Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Who Do You Think You Are?

You have heard it.

I heard it.

We can laugh about it because it so often.

I am talking about the snarky voice in your head, mouth, if you think a little more daring, or a little decadent, or self-care.

This is the voice that says, "Who do you think you are?"

I'm embarrassed to admit, but to me shows how a group of high school girls.

are your eyes with thick black pen. They wear concert T-shirts. Their hairs are burned at home many perms. One of them steps forward and says, with hands on their hips, "Who do you think you are?" And then she turns to the other and says: "Who does she think she is?" Then they all have an aggressive step forward. (Welcome to an average day in my old school!)

Joy My friend told me that "Who do you think you are?" Jumps in hanging, if they are on the sofa reading magazines.

A few years ago, I saw Oprah talking. She said that whenever she wanted, longer to reach the first voice she heard was "Who do you think you are?"

Every woman I know has their own version of this voice is waiting in the wings.

In other words: Stay, play small, turn, and not embarrassing themselves. Do not even bother because you will not make that you do not deserve, and everyone knows it, and they all laugh when you fail.

So, the next time that the voice jumps in the head, here is what you do:


Really. Who do you think you are?

One time I was saying, a mentor to some fears that an election comes around, I could.

I said, "... and all the voices in my head saying, 'Who do you think you are?"

And he looked at me and said, "Well? Who do you think you are?"

I smiled and continued with my story.

He cut customs

"No. Stop. I really want to know. Who do you think you are? Tell me now."

In a very small voice, I told him.

Then he made me say it again in a larger, stronger voice. And, once again, after that.

He said: "It. Now you have an answer for your vote."

Now I have to exercise every time, if the votes.

Here's a tip:

If you answer this question, the language says that the truth about your strengths and values.

In other words, it is authentic.

It is tempting to recite, that sounds a little "high" or "holy" as "I am a divine being, the life of perfection with divine power and grace."

Okay, fine.

true as it may be, if this language is not resonant with you, you never feel any bolder, and the high-school girl with the black eye pencil is their cigarettes on your shoe.

Co-op deficiency

My theory is that "Who do you think you are?" is actually a co-op.

It is a joint institution of the votes say "with us to the shortage that we see! Agree with us that there are no other possibilities! Agree with us that nobody has the power over life!"

It is actually very useful.

It is convenient, this world-view, because they permit you to stay stuck. It assumes that you never do anything about it, because after all, with a world-view!

Think about it.

If you say, "I no longer want to work with this abusive customers," You also say "and I think there are many others out there for me."

If you say, "I am a nap now, and I will be more productive and happier, because," They also say "and I believe that there is more than enough time for me to my to-do's done."

Get it?

essentially, you say, the Co-op, that you have decided to create a whole new world-view!

Extra Credit Bonus Tip

Let us be honest.

Probably there are occasions when you have to say: "Who does she think she is?" (Even if it's just in my head.)

Do not be ashamed. It simply means that you have more possibilities to lack the old mentality. In general, the mentality to say: "I feel small and bad, so that they are too small and too poor." We have all caught doing.

Even if it is unpleasant, you can choose to bless or praise those who seems to be the major steps in their lives. Then remind yourself again that you believe, and with it!

Autor: Christine Kane

While songwriter Christine Kane is best known for her hip and catchy tunes, and the down-to-earth wit of her live performances, her fans and students share that they are inspired most by her message of living authentically, passionately and courageously.

Christine's philosophy is that you are the artist and your life is your work of art. That, she says, is what it means to "Live Creative" She now shares this message nationally, speaking to groups ranging from the Air Force to the American Hospital Association to NICU therapists. Christine's award-winning blog ranks among the top 10,000 blogs on the internet.

Christine has released six CDs and an award-winning DVD in her expansive career as a performer and songwriter. She has toured the country many times over, sharing the stage with everyone from John Mayer to the Beach Boys to Nanci Griffith. Border's Books & Music named her one of the Top Five Recordings of 2003, the Washington Post called her "a petite powerhouse of a singer"

If you liked this article, you'll love Christine's LiveCreative e-Zine. To discover more about how you can Make Your Life a Masterpiece, go to http://www.christinekane.com

Added: March 31, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Exploring Creativity

Hi everyone


, I would like to talk about an idea and it in reality. Providing for the customer. Not only is the provision of, but the change in the way in which we live and enjoy our lives. If we stop to think that the really successful, we were of the view that these people have created, and offers new ideas to make our way to the life.Instead up every day and want to work while the old routine they have planned gives ideas and worked to make them a reality. Imagine, if we all have is that the world would be a much better place, and we live much longer lives.

I would like you to think about something. If we are on our television what we see. We see many TV shows, informative specials, documentaries, movies and much more. Let's take a look at this. Think of things you use everyday. Can the mobile phone. Someone had an idea and it is a simple concept. Many years ago this man was jogging by the beach and saw something that he had not noticed before. He thought people are on the move. People are not stationary. People are mobile. The idea hit him like a ton of bricks. Now he saw an idea and not in a million years would he guessed, they grow in such a global communication factor. The mobile phone is something we take for granted. You can buy anywhere. Most people do not even have a land line. It contains so many functions. It has grown from just a way to communicate, to basically a mini computer (PDA). From this idea, we have given the global communication. We were able to trade (buy and sell mobile phones from our online resource), we are able to view the pictures of our families and loved ones, we organized, and much more. All this enables a simple idea.

Many years ago, a man with his daughter enjoy a day in the park, his daughter played himself on the monkey bars and goes to her father and asks him, "Papa come play with me!" He had a thought that immediately come to mind. A park where adults and children can play together. A theme park. This would embody so many things. Children are constantly daydreamers and fantasize about many things.He would become a country where adults would almost child again. He is a life journey. He had many obstacles, but his determination and his eyes on the ultimate goal kept him in the future. He has a lot of character by diving into his childhood. He new it would have a common basis for adults and children to achieve the same level. This level of perception. If it was a great success. His idea made him not only successful, but took many more theme parks and many other concepts for new creations. His company is growing steadily because of ideas and the integration of these ideas. It stems from luck. If you think of Disney in one place to a child and explore fantasies. Any adult who experienced Disney, when a child will always come back and get it kids. Think of the life before Disney. Not much fun. In my opinion, Walt Disney is a pioneer. We should all look up to him. His company will continue to grow because people need to enjoy living. Happiness is what everyone is looking for in their own way.

