Monday, February 23, 2009

Do You Think That it Takes Money to Make Money?

Does it takes money to make money?


A lot of people think that it takes money to make money but I think they are wrong, it takes only an idea. All you have to do is think what can you do to help others get what they want and you are on your way to success. If you are in the business of multilevel you know that this is true,the more people you help the more successful you become.This is also true in any kind of business you are involved in. If you are selling something you know you are helping people get what they want, the more sales you make,the more people you help to get what they want. So does it takes money to make money? NO,it only takes an idea. I you want to be successful in life, all you need to do is get an idea of how to help people get what they want.

How can you get the idea of helping people get what they want? Simply think about a need and how you can fulfill that need. For example:

If someone needs your products or services try to give them the best possible you can,that way you are helping them, they in return will help you get what you want,that may be in money or they will refer you to other people.

There are a lot of articles written about this subject, but the answer is within you. One way to make money is HELPING other people in things that they are not able to do themselves.

This is an ever changing world,but the fundamentals will remain the same,if you can do or produce something better, faster, easier and/or cheaper, with the idea of of helping people get what they want, you will be on your way to a successful life.

Autor: Ignacio O. Anguiano

Ignacio Anguiano visit:

Added: February 24, 2009


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