Saturday, March 21, 2009

Artist Support - Performance Under Pressure

artists career support with the inner layer as well as to the outer level of commercialization. The inner layer is the key in times of stress. It makes no sense to deal with thoughts, during the rush in these times. Ideas themselves are not the problem. The question is how we processed it. Here are some reminders for the artist to improve the performance under pressure:

Shift: If your idea of spirit contained ideas of what you do not want, they can. But remember, their goal: to help you shift your attention, what you do are trying to achieve. This shift is creative and useful.

sort and to clarify: Make sure that the sorting will take you on a vision, you feel strong and /or passion.

Objectives: Set clear objectives, based on your vision. Insert a pointed attention and emotional energy into the goals you want to achieve.

Process feelings: to confirm feelings of stress and anxiety, as they arise, but edit it and release it as soon as you can. Striving to feel and to express happiness now while you are working to ensure the future vision. Lucky draws in the lives of more to look forward to. Support for the artists ultimately about creating more satisfaction in all phases of your career.

prepared: research, reaching for others that you admire and find out what you need to know. Favors the possibility of willing spirit.

enforcement assets: The obstacles are just another test. They serve a purpose, even if we often can not see it clearly later. Emergence to the opportunity and keep going. Keep faith. Every action leads to either a success or can learn, and both lead to more confidence. Remember, confidence is not arrogance. Confidence improves your life, while others.

Act on the plans: Based on the Chinese proverb: Our thoughts lead to actions consistent actions lead to habits, habits, character, characters fate. Artists can support you through every step.

Autor: Barbara Bowen

*Article by Barbara Bowen, founder of: - -the definitive source for Creativity Coaching and Email Barbara your questions about creativity coaching, art career growth, or creative action projects through her Web sites. She would love to hear from you.*

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Added: March 22, 2009


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