If we are an idea, it's like a child sitting in class and discharge, but as adults we have the opportunity to see that the idea to life. Success is not just with money or to earn money. It is an environment or a resource through ideas and then Envisioning the actual objectives and are working to achieve them.

Autor: Zac Smith
Added: March 30, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

Friday, March 27, 2009

Resisting Or Creatively Blocked - How to Know the Difference

artists of all kinds, painters, photographers, sculptors and actors tell me that they are locked. If we take their particular challenge, we discover that often they are not blocked, which really against progress. There is a great difference between the two. If you struggle with your creative expression and appeal an opportunity to determine whether they are locked or unconscious resistance as an artist.

First, let's take a look at what the definition of "block" is. A block, in this context, is an obstacle, something that hinders or prevents the progress of fulfillment. Resistance, on the other hand, the action is against something, a refusal to comply. We also say that something is resistant if it serves as a protective layer.

If you are creatively blocked, you may have doubts about your work, your skills, in order to be successful, your talent. If you resist, you have little energy or desire to be creative and all the action as a creative artist or the work of art. Creative blocks will come and go. Resistance may be chronic.

If you want to know whether your challenge is a block or a resistance within sight. Pay attention to your self-talk, that seemingly endless chatter that is with you in your waking hours. If this self-talk is telling you that you are not talented or well enough to continue further, then this is a block. They are not sure, maybe the ability to create what you want to express in this work. They stuck, not knowing what to do now is to gradually move forward. They masterfully create distractions to you by your art, practice, rehearsal, audition, important meeting. And you have so against property for a long time. Sure, the view that this blockade, this Boulder. Remember that this inner voice of doubt, this inner critic is just a little scared, if applicable. They begin to stretch where you have gone beyond and above this small Internal critics fear it is with you, through inaction, indecision. Choose a small step in that direction and then another, and you will discover that creative flow again.

If you are not a pasta picture stories, picked up a brush, a song sung to an audition away or tinkled the ivories in weeks and weeks and weeks, then you are in a state of resistance. This resistance must be examined closely if you wish to order more. Instead of the doubt about what is possible, you'll be frozen in fear. What happens if I do not? If I remain an artist as my vocation, I will at the end of life in a box by the side of the road? What if nobody likes what I create? What happens if my job (me) has publicly criticized? Why even bother when I went back only to be rejected. Will I die, my soul to lose, give up who I am? Deep inside, you believe that it is the end of the world if you continue on your way as an artist. In this state, you are resisting who you are. You are on your own creative expression. And I am sure you are exhausted of energy, exhausted, with a heavy heart. Powerless to move forward.

Yes, you are powerless, because you have your power. If you are wondering what in you is the creation of this resistance, you can discover that for yourself about all shoulding. You say you always, even to speak, that you do this, you should, and that you are not yet the case. I am sure that you have found excuses and reasons (FEAR) why can not continue in your chosen path as an artist, that is your birthright. But the truth is, you have become a victim of fear. They have become a victim of circumstances, events and experiences in your life, instead of the powerful creator that you are. You can even create a sense eF urge to everything and Run (FEAR); end, an artist, an actor, musician, writer, singer. You may have decided that a "real job." The truth is, quit on that yourself, and feel terrible. And you beat yourself about it. And it feels even worse. This is not a blockade of Boulder, this is a massive wall of resistance. They are so afraid that you literally casts a protective blanket on the burning desire.

Also, it is time to examine your thoughts. This time, you are in search of deeper fundamental beliefs about what is possible for you to achieve as an artist. Maybe you remind yourself that "you will never earn their living as an artist or artists have no business and therefore doomed to failure."

are the thoughts you think? According to whom? How can you know, absolutely, that they are true? Can you give any evidence to the contrary? Who would you be, what would you do, and what would you if you do not have these thoughts? For example, if your inner critic to say that you 'll never earn their living as artists, their own thoughts. Take it from your unconscious self chatter in your consciousness. Shine light on them. check. Is this true? According to whom? How can this person or these people know that this is true? Is it absolutely right that you will never earn their living as an artist? If any artist, earning a living? Find out more and more evidence that artists do, in fact, to earn a living. If they can, so can you. How would you in your day as an artist, if you do not have these thoughts? What would you do? What would you create? What would be success for you? now this! Do you feel that you have yourself as a successful artist in you. Card in your life, and how your art, the emotional state. You will be amazed at the new ideas, new possibilities, and suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere for you.

So, you have a choice to make. If you are blocked, you can also. If you resist, you can. Get a real job. Say that you really do not want is an artist and stop to eat or you can solve your anxiety. What do you do?

Autor: Valery Satterwhite Valery Satterwhite
Level: Platinum
Valery is the Founder of the International Association for Inner Wizards. She founded the association to help other creative people in the visual and performing ... ...

Valery Satterwhite is the Founder of the International Association for Inner Wizards. She teaches artists of all kinds how to get out of their own way, eliminate personal and professional roadblocks, stress and anxiety so they can fully express their artistic vision and succeed in the business of art. Empower the Wizard Within, tame the Inner Critic, unleash and Inspire the Muse. Everything you need to be, do and have is already within you. Your Inner Wizard is the best coach, guide, guru, teacher and shaman you could ever hope to have. We simply return to you that which is your birthright. Get Free "Artist Resource Directory" - 55 pages; 30 categories - today at http://www.InnerWizard.com

Added: March 28, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Creativity Management For Improvement

Who says creativity can not be measured, used or made tangible? Even when it comes to the field of creativity management, to define and identify creative is never vague or evasive. And if we in the development, promotion, evaluation and benchmarking, one of the first process is, first and foremost is to the definition, selection, and ultimately to your opinion on various strategies of measurement and also to keep track extent of any progress and development. In fact, the following number of definitions help the analysis of the individual to describe and give you the creativity and the improvement of organization and creativity in the strategic management: 1) Create a fresh and authentic, approaches and ideas.

