Sunday, March 29, 2009

Exploring Creativity

Hi everyone


, I would like to talk about an idea and it in reality. Providing for the customer. Not only is the provision of, but the change in the way in which we live and enjoy our lives. If we stop to think that the really successful, we were of the view that these people have created, and offers new ideas to make our way to the life.Instead up every day and want to work while the old routine they have planned gives ideas and worked to make them a reality. Imagine, if we all have is that the world would be a much better place, and we live much longer lives.

I would like you to think about something. If we are on our television what we see. We see many TV shows, informative specials, documentaries, movies and much more. Let's take a look at this. Think of things you use everyday. Can the mobile phone. Someone had an idea and it is a simple concept. Many years ago this man was jogging by the beach and saw something that he had not noticed before. He thought people are on the move. People are not stationary. People are mobile. The idea hit him like a ton of bricks. Now he saw an idea and not in a million years would he guessed, they grow in such a global communication factor. The mobile phone is something we take for granted. You can buy anywhere. Most people do not even have a land line. It contains so many functions. It has grown from just a way to communicate, to basically a mini computer (PDA). From this idea, we have given the global communication. We were able to trade (buy and sell mobile phones from our online resource), we are able to view the pictures of our families and loved ones, we organized, and much more. All this enables a simple idea.

Many years ago, a man with his daughter enjoy a day in the park, his daughter played himself on the monkey bars and goes to her father and asks him, "Papa come play with me!" He had a thought that immediately come to mind. A park where adults and children can play together. A theme park. This would embody so many things. Children are constantly daydreamers and fantasize about many things.He would become a country where adults would almost child again. He is a life journey. He had many obstacles, but his determination and his eyes on the ultimate goal kept him in the future. He has a lot of character by diving into his childhood. He new it would have a common basis for adults and children to achieve the same level. This level of perception. If it was a great success. His idea made him not only successful, but took many more theme parks and many other concepts for new creations. His company is growing steadily because of ideas and the integration of these ideas. It stems from luck. If you think of Disney in one place to a child and explore fantasies. Any adult who experienced Disney, when a child will always come back and get it kids. Think of the life before Disney. Not much fun. In my opinion, Walt Disney is a pioneer. We should all look up to him. His company will continue to grow because people need to enjoy living. Happiness is what everyone is looking for in their own way.

If we are an idea, it's like a child sitting in class and discharge, but as adults we have the opportunity to see that the idea to life. Success is not just with money or to earn money. It is an environment or a resource through ideas and then Envisioning the actual objectives and are working to achieve them.

Autor: Zac Smith
Added: March 30, 2009


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