Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Why Do You Want to Mentor Creative Teens?

Before you volunteer to become a coach for teens or join a teen mentoring group you'll need to assess your temperament, strengths, and patience. No, it's not going to be easy, and teens require a special kind of attention when you are working with them.

Teens will listen to what you say and replay those words in your mind, so you must be careful how you talk to them and choose those words correctly. Not long ago, I asked a fellow mentor joining the group about what he wanted to get out of mentoring teens and why he wanted to mentor teens. Here below is his reply:

"Perhaps, because I felt as if my education was insufficient, too structured, and inadequate for my talents, personal displacement, and thirst for knowledge. I felt as if it was there to funnel me into a box, rather than to unleash my creative genius. No, I take that back, It is not as if I felt if it was insufficient, I know it was inadequate."

Indeed, we all realize that we must teach kids to "think" and not just answer questions on tests or pretend that they are learning through rote memorization. Our mentor group here locally deals with Creative Studies and yes they are so vitally important in this regard, more than most people realize.

But, perhaps you might look around your own community and see what types of mentoring groups are available. You'll be glad you did and it's amazing how much joy you will get 0out of it and how much you yourself will learn. So, think on this and become a volunteer.

Autor: Lance Winslow Lance Winslow
Level: Platinum
Greetings to Everyone, I am a retired Franchisor, Business Consultant, Philantropist and I run a Think Tank, as well as do a lot of Traveling, ... ...

Lance Winslow - Lance Winslow's Bio. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; http://www.WorldThinkTank.net/.

Added: February 10, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


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