This could also be fooled. It may in fact suggest or express a break from the past. And why is this so-It could be strongly denied that the majority of the novel or the latest concepts, innovations or "recycled material" of the old. 2) Certain strikingly unusual and worthwhile answers or solutions. Could extrapolate (infer unknown information from known information) or to reach the crucial artistic management thinking where creativity or artistic thinking is used to minimize the amount of plausible concepts. This begins the idea of the applicability and not really a whole or complete break with the past. The person who replied to the famous theory of relativity by Albert Einstein is not as creative as Einstein himself, as the concepts are not new.

creativity in management, suggests that they could be creative or found after a certain level of novelty. 3. Creating a group of concepts range a number of ideas and some unusual. The most completely "methodological" although functional definition to a measurable extent. 4. Conveying some unconventional thoughts and ideas. Enter inventive creativity in management has some intellectual, practical and meaningful factors. That is actually how much closer to the image of an "artist". 5. Makes use of creativity as the generation of thoughts and ideas, and identifies /detects problems or difficulties. Also, the use and application of innovations, concepts, when it comes to the development of creativity and marketing management.

It provides a substantial difference in the creativity and art are. Connotes a number of different faculties, and includes both the totality of the creativity in a way that we are all fanciful to certain extent or if, as we all answer or solve various problems and difficulties. 6. Mixing and fusion mixture and the uniformity of the current components or functions to deal with something new and fresh. There is indeed a feasible method. For example, a problem solving approach called Synectics, developed by William JJ Gordon. It is the method of the two components and realize the design of new compounds and components of them.

In other words, creativity is not really anything new, just relatively new. In this type of approach, Synectics IMPEL thinking processes in which the topics are usually not known.

Autor: Amy Twain

The author of this article Amy Twain is a Self Improvement Coach who has been successfully coaching and guiding clients for many years. Amy just published a new home study course on how to boost your Self Esteem overnight. More info about this "Quick-Action Plan for A More Confident You" is available at http://www.FabulousSelfEsteem.com.

Added: March 27, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Why Your Creativity is Like an Infinite Tub of Delicious Ice Cream

A common fear we have in the preparation is that one day our creativity is just empty. For good. We believe we have a kind of finite Creative certificate at birth, and once that everything is exhausted, there is no way we can always return to it, or create it again.

This faith begins with creative ideas, and think that any of us are capable of only a set number of great ideas in our lives. This in turn leads to creativity sapping two major dilemmas:

1st Pressure to meet every good idea into a creative project is absolutely amazing. , if we only "allowed" a handful of great ideas, if we have them, we'd better not waste them! In creeping perfectionism, and often the idea of drowning under the weight of attention and expectation before it is allowed, of course, in all sense.

2nd An increase in the sense of our time and creativity no longer exists. If you are on your last 10 and not know where the next penny was made, would you go wild and spend freely? Or would you thoroughly and carefully every cent counts? The same with creativity, if you believe that you are dry, you're not to leave everything to flow as freely as how you can do.

thus clear that this attitude is a limited creative output is not favorable for us in our creative. Ok, time for a nostalgic interlude on ice. Stick with me, it all became clear.

When I was a kid, my grandparents often took me to the lake. One of the traditions of a day beside the sea here in England, with a bag of ice (usually a "99" - an ice cream wafer cone with a chocolate flake stuck in the top).

As a child, as I ate my ice cream, I was amazed that I continue and further down in the bag, the ice was still there, full as ever. I was surprised that the kind and generous man in the ice cream van had filled my bag up to the very bottom with delicious ice cream.

I did not realize until I was much older that actually there was only ice in the upper third of the bag. And, as I eagerly devoured my 99, I was actually driving the ice continues to taper, so I just as if it was full to the bottom!

Sun, Intermezzo gone back to your creativity.

The way we see our creativity is as if there is only one ball at the top, and one was eaten that we down to dry wafers, and there is none of the creamy sweet stuff left. In fact, your creativity is more like an infinitely long cone, absolutely filled with delicious ice cream.

As you can see, with your creativity, simple rules apply and it is one of the fundamental laws of creativity:

The more you create, the more to create.

That's it.

The easiest area to start to show it is with creative ideas. Gather ideas, record them, write them at every opportunity. You will quickly find that the ideas you have, the more ideas you have, because you have more to them, it pulls you more. Plus, all of these ideas are mixing your recording with others, such as hormonally charged teenagers at a house, and up to all sorts of crazy things in more ideas.

So, if you fear that your creativity is limited to a fixed remuneration, just forget it's an infinite bath of delicious ice cream. The more you eat, the more is in the tub. And the best thing? You're never too ice headache, upset stomach, or a wound.

Autor: Dan Goodwin Dan Goodwin
Level: Platinum
Creativity Coach Dan Goodwin helps people who are frustrated they're not making use of their creative talents and abilities. A highly creative person himself, in ... ...

Want to learn more about how to increase YOUR creativity? It's easy: just sign up to "Create Create!" - Creativity Coach Dan Goodwin's free twice monthly ezine - today, and get your free copy of the "Explode Your Creativity!" Action Workbook. Head on over now to http://www.CoachCreative.com

Added: March 26, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

Sunday, March 22, 2009

How to Distinguish Your Impulses From Your Intuition

ever wonder if these "intuitive flash" She was in fact the most brilliant idea you've ever had, or maybe the stupid? You're not alone, of course. Learning to intuition from wishful thinking, or impulse can be a challenge. But it is a skill that can be learned. By Christina Baldwin Life's Companion, Journal Writing as a spiritual search, the problem is that intuition lives on a party line, with many voices and impulses and desires crowding around it. Often we throw the intuition with the rest of the mess.

Here are five criteria for distinguishing the wheat from the chaff:

1. Intuition is quiet and calm. It is never intrusive grandiose, obsessive and manipulative. It is not what other people do, but on what we should do.

2. Intuition, and the directive, non-judgmental, critical, shame, or blame to give. It sees the world as cause and effect. A voice that invites his sentences with appeals to the ego, the personality or stature in the world, not from intuition.

3. Intuition is a complete thought, a statement. Intuition does not lecture, explain, elaborate. The direction is always easy. Here we are, throw the arguments, discussion, why can we not do what was proposed.

4. Intuition comes to you and through you, without you feeling as if you do it. You can experience how a relationship with an "other".

5. Intuition has always been our best interests at heart. The messages can challenge and guide us from a path we had to follow, but they're not misleading. Intuition is a form of spiritual communication. If we believe that the sacred is benevolent, intuition should also be sympathetic. The challenge for the rational mind to accept intuition and to use it as if you have a gift.

