Monday, February 9, 2009

Creation Or Matter Begins With Thought

If consciousness forms matter, then thought has been before the brain. Think about this for a bit... We don't doubt for a minute that a child thinks coherently before he learns vocabulary. Right! We also know that an idea creates form which is matter.

For instance, if you are an entrepreneur creating gift cards, its creation begins in the idea or the thought. Then this thought forms into matter. Just as a child thinks before he/she speaks, writes or reads. Or take an artist creating music or a painting. They will begin the creation process through the imagination first, then in something tangible as in a song or a painting; And, what about an actor's script? You don't see actors on stage acting without a script. First, they create the script from a thought, then act it out.

So why would we doubt that our thoughts create our reality? Or, why would we think only certain things are created through consciousness and not others. It seems as though we are being selective and critical in what we can or cannot do, be or have.

In my own experience, every time I write something, or do basically anything, it begins with a thought. The other night, I sat in bed reading. I began thinking about a turtles chocolate. Back and forth my mind went from book to chocolate. I finally got up, found one and ate it. There is no doubt that I created this through thought. This was initially a mental act which became a physical act of doing. So no matter how small and simple this example may be, creation begins with an act of the imagination, starting from an idea, resulting in a physical act or physical reality.

We create our reality through all mental acts, which include our feelings, thoughts and beliefs. Choose wisely what you want to think about.

Autor: Desiree Thompson Desiree Thompson
Level: Platinum
I will always remember watching a tv interview with Anthony Robbins. I was at a place where I finally had begun to make a change ... ...

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Added: February 9, 2009


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