Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Creativity and Feeling Stuck - The Artist's Way Using Nature For Your Break

Whether you are in a group studying Julia Cameron's The Artist's Way, or doing the exercises on your own, it can be useful to take time out in a fresh setting. Whether to get out of a slump or re-energize or just to have a fresh perspective, taking an 'on purpose' outing can be a terrific boost to your creativity.

In a desert, it's rare to have rain or snow as we do this winter. How that white magic glistens on the distant mountain tops! I know it's very different for those who live in areas where it has to be shoveled; that's another story. For me, today, this snow is an accent; the perfect finishing touch to this morning's early light. Intense, clear, blue sky, the wet, glistening green of the now shiny palm fronds and that crystal-like, sparkling white. Wow. Yes, it's a "Wow" of a wintery day.

So what? Well, turns out, that taking time out of the office, out of the house, out of the studio, out of the routine with the sole (soul) purpose of experiencing Nature is a wonderful tool for jump starting new appreciations, getting un-stuck and removing that feeling of being blocked. I urge you to try it. You do not need a miracle of weather to motivate you; you can schedule experiencing a fresh vantage point for yourself by putting it on your calendar. Treat yourself. Find a different park to visit. Stroll along a path you haven't walked before. Consider the variety in your own neighborhood that's awaiting your attention. You on the calendar.

In the spirit of zapping yourself into a shift when feeling stuck, take pencil and paper along and ponder/answer these:

  • the greatest joy in my life is
  • I am excited that
  • What I really love to do is
  • I know it's good for me to

Supporting your creativity and the unique contribution you bring to this world is something that matters. Your unique idea or song or poem or sketch, or garden, or script, or quilt, or entre, or dance move or invention is ours to receive and enjoy. Keeping it stuck inside not only blocks the flow of your own creativity, it deprives the rest of us of your gift. Make responding to those 4 bulleted zaps above your artist's date with yourself. You'll be glad you did!

Autor: Leslie Gebhart

You'll find immediate access to your free Special Report (12 Tested Tips on taking action to expand your creativity NOW) at http://www.theartistswaydesert.com This special report and the series of articles, Zapping Blocks to Creativity are offered by Leslie Gebhart, M.A., Professional Certified Coach who supports you to connect with your creativity no matter what your work or leisure schedule. In addition to coaching in support of creativity, she adds facilitating the book study of Julia Cameron's The Artist's Way as a highlight of her work week. http://www.theartistswaydesert.com Feel free to paste this article into your own material so long as you also maintain the author contact information as is herein. Hope you found it useful! Make it a terrific day. :)

Added: February 25, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


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