To learn more intuitive, slow down, please, wait, and looking for an answer that fits the above description. If you are writing in a personal journal for an intuitive phrases such as "I know it's time to ...," or" I know I have to ... "Take time for a visualization exercise where you have a guide or messenger and notice how it comes. Then write about the picture you have and develop a relationship with him in a way that works for you: they describe dialogue with her, you can even drag. Practice listening, affirming, and trust your inner voice.

Autor: Kathleen Daniel

Kathleen Daniel, MS, L.Ac. is a Conscious Living Coach who inspires people to live their best lives of balance, meaning and purpose. She writes about change, transition and personal leadership from the inside out, combining insights and experience from a life lived internationally, with a lifelong yoga practice and work as an acupuncturist, organizational consultant and educator. She is an alumni of Johns Hopkins Women's Leadership program, and the creator of the Wellness for Women, Pausing at Midlife and other retreats for self-renewal

Website: http://www.aheadofthecurveatmidlife.com

Added: March 23, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Artist Support - Performance Under Pressure

artists career support with the inner layer as well as to the outer level of commercialization. The inner layer is the key in times of stress. It makes no sense to deal with thoughts, during the rush in these times. Ideas themselves are not the problem. The question is how we processed it. Here are some reminders for the artist to improve the performance under pressure:

Shift: If your idea of spirit contained ideas of what you do not want, they can. But remember, their goal: to help you shift your attention, what you do are trying to achieve. This shift is creative and useful.

sort and to clarify: Make sure that the sorting will take you on a vision, you feel strong and /or passion.

Objectives: Set clear objectives, based on your vision. Insert a pointed attention and emotional energy into the goals you want to achieve.

Process feelings: to confirm feelings of stress and anxiety, as they arise, but edit it and release it as soon as you can. Striving to feel and to express happiness now while you are working to ensure the future vision. Lucky draws in the lives of more to look forward to. Support for the artists ultimately about creating more satisfaction in all phases of your career.

prepared: research, reaching for others that you admire and find out what you need to know. Favors the possibility of willing spirit.

enforcement assets: The obstacles are just another test. They serve a purpose, even if we often can not see it clearly later. Emergence to the opportunity and keep going. Keep faith. Every action leads to either a success or can learn, and both lead to more confidence. Remember, confidence is not arrogance. Confidence improves your life, while others.

Act on the plans: Based on the Chinese proverb: Our thoughts lead to actions consistent actions lead to habits, habits, character, characters fate. Artists can support you through every step.

Autor: Barbara Bowen

*Article by Barbara Bowen, founder of: http://www.GatewaysCoaching.com - -the definitive source for Creativity Coaching and http://www.GatewaysToAction.blogspot.com Email Barbara your questions about creativity coaching, art career growth, or creative action projects through her Web sites. She would love to hear from you.*

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Added: March 22, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

Monday, March 16, 2009

Development of Creative Potential In Children

Man has got tremendous creative potential. Only a few seem to understand this fact. Creativity and the ability to innovate are to be developed even from early childhood. A proper training and exposure are prerequisites for the development of this potential. More than anyone else parents are primarily responsible for the development of creativity development in children. Sadly most parents do not know how to recognize and cultivate the talents their children have.

Heredity determines the potential a child possesses. But environmental factors, which can be controlled by parents, determine to what extent that potential could be developed. So, it's very important that parents take control of their children's environment, preferably even from the early childhood, to mold their future. A proper guidance given to children in the right environment will do wonders and they will reap the benefits later in life.

Developing talents is like growing a tree. The right environment will help the tree grow to the fullest extent it's programmed to grow in the seed.

By equipping themselves with the right kind of knowledge parents can help children achieve this goal. There are some principles parents should earn to create a right environment for their children. The environment has got two parts, one is physical and the other is 'cultural' which includes the behavior, intellect ,attitude etc.. Parents can have control over these two factors provided they are interested and determined to make the necessary changes. With a strong passion they can learn about the right environment and put into practice the principles of potential development.

The best investment parents can make for their children is to help children achieve their full potential. Parents should start the process when a child is born to them. There is no short cut and at the same it shouldn't be complicated also.

Autor: Iype Oommen


Added: March 17, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

Sunday, March 15, 2009

As You Sow, So Will You Reap

How to instill the love of analyzing literature in our students: Expectations and obstacles

It is a recognized fact that literature is far different from any other disciplines, namely, history, mathematics or even geography. While those are based on facts and fixed rules, literature is open to different interpretations. It is based on appreciation and analysis. No two readers see the literary work in the same light. There are various shades and layers of meanings. Every reader adds something to the work based on his beliefs, religion, level of education, and predilections. One can come up with his own analysis as long as he supports his argument logically. In light of the given information, teachers have great responsibilities towards their students. They have a mighty and noble task ahead of them. Students should not only be taught how to appreciate and approach literary texts, but also to analyze them. In this article, I would like to address this problem and touch upon it trying to provide useful remedy.

Most students tend to regard critical analysis as one of the most problematic and challenging, if not fearful, areas in literature. They rank it as the least thing they want to do. When they encounter similar cases, they panic and get confused. They are under the delusion that they need to analyze the whole literary work. However, it does not have to be that way. Once the student has decided on a topic (theme, symbol, etc) to analyze, he/she can approach any text without any difficulties. He is on the right track. So what is required of the students? Before approaching any text, students need to be familiar with elements of fiction such as characterization, plot, setting, theme and so forth. The teacher's duty is to facilitate the student's task by simplifying the process of analyzing and making it more enjoyable. He can offer illustrations and examples from real life to make the situation more realistic.

In fact, what aggravates the problem is teachers providing ready made critical analysis which deprives students of thinking for themselves. I am not against providing such aids; however, students might be addicted to them instead of thinking for themselves. A good approach to overcome this problem is to make the whole process student - centered instead of teacher - centered. The teacher can explain in detail the entire work in his first lecture so as to avoid obscurity and pave the way for his students. Then, he can divide the whole class into groups according to the size of the class. Each student in this group is assigned some passages to present orally in front of the class (presentation), while other groups prepare questions to ask in the presence of the teacher monitoring and guiding. This way, we can build our students confidence and break the barrier of fear. Moreover, the students are given the chance to take part in lively discussions by offering their views.

