Friday, February 13, 2009

We Still Do Not Know All We Wish We Did With Regards to Creativity

What makes one person more creative than another? There are many theories, some known facts and the reality is we don't really know. It has been shown that a child, teen without a father figure around, but an active mom, tends to be the most creative. It has also been shown that younger teens and single women apparently create in order to display their worthiness. Some believe that babies, through play and fun games from parents and siblings, are developing their brains in a certain way that indeed, ignites the creativeness of their minds. If this is the case, then how does it work?

Well, maybe if the child's brain develops pleasure from games, play, humor or ironic happenings, perhaps triggering the N400 brain wave during these events then chemicals are released and the brain "thickens" in those areas or makes stronger connections to allow for even more creativeness, self confidence to try new stuff (or the desire to).

Maybe the statement; "get the creative juices flowing" is actually literal in that regard, because as that young person turns to adult, they will seek out events that give pleasure to the brain by triggering those same chemicals in the same regions.

Of course, much more work needs to be done, but it would sure serve us well to complete such research - after all, the benefits to knowing would allow us to produce more creative geniuses for our society and civilization. This would further spur innovation and forward progress into future periods, thus, guaranteeing the strength of our nation. Think on this.

Autor: Lance Winslow Lance Winslow
Level: Platinum
Greetings to Everyone, I am a retired Franchisor, Business Consultant, Philantropist and I run a Think Tank, as well as do a lot of Traveling, ... ...

Lance Winslow - Lance Winslow's Bio. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance;

Added: February 13, 2009


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