Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Creating Anew - Eight Simple Ideas That You Can Use Right Now to Help Create a Better World

In the winter plants die back, animals hide away, people try to keep warm and days are short. Wild animals have a harder time surviving as food supplies are scarce, unless they have secured them away or are hibernating. Gales howl and dead wood is cast off from the trees. Underneath the earth the seeds of the next Spring are dormant awaiting the light and warmth to grow again.

It seems to me that human society in the West is going through its own winter and yet within that winter, as in the rest of nature, the seeds of new beginnings lie dormant, awaiting the right conditions to spring into life.

So, rather than bemoan the passing of the old, lets take what was good from it, dispense with the things that no longer serve us and begin to create anew, ready for the next Spring. This article was written to motivate you to use your own innate and precious creativity to improve your world and that means my world too.

What I'm writing here is by no means a blueprint to be followed rigidly. Its a collection of thoughts and ideas to mull over and put into action should you feel so moved. Firstly, I would like to ask you how you are using creativity in your own life right now? Are you doing or thinking anything that is creating a better future for us all?

Undoubtedly, there is much that is wrong with human society today but this is where the past has brought us and so, maybe you and I can be a part of creating the world we would like to live in, instead of waiting for other people to improve the world for us(Or not improve it as the case may be). Take some large pieces of paper and give yourself a little space and time for the following: (You could do this on the computer) Getting ideas into writing or print helps bring clarity to mental processes.

1) Think for a few minutes about what most concerns you about the world today. The absolute top of your list. Write it down.

2) Now underneath that, write what you would like to see happening instead. If you have not given this much thought before, now is a time to do it.

3) Then write down what you are doing about this situation. If its nothing put that down too.

4) Below that write what you are letting/expecting other people do about it

5) Now take a few deep breaths and ask your own innate creative genius to come up with ideas that will help develop the things that you would like to see happening in the world. Let your hand write and the words flow, don't judge what comes out keep writing till you can't write any more.

6) Look through what you have come up with and take out the solutions that seem best, most workable and most inspire you and write them onto another fresh page.

7) Shut your eyes and let your imagination play with the ideas and how they could be implemented in day to day reality. Jot down what comes to you, it may come in words or pictures, sounds or feelings.

8) Look through what you have written. Do any of the seeds you have created inspire you into action? How could you nourish them? Will they actually grow? Could you do something practical with these seeds? It doesn't matter how small or how large. Could your way forward be in the world of ideas; online forums, newspapers, discussion groups, etc. Or could you look for groups to join within your local community, places to share and implement your vision?

Be prepared for your ideas to change as you go out into the world with them and also be prepared for opposition. Seeds have to push up through the earth till they reach the light and put forth leaves and flowers. Being fired up with purpose is in my opinion, one of the things that makes life worthwhile. Lets make this world a better place together and use our creativity for the good of all. Have fun too.

Autor: Gillian Knebel Gillian Knebel
Level: Basic
I live in West Cork Ireland and am present making music and dance videos to communicate my love of nature. I have found throughout my ... ...

Gillian creates Music and Video inspired by the beauty of nature in West Cork Ireland, see her work at http://www.gillianknebel.com

Added: February 4, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


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