Autor: Mohammed Alfadhel

By Mohammed Alfadhel
Nationality: Syrian
M.A. in English Literature
Alandalus University for Science & Technology
Faculty of Education & Arts, Department of English
Sana'a, Yemen

Added: March 16, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

Ways of Expression

Even though speaking out is a huge and important part of expressing your voice, it is not the only way. There are many other useful ways to convey what you believe, and if you start thinking about them, you will soon discover that a variety of ways is available to almost everyone!

Sometimes, the person you would like to talk to has already passed away, or maybe that person refuses to speak to you. Perhaps you lost contact with the other person. Or, if there is no specific person who can be addressed, then it might be worthwhile to express your feelings just for yourself in one of the ways I'll describe below.

Since I discussed the topic "Different ways of expression" on Barbara Sher's Bulletin Board, I owe my deepest thanks to her and all the people who joined my discussions on the board. The people who commented on my postings were very smart and full of great ideas that I am going to share with you today.

First of all, we need to distinguish between collective ways and individual ways of expression. I will touch the collective ways just shortly, since I think that you will be rather interested in methods that could work for yourself individually.

Many cultures have their form of dance; for instance, dancing Sardana is an expression of cultural solidarity among Catalan people. Languages are tools of expression that can either unite or separate people. Painters and musicians mostly join the style of the epoch in their pictures and music pieces. Buildings communicate about designers, history, culture and power structure.

The basic individual ways of expression are speaking, writing, painting, drawing, dancing, playing music, recording an audio or video file, and creating websites. In fact, recent technical developments and innovations have even increased the abundance of methods that are available to us.

In case you cannot speak personally to someone, you could still write an e-mail. However, be careful about sending e-mails. Since it is impossible to hear the tone of someone's voice in e-mails, they might easily be misunderstood. They even could be sent to other people that you do not know, maybe to people that are not supposed to read what you wrote. I don't want to scare you, however, please be careful in your writing in the way that you respect other people - not only those you write to, but also people you mention.

If there is no other person that you could talk to or send a written note or e-mail to, then you need to look out for other options of expression. If there is no listener, then the only impact you can make that way is on yourself. Perhaps you will feel free after having expressed what you intended to, or you change your own viewpoint when you watch your results.

I suggest you start a journal where you can jot down all your thoughts that you can't express for some reason. If your message might be interesting for other people, then you could consider writing an article or book and designing a website about the topic. In case you might want to choose a more "lively" way of expression, then you could take some pictures, record your voice, or even make a video. Making Art is another way of expression that is worthwhile being considered. You can just paint for yourself, or you can join an exhibition with your painting. However, if you don't want other people to see what you did, you can either shout your words out when you are alone (no, don't disturb the neighbors!) or dance to music that you like.

As there are so many different useful ways of expression available to us nowadays, we need to choose our methods with care. Only use ways that support your purpose of expression and that work for you! Although I believe that it is worthwhile trying out new ways, please don't stick to a method that doesn't work well for you. If it takes you many hours to come up with a picture, then painting shouldn't be your first choice. It is alright to keep working with some of the methods that I described.

Seven different ways of expression you should consider if speaking to a person is not a possibility:

1) Dance in a specific way that expresses your feelings
2) Paint or draw
3) Design a website about the topic
4) Write a journal or a letter (in the case of the letter you might want to burn it afterwards)
5) Make a movie
6) Record an audio tape
7) Take a picture

Autor: Andrea Klee Andrea Klee
Level: Platinum
Author and speaker Andrea Klee is deeply concerned with encouraging humans to speak out for themselves with confidence. She believes that every single human's voice ... ...

Andrea Brigitte Klee
Author and Speaker
E-Mail: andreaklee@gmx.net

Supporting you to convey your thoughts, encourage listening and make an impact.

Added: March 15, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

When is Creativity Not Creative?

There have been (and there will continue to be) debates about what exactly is creativity and what it means to be creative. I remember having a discussion with some artists about being creative. Being artistic, they naturally thought of themselves as creative and were seen in a similar way by the general public. To be fair, their methods and output was, to say the least, alternative but I posed them the question "If you use the same method for each piece of art work you produce, are you being creative even if the output changes?"

There is no real answer to that question, or rather there are billions of answers depending on who you ask. The reason is frame of reference. Creativity depends on who and where you are and possibly what has gone before, it is relative. One man's creativity is another's drudgery. What might be seen as creative in one business will be viewed as 'old hat' in another

So I might see someone else's ideas and methods as mundane because I have seen it, done it and bought the T shirt. Does this mean that I have to keep pushing the boundaries? Again there are many possible answers. If you simply require new product ideas and have a perfectly good 'creative' technique to use which does create new product ideas then keep using it. Pushing the boundaries would simply waste time and could be considered frivolous. If, however it was your job to create new idea generation methods for your business then you would almost be duty bound to experiment wouldn't you?

Then we also have the issue of whether it is the method or result that is classed as creative. In this case I suggest that it is terminology that is the issue. In business, it is an alternate way of thinking that matters, to be used to gain a different perspective or insight or to generate new ideas.

So to answer the original question, creativity may not be creative if you are observing someone else or if you are using the same method and not generating different results. Other than that, creativity is generally creative, but I'm sure readers will have a different opinion!

Autor: Derek Cheshire Derek Cheshire
Level: Platinum
Derek Cheshire is an expert, speaker, consultant and facilitator in the areas of Business Creativity, Innovation and Idea Generation. He is creator of the Innovation ... ...

Derek Cheshire is an expert, speaker, consultant and facilitator in the areas of Business Creativity, Innovation and Idea Generation. He is creator of the Innovation Toolkit, and co creator of workshops such as Creating The Difference, Creativity as a Business Tool, Sticky Strategy and The Idea Factory. Derek is also a director of the PRD Partnership, experts in commercialising ideas.

You can receive regular ideas and updates on Business Creativity and Innovation by visiting http://www.creative4business.co.uk and filling out the simple sign up form. See also http://www.prdpartnership.com

Added: March 11, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

Monday, March 9, 2009

The Powerful Creator That is You!

Think about it for a moment...we've all heard the theory that we create our reality beginning with our thoughts. If you haven't heard it yet you will hear more soon, because this concept is getting more and more press these days, and for good reason. Many actually believe this powerful secret was just that for millennia - A SECRET.

The literal creating of our reality from our thoughts is a powerful concept, and life-altering once grasped fully. It's incredible to think about how wonderful it would be to just think something, and have it manifest in our lives....and also a little scary. After all, what about our 'bad' or negative thoughts? What about those thoughts that are formed in moments of strong emotion such as anger or jealousy?

