Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Why Your Creativity is Like an Infinite Tub of Delicious Ice Cream

A common fear we have in the preparation is that one day our creativity is just empty. For good. We believe we have a kind of finite Creative certificate at birth, and once that everything is exhausted, there is no way we can always return to it, or create it again.

This faith begins with creative ideas, and think that any of us are capable of only a set number of great ideas in our lives. This in turn leads to creativity sapping two major dilemmas:

1st Pressure to meet every good idea into a creative project is absolutely amazing. , if we only "allowed" a handful of great ideas, if we have them, we'd better not waste them! In creeping perfectionism, and often the idea of drowning under the weight of attention and expectation before it is allowed, of course, in all sense.

2nd An increase in the sense of our time and creativity no longer exists. If you are on your last 10 and not know where the next penny was made, would you go wild and spend freely? Or would you thoroughly and carefully every cent counts? The same with creativity, if you believe that you are dry, you're not to leave everything to flow as freely as how you can do.

thus clear that this attitude is a limited creative output is not favorable for us in our creative. Ok, time for a nostalgic interlude on ice. Stick with me, it all became clear.

When I was a kid, my grandparents often took me to the lake. One of the traditions of a day beside the sea here in England, with a bag of ice (usually a "99" - an ice cream wafer cone with a chocolate flake stuck in the top).

As a child, as I ate my ice cream, I was amazed that I continue and further down in the bag, the ice was still there, full as ever. I was surprised that the kind and generous man in the ice cream van had filled my bag up to the very bottom with delicious ice cream.

I did not realize until I was much older that actually there was only ice in the upper third of the bag. And, as I eagerly devoured my 99, I was actually driving the ice continues to taper, so I just as if it was full to the bottom!

Sun, Intermezzo gone back to your creativity.

The way we see our creativity is as if there is only one ball at the top, and one was eaten that we down to dry wafers, and there is none of the creamy sweet stuff left. In fact, your creativity is more like an infinitely long cone, absolutely filled with delicious ice cream.

As you can see, with your creativity, simple rules apply and it is one of the fundamental laws of creativity:

The more you create, the more to create.

That's it.

The easiest area to start to show it is with creative ideas. Gather ideas, record them, write them at every opportunity. You will quickly find that the ideas you have, the more ideas you have, because you have more to them, it pulls you more. Plus, all of these ideas are mixing your recording with others, such as hormonally charged teenagers at a house, and up to all sorts of crazy things in more ideas.

So, if you fear that your creativity is limited to a fixed remuneration, just forget it's an infinite bath of delicious ice cream. The more you eat, the more is in the tub. And the best thing? You're never too ice headache, upset stomach, or a wound.

Autor: Dan Goodwin Dan Goodwin
Level: Platinum
Creativity Coach Dan Goodwin helps people who are frustrated they're not making use of their creative talents and abilities. A highly creative person himself, in ... ...

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Added: March 26, 2009


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