goodwin helps people who are frustrated they're not making use of their creative talents and abilities. A highly creative person himself, in ... ...

Ready to be more creative? Then sign up to "Create Create!" - Creativity Coach Dan Goodwin's free twice monthly ezine - today, and get your free copy of the "Explode Your Creativity!" Action Workbook. Just head over to

Added: February 17, 2009


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