The human mind is extremely complex, as any psychologist will tell you. The intricate web of connecting thoughts, memories of prior events and circumstances, along with emotions, assumptions and beliefs is too complex for us to fully comprehend. However, in terms of manifesting reality from our thoughts, this is a good thing!

Because of the complex background of thoughts and emotions that accompany each new thought, there is a grace period in the manifesting of physical reality, wherein only those thoughts that are clear and precise - those not filtered through limiting beliefs and conflicting emotions - manifest as a clearly discernible result. ALL thoughts create results, but often our physical worlds are in a jumble...because our thoughts are in a jumble!

Author Joe Vitale makes this point with a brilliantly simple analogy in his e-book Spiritual Marketing: 'What you hold in your mind with energy and focus will tend to be created in your reality. It takes a little longer to experience results because we keep changing our minds. Imagine going to a restaurant and ordering chicken soup. But before it arrives you change your order to won ton soup. And before that arrives you change your order back to chicken soup. You'll sit there and complain, saying "I can never get what I want!", when in reality you are the reason your soup is late!'

Added to this is the deep and complicated web of conditioned thoughts, which are those that have been placed in our minds, or at least influenced, by others. We are all surrounded and influenced to a certain degree by the expectations of others. Even though as adults we may do our best to limit this, the influences and expectations implanted in us through our childhood years have left powerful lasting impressions.

The great part of this 'secret' is that once we have 'discovered' it, we can begin to explore our own thought patterns and change them. What could be more fun?

Human beings are the only creatures with self-awareness, meaning we can think about our thoughts...therefore we can intentionally change our circumstances. Add to this the ability to focus our thoughts and literally create our reality...and you have incredible, life-altering power!

Autor: Shauna Arthurs Shauna Arthurs
Level: Platinum
Shauna Arthurs is a writer/editor, investor, and founder of a network of websites dedicated to helping people make and save money, and achieve - create ... ...

TIP: If changing your circumstances around money is part of your plan, accelerate your progress dramatically with tools such as the new instantly downloadable 30 Days to Wealth program - now with special bonuses!

The Author: Shauna Arthurs is the passionate creator of a network of websites dedicated to helping you achieve your grandest dreams. Skyrocket your personal development by visiting Live-With-Power.com!

Added: March 9, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Be Ready When Creativity and Inspiration Strike

As I write this article, I'm on a jet from Seattle to DC. This is article seven in a brainstorm session powered by Seattle's Best Coffee and scribbled in partial shorthand into a notebook (I'll polish later, when I'm back on the ground). I'm thoroughly enjoying the feel of pen against real paper. I'm one of those people who tends to do everything possible online from bill paying to ordering Chinese food. One reason this strikes me as relaxing is that I'd forgotten how beautiful handwriting script can be. But, back to the articles. I hadn't really planned much for this day full of travel, other than to attempt to entertain three kids for two airplane flights totaling nearly 8 hours, followed by 4 hours of driving time on the way to Grandma's house. It's a mom's life. But a productive article writing session began an hour ago when the youngest of my children drifted off into a peaceful sleep and the other two found entertainment in their handheld games.

Being an entremom (thanks to Alicia Forest for such a cool word to describe what we mothers/entrepreneurs do) means I work to be prepared to utilize any spare minute or opportunity to it's fullest potential. So with my notebook and pen always handy, I've almost completed this month's personal article writing challenge in a block of time I didn't think would be productive.

Here are my tips to help you be prepared when creativity strikes and a few spare minutes appear:

1. Always have a way to record ideas handy, such as a notebook and pen or PDA. I carry a mini notebook and my iPod touch with me so I can jot notes anytime.

2. Be organized and review your daily and weekly to do lists frequently. Because I kept my current article writing challenge in the front of my mind, I knew what I needed to work on when I had a few minutes. Had something else been on the top of my to do list for this week I would have worked on it instead. Knowing what you need to accomplish will help you get right to work without wasting any time.

3. Go with the inspiration when it hits. Whether it's just recording a quick idea or writing your next information product, don't miss it when you feel inspired. If life will allow you, stop right then and work. If life won't allow you, take a few seconds to make a quick note of your inspiration and your feelings so you can come back to that place as soon as life does allow you.

Autor: Michelle Shaeffer Michelle Shaeffer
Level: Platinum
Work at home mom extraordinaire Michelle Shaeffer publishes The Muses Brainstorm, a weekly ezine with tips to help you balance, manage, and market your home ... ...

Work at home mom extraordinaire Michelle Shaeffer publishes The Muses Brainstorm, a weekly ezine with tips to help you balance, manage, and market your home based business. If you're ready for inspirational guidance and bright ideas sign up free at http://www.thesmallbusinessmuse.com

Added: March 9, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Finding Our Creative Genius Inside

Why do we find our most creative times are sitting on the toilet, taking a bath or painting a wall? Why is it we dream so vividly and imaginatively yet hardly ever capitalise on this creativity when we're awake. And why upon why do we feel so energy-sapped when we most need energy, say for instance, at work?

Notice too how effortless thinking becomes when we hit a groove of fascination. Letting go of our 'editorial control' through times in life is a freedom we rarely grant ourselves.

I was blessed to be invited to an Institute of Public Administration of Australia breakfast recently featuring Jason Clarke, innovator extraordinaire. The 'breakfast for the brain' was a great investment of my time. The following are some of the gems I recorded.

What Geniuses In History Had In Common

Most of the geniuses in history jealously guarded their methods of creativity, viewing these methods as almost magical and not to be tampered with. They not only found the way to release their imaginations, they trusted the method and protected it, not seeking to overly analyse why it worked. They didn't get distracted away from this; they saw it as part of their intrinsic life purpose. They were not afraid of devoting time to it.

They were big fans of capture. Everywhere they went they had pen and paper to capture thoughts--then, importantly--they'd do something with the thought. They acted. Most 'mere mortals' get creative thoughts and then don't do anything about them. The best innovators take the next step consistently. The gift was matched with work.

Notably, the thoughts and stimulus for creativity and innovation came from the external world, perhaps mostly from the extraordinary things to personal experience; things we don't see very often--things that surprise us.

