Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Creativity and the Artist's Way - No Cost Samples For Un-blocking

Have you dreamed of a special project you'd like to do one day? Have you postponed your scrap book project or spending time with supplies from your tool bench? Sometimes when feeling discouraged by the media emphasis on what's wrong with our economy, we loose sight of the fact that we can actually make choices to support low cost, money saving creative projects that actually both feed our spirit as well as our economic situation.

You can feel abundant and creative if you let yourself focus on your creative bursts. Here are 3 zaps to jump-start that process:

1. Note to self: supporting my creativity does not have to be expensive. If budget is tight right now, use that challenge to create a list of all the things you can do with materials on hand. Scope out that pile in the garage or behind the house. Do you have an attic or a basement where treasure might be lurking? Maybe this is the time to turn yourself into a collage artist, or gather your supplies and find someone with whom to trade if you aren't in the collage mode. Who needs what you have to offer?

2. Take an inventory of your "junk drawers" around the house. A coaching task is to set the timer for 50 minutes and start with one drawer and an empty carton. Start with just one. If you get into it, you can proceed drawer by drawer or closet by closet, but to start, just chooses one. Select items you no longer need or want or use and put them into the carton. By the end of 50 minutes you'll have accumulated things that will

a. Inspire you to create something different

b. Be ready to donate to the charity of your choice

c. Earn you extra money when you are ready to sell them.

3. Answer the question, "Who needs what I have to offer?" Creativity abounds when you open the box of possibilities. Start a list of brain dumps. Are you in the mood to teach? Do you need to earn money for your creativity or are you available as a volunteer? Do you need time? Might you arrange a no cost trade of child care to have mental space for your creative process?

You are filled with unique ideas that can flourish when you set a time for supporting your creativity. This does not cost money. Regardless of the economic situation, you can focus on what is in front of you. You can make changes with ease when you see the money challenges as opportunities for evolution. Yes you can!

Autor: Leslie Gebhart

You'll find immediate access to your free Special Report (12 Tested Tips on taking action to expand your creativity NOW) at http://www.theartistswaydesert.com. This special report and the series of articles, Zapping Blocks to Creativity are offered by Leslie Gebhart, M.A., Professional Certified Coach who supports you to connect with your creativity no matter what your work or leisure schedule. In addition to coaching in support of creativity, she adds facilitating the book study of Julia Cameron's The Artist's Way as a highlight of her work week. http://www.theartistswaydesert.com. Feel free to paste this article into your own material so long as you also maintain the author contact information as is herein. Hope you found it useful!

Added: February 18, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


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