Sunday, March 22, 2009

How to Distinguish Your Impulses From Your Intuition

ever wonder if these "intuitive flash" She was in fact the most brilliant idea you've ever had, or maybe the stupid? You're not alone, of course. Learning to intuition from wishful thinking, or impulse can be a challenge. But it is a skill that can be learned. By Christina Baldwin Life's Companion, Journal Writing as a spiritual search, the problem is that intuition lives on a party line, with many voices and impulses and desires crowding around it. Often we throw the intuition with the rest of the mess.

Here are five criteria for distinguishing the wheat from the chaff:

1. Intuition is quiet and calm. It is never intrusive grandiose, obsessive and manipulative. It is not what other people do, but on what we should do.

2. Intuition, and the directive, non-judgmental, critical, shame, or blame to give. It sees the world as cause and effect. A voice that invites his sentences with appeals to the ego, the personality or stature in the world, not from intuition.

3. Intuition is a complete thought, a statement. Intuition does not lecture, explain, elaborate. The direction is always easy. Here we are, throw the arguments, discussion, why can we not do what was proposed.

4. Intuition comes to you and through you, without you feeling as if you do it. You can experience how a relationship with an "other".

5. Intuition has always been our best interests at heart. The messages can challenge and guide us from a path we had to follow, but they're not misleading. Intuition is a form of spiritual communication. If we believe that the sacred is benevolent, intuition should also be sympathetic. The challenge for the rational mind to accept intuition and to use it as if you have a gift.

To learn more intuitive, slow down, please, wait, and looking for an answer that fits the above description. If you are writing in a personal journal for an intuitive phrases such as "I know it's time to ...," or" I know I have to ... "Take time for a visualization exercise where you have a guide or messenger and notice how it comes. Then write about the picture you have and develop a relationship with him in a way that works for you: they describe dialogue with her, you can even drag. Practice listening, affirming, and trust your inner voice.

Autor: Kathleen Daniel

Kathleen Daniel, MS, L.Ac. is a Conscious Living Coach who inspires people to live their best lives of balance, meaning and purpose. She writes about change, transition and personal leadership from the inside out, combining insights and experience from a life lived internationally, with a lifelong yoga practice and work as an acupuncturist, organizational consultant and educator. She is an alumni of Johns Hopkins Women's Leadership program, and the creator of the Wellness for Women, Pausing at Midlife and other retreats for self-renewal


Added: March 23, 2009


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