3-Phase Process (Experience-Create-Express)

Something is experienced, something new or unusual from the norm and it stays there, and is perhaps forgotten. The creation phase is when there is an 'epiphany' and suddenly there's a spark, a salient link to the experience--we remember the experience in the context of our imaginative thought and find a use for the experience; this is the impetus to get to work... we therefore express the idea; we tell someone about it or we write about it and develop it. It takes courage and faith to express. We then act on the feedback refining the idea.

Time and Space (and the Right Environment)

We need time and space to get our imaginations working; the busyness of work is one of the biggest threats here. This is why we come up with our best solutions to work problems when watering the garden or doing the dishes. Our minds need to be relaxed.

We need to get into a space where we can be surprised; this is where deviations from the norm are good; when serendipity is applauded and celebrated; and, where curiosity must abound. If our mind wanders, we must follow it, not rebuke it. We must expect inspiration when we least expect it.

Hotter / Colder, not "Yes" or "No"

Many leaders pour cold water on enthusiastic help with a curt "No," when a 'hotter / colder' approach might fit a lot better because it's not limiting. Asking someone for 'more of this,' or 'less of that' is less constraining and a much better way to encourage people to bring their brains through the gate.

Write, write, write some more... right!

A simple way to purge our minds of the junk thoughts that cloud any semblance of real imagination is to take three pages of paper and just begin writing; it'll be gibberish to begin with but then some really good stuff will often emerge a little later on.

Music for the Right Mood

Music sparks the right flavour of thought. If we wish to be inspired we listen to uplifting music; if we want to capture something deep, likewise.

Whinging and Dreaming (together)

A whinge, an irritation... these are only good if we're prepared to dream up a solution to change it. Randomness and chaos are not always bad things.

IDEA (Idea-Develop-Evaluate-Act)

The bridge between dreaming and doing is IDEA. We need to diverge before we converge again. This is a great acronym for charting the process from the idea to the implementation of the fully grown thing.

Most of all we need the idealism to not be what we are, but dream about what we could be.

Autor: Steve Wickham Steve Wickham
Level: Platinum
Steve Wickham is a safety and health professional (BSc) and a qualified lay Christian minister (GradDipDiv). His passion in vocation is facilitation and coaching; encouraging ... ...

Steve Wickham is a safety and health professional (BSc) and a qualified lay Christian minister (GradDipDiv). His passion in vocation is facilitation and coaching; encouraging people to soar to a higher value of their potential. Steve's key passion is work / life balance and re-creating value for living, and an exploration of the person within us.

Added: March 7, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

Friday, March 6, 2009

Ways of Expression

Even though speaking out is a huge and important part of expressing your voice, it is not the only way. There are many other useful ways to convey what you believe, and if you start thinking about them, you will soon discover that a variety of ways is available to almost everyone!

Sometimes, the person you would like to talk to has already passed away, or maybe that person refuses to speak to you. Perhaps you lost contact with the other person. Or, if there is no specific person who can be addressed, then it might be worthwhile to express your feelings just for yourself in one of the ways I'll describe below.

Since I discussed the topic "Different ways of expression" on Barbara Sher's Bulletin Board, I owe my deepest thanks to her and all the people who joined my discussions on the board. The people who commented on my postings were very smart and full of great ideas that I am going to share with you today.

First of all, we need to distinguish between collective ways and individual ways of expression. I will touch the collective ways just shortly, since I think that you will be rather interested in methods that could work for yourself individually.

Many cultures have their form of dance; for instance, dancing Sardana is an expression of cultural solidarity among Catalan people. Languages are tools of expression that can either unite or separate people. Painters and musicians mostly join the style of the epoch in their pictures and music pieces. Buildings communicate about designers, history, culture and power structure.

The basic individual ways of expression are speaking, writing, painting, drawing, dancing, playing music, recording an audio or video file, and creating websites. In fact, recent technical developments and innovations have even increased the abundance of methods that are available to us.

In case you cannot speak personally to someone, you could still write an e-mail. However, be careful about sending e-mails. Since it is impossible to hear the tone of someone's voice in e-mails, they might easily be misunderstood. They even could be sent to other people that you do not know, maybe to people that are not supposed to read what you wrote. I don't want to scare you, however, please be careful in your writing in the way that you respect other people - not only those you write to, but also people you mention.

If there is no other person that you could talk to or send a written note or e-mail to, then you need to look out for other options of expression. If there is no listener, then the only impact you can make that way is on yourself. Perhaps you will feel free after having expressed what you intended to, or you change your own viewpoint when you watch your results.

I suggest you start a journal where you can jot down all your thoughts that you can't express for some reason. If your message might be interesting for other people, then you could consider writing an article or book and designing a website about the topic. In case you might want to choose a more "lively" way of expression, then you could take some pictures, record your voice, or even make a video. Making Art is another way of expression that is worthwhile being considered. You can just paint for yourself, or you can join an exhibition with your painting. However, if you don't want other people to see what you did, you can either shout your words out when you are alone (no, don't disturb the neighbors!) or dance to music that you like.

As there are so many different useful ways of expression available to us nowadays, we need to choose our methods with care. Only use ways that support your purpose of expression and that work for you! Although I believe that it is worthwhile trying out new ways, please don't stick to a method that doesn't work well for you. If it takes you many hours to come up with a picture, then painting shouldn't be your first choice. It is alright to keep working with some of the methods that I described.

Seven different ways of expression you should consider if speaking to a person is not a possibility:

1) Dance in a specific way that expresses your feelings
2) Paint or draw
3) Design a website about the topic
4) Write a journal or a letter (in the case of the letter you might want to burn it afterwards)
5) Make a movie
6) Record an audio tape
7) Take a picture

Autor: Andrea Klee Andrea Klee
Level: Platinum
Author and speaker Andrea Klee is deeply concerned with encouraging humans to speak out for themselves with confidence. She believes that every single human's voice ... ...

Andrea Brigitte Klee
Author and Speaker
E-Mail: andreaklee@gmx.net

Supporting you to convey your thoughts, encourage listening and make an impact.

Added: March 7, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Creative Journalling

Visiting my local library is always a pleasure for me. There I find many books and magazines that stimulate my imagination and feed my soul.

One day I picked up an interesting book on journalling. It talked about taking notes that would create my own book of imagination and creativity. By noting what it is that inspires me and what it is that makes me unique I would be providing a platform for my inner voice to teach me more about myself. All of this as I habitually create my journal. Wow! I had to do this!

