Saturday, February 7, 2009

Enhance All Areas of Your Life!

Creativity is not only a stress reliever, but it enhances all aspects of your life.

When you let your creativity flow, you are opening doors of opportunity in all areas of your personal, professional and spiritual life.
Creativity can promote:

* Relaxation

* Problem solving

* Income

* Books or newsletters

* Vision boards or DVD's

* Paintings

* Songs

* Poetry

* Inspiration and Ideas

* Soul centered businesses

* Better relationships at work and home

Is creativity a God given talent? Yes, it is. The good news is we all have it. We just haven't discovered and uncovered how to bring it into play and enhance all aspects of our lives.

1. How do you discover what your creativity is? This is the fun part. Explore, explore, explore.

Try writing, singing, drawing, painting, playing an instrument, meditating, dancing, exercising, brainstorming, woodworking etc. Your creativity has optimum possibilities and potential.

There are so many ways to be creative. Look at the hobbies you like, or things that you feel really energized by, or perhaps something completely new that piques your interest or curiosity. Once you discover which ones you feel connected to, you can uncover how to channel them for the best results.

2. Apply them everywhere and as often as you can in your personal, professional and spiritual life.

Say your creativity is coming up with ideas as well as painting. Perhaps you can use these at the office or home, by painting inspirational words or pictures and posting them each morning or once a week for focusing and inspiration.

3. Drop the expectation of what or how your creativity "should be". Let it evolve. Let it flow. Let it emerge from within and trust what you feel drawn to. Then allow it to shine and radiate in all aspects of your life.

4. How will utilizing your creativity enhance these 4 areas of your life?

Personal Time & Spiritual Growth

Health & Well Being

Money & Career


When you apply your creativity to each area of your life you will reap the benefits and rewards and others will also. The more creativity you use, the better the outcomes and solutions will be.

5. Don't stop at one. We all have creativity and generally more than one way of expressing it. The more you open the window to your mind, body and soul's creativity, the more doors of opportunity will open.

When you use your creativity, you are aligning with your true inner purpose. How can your outer purpose and others not benefit from it?

A special thanks to all who recognize their creativity and have inspired, touched, opened and blessed us with your many talents. You too can be one of them!

Remember , when you Shine, the world shines brighter because of you!

Autor: Kimberley Cohen

Kimberley Cohen is the Founder, Facilitator and Personal Insight Coach of The Insight Technique . She is certified in Body Mind Counselling, Process Oriented Body Work and Spiritual Psychotherapy. She founded the Insight Technique - Your Insight to genuine Happiness, Purpose and Prosperity to assist herself and others in uncovering and discovering their brilliance. To question and understand your thinking so you can transform what blocks and limits you from living the life you desire and deserve. Or "living your dreams".

Added: February 8, 2009


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