Sunday, March 8, 2009

Be Ready When Creativity and Inspiration Strike

As I write this article, I'm on a jet from Seattle to DC. This is article seven in a brainstorm session powered by Seattle's Best Coffee and scribbled in partial shorthand into a notebook (I'll polish later, when I'm back on the ground). I'm thoroughly enjoying the feel of pen against real paper. I'm one of those people who tends to do everything possible online from bill paying to ordering Chinese food. One reason this strikes me as relaxing is that I'd forgotten how beautiful handwriting script can be. But, back to the articles. I hadn't really planned much for this day full of travel, other than to attempt to entertain three kids for two airplane flights totaling nearly 8 hours, followed by 4 hours of driving time on the way to Grandma's house. It's a mom's life. But a productive article writing session began an hour ago when the youngest of my children drifted off into a peaceful sleep and the other two found entertainment in their handheld games.

Being an entremom (thanks to Alicia Forest for such a cool word to describe what we mothers/entrepreneurs do) means I work to be prepared to utilize any spare minute or opportunity to it's fullest potential. So with my notebook and pen always handy, I've almost completed this month's personal article writing challenge in a block of time I didn't think would be productive.

Here are my tips to help you be prepared when creativity strikes and a few spare minutes appear:

1. Always have a way to record ideas handy, such as a notebook and pen or PDA. I carry a mini notebook and my iPod touch with me so I can jot notes anytime.

2. Be organized and review your daily and weekly to do lists frequently. Because I kept my current article writing challenge in the front of my mind, I knew what I needed to work on when I had a few minutes. Had something else been on the top of my to do list for this week I would have worked on it instead. Knowing what you need to accomplish will help you get right to work without wasting any time.

3. Go with the inspiration when it hits. Whether it's just recording a quick idea or writing your next information product, don't miss it when you feel inspired. If life will allow you, stop right then and work. If life won't allow you, take a few seconds to make a quick note of your inspiration and your feelings so you can come back to that place as soon as life does allow you.

Autor: Michelle Shaeffer Michelle Shaeffer
Level: Platinum
Work at home mom extraordinaire Michelle Shaeffer publishes The Muses Brainstorm, a weekly ezine with tips to help you balance, manage, and market your home ... ...

Work at home mom extraordinaire Michelle Shaeffer publishes The Muses Brainstorm, a weekly ezine with tips to help you balance, manage, and market your home based business. If you're ready for inspirational guidance and bright ideas sign up free at

Added: March 9, 2009


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