I would need to be prepared for surprises as I journeyed through the day. Open to how I may be feeling at any given time. I would have moments of pleasure and delight taking note of what it was that created these feelings.

I would also have uh-ooh moments. Times of unhappiness, feeling uncomfortable or upset. Noting the reasons for this is part of the whole picture.

Continued Journalling over a period of time may be helpful in finding a clearer sense of purpose or vision for ones life.

With time and space, and working through my journal I am able to see what moments have given me the 'warm fuzzies.' Noting the moments of disappointment etc allows me to see if there are any patterns here and maybe areas where I can work on.

Anyhow, it is definitely a journal of discovery. As someone once said 'everyday is a schoolday.'

There's always room for improvement.

By discovering who we really are under the external layers of our lives, we are able to release the true beauty of ourselves to our world.

Nothing Splendid has ever been
achieved except by those who
dared believe that something
inside of them was superior to

~ Bruce Barton ~

Autor: Mervyn Knight

I am in between jobs at the moment, so here I am trying my hand at article writing.
I have my own blog which I enjoy adding to. Personal growth is very relevant to me.

Added: March 4, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

Monday, March 2, 2009

The Best Therapy in Life is Self Generated Action

The nature of all successful personal reality is self generated action. With that, I begin this article. If self generated action was not the key to all genuine success, then success would be based purely upon pure real luck, real predestined fate that is not alterable like a medieval caste system was supposed to be and definitely not based on any sort of self-generated effort in any way. So think about what I am typing about reasonably as you read, what solves all problems ultimately? I can honestly say action, genuine and congruently honest action genuinely solves problems at any level. When I say the word action in this article, I mean nothing irrational in any way. I mean solving problems by enacting solutions through actions and rational thought with action.

Sure, I could tell you something else other than that will solve problems, and create benefit. But even the lottery requires you to take the action of buying a ticket to have a chance at winning the money. Please note, I do not condone gambling in any way ultimately, but I am just using this example to edify your understanding about what I am writing about. But as can be told from my earlier and future writings on businesslike thinking, I do condone fully rational and honest action to solve problems and create solutions, and if there are no problems, making things ever better in every genuine way and sense.

So, the best therapy one can give themselves is self generated action, depending on a therapist for "help" is just an excuse. Letting others think for you is just an excuse. Excuses, in fact, are the most genuine disease of all, because you avoid personal responsibility and avoid getting things done through them. Crime is the ultimate excuse at a very basic level. Peace and productive, creative virtue are the ultimate solution at the most basic level in life. Guess what? It begins with each of our own personal volition and not with anyone else or any outer "things". We have to use our resources with our own personal volition in total concert with our self generated action to get genuine results. Within reason, life and existence is a reality of our own making.

To live, sure, life starts with thought. We have established that. But to get to the next level in life, we all must make a choice to take congruent and genuine action in a self generated way upon all personal rational creative thoughts and ideas.

What makes life genuinely enjoyable is when we as humanity are genuinely in rational good control of ourselves as human beings. Anything else that does not work is bad. This is not simplicity, this is the reality of the situation. The reality of the situation is what counts like a good blank check ultimately gets written on, fulfilled and ultimately made into cold, hard cash. Think for a moment, is this not what successful personal reality comes down to in every way. Indeed, it does not work in any other way than this. So, it comes down to two choices no matter what: right, wrong or desirable, undesirable. It works or it does not work. Objective reality is a series of two choices like this, "gray areas" or "many complicated choices" are only in subjective thinking.

Sure unworkability can be argued for "all day long", but or complicated choices in the guise of "doing the same old thing". But, rest assured, success comes from doing what works, no matter what it may be. Success works in harmony with reality no matter what creative, but productive methods are used. Note, I used the words creative and productive in the same sentence to describe successful action. This is what it definitely comes down to in every genuine way and sense. Sure, there is a lot I could say more, but from here, the blanks can now be filled in. So I will, to an extent:

Life is only as productive and successful as we are honest about it, and self starting and following through with it. Life really is as good as we all make it as people and individuals, then those individuals make a rational, honest and really successful society. Sure it starts with logical, reasonable thinking, yes. But it ends with logical, reasonable action based on that thinking and doing what genuinely works in every way. What works is a life creator, what does not work is a death maker. We all want to do what works, but the people that pay the price get the genuine rewards. It is that simple. Sure, thinking effort seems hard, it always is until it becomes second nature and momentum is gained within the effort and thought. So I end with a quoted chart from one of my earlier articles:

1. Unconscious incompetence: This is the stage where you do not know that you do not know;

2. Conscious incompetence: This is the stage that you know you do not know;

3. Conscious competence: This is when you know that you know, but you have to consciously think about it.

4. Unconscious competence: This is when it is second nature; this is when the information is part of you; this is when you know it just as easily as you know your own name; this is when it is fully internalized and is just automatically done.

Autor: Joshua Clayton Joshua Clayton
Level: Basic PLUS
I am a professional freelance writer with over fifteen years experience who lives in Inglewood, California. My "day job" is in Gardena, California as a ... ...

My name is Joshua Clayton, I am a freelance writer based in Inglewood, California. I also write under a few pen-names and aliases, but Joshua Clayton is my real name, and I write by that for the most part now. I am a philosophical writer and objective thinker and honest action taker.
I also work at a senior center in Gardena, California as my day job, among other things, but primarily I am a writer. As a kid I did construction work with my Dad which taught me many things like plumbing, hard labor and electrical systems, and I took notes for my Dad's home poker games at my Uncle Johnnie Gilmore's house, so I have a lot of life experience, sure. But I went to Cal State Dominguez Hills College, UCLA, and El Camino Junior College and learned a lot, but never got around to getting a degree, just lots of money spent, good grades and some credits. So, here I am currently freelance writing and working at a senior center for a living.
But enough details of my life, what I do is not what I am. So here is what I enjoy, I enjoy reading, listening to music (everything from Beethoven, Strauss and Bach to The Meters, ELO and The Band and Dylan/Garcia and The Grateful Dead also, when they were the Grateful Dead. Well, as you can tell by SOME of the music I listen to, I am a very eclectic person. I am also a deep science fiction fan and as said before, a lover of books. If I were to go into everything it would take thousands of words and I only have about three hundred words here, of which I have used 290 of already. Well, I end here. Thanks. Joshua Clayton.

Added: March 3, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/
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