Monday, March 9, 2009

The Powerful Creator That is You!

Think about it for a moment...we've all heard the theory that we create our reality beginning with our thoughts. If you haven't heard it yet you will hear more soon, because this concept is getting more and more press these days, and for good reason. Many actually believe this powerful secret was just that for millennia - A SECRET.

The literal creating of our reality from our thoughts is a powerful concept, and life-altering once grasped fully. It's incredible to think about how wonderful it would be to just think something, and have it manifest in our lives....and also a little scary. After all, what about our 'bad' or negative thoughts? What about those thoughts that are formed in moments of strong emotion such as anger or jealousy?

The human mind is extremely complex, as any psychologist will tell you. The intricate web of connecting thoughts, memories of prior events and circumstances, along with emotions, assumptions and beliefs is too complex for us to fully comprehend. However, in terms of manifesting reality from our thoughts, this is a good thing!

Because of the complex background of thoughts and emotions that accompany each new thought, there is a grace period in the manifesting of physical reality, wherein only those thoughts that are clear and precise - those not filtered through limiting beliefs and conflicting emotions - manifest as a clearly discernible result. ALL thoughts create results, but often our physical worlds are in a jumble...because our thoughts are in a jumble!

Author Joe Vitale makes this point with a brilliantly simple analogy in his e-book Spiritual Marketing: 'What you hold in your mind with energy and focus will tend to be created in your reality. It takes a little longer to experience results because we keep changing our minds. Imagine going to a restaurant and ordering chicken soup. But before it arrives you change your order to won ton soup. And before that arrives you change your order back to chicken soup. You'll sit there and complain, saying "I can never get what I want!", when in reality you are the reason your soup is late!'

Added to this is the deep and complicated web of conditioned thoughts, which are those that have been placed in our minds, or at least influenced, by others. We are all surrounded and influenced to a certain degree by the expectations of others. Even though as adults we may do our best to limit this, the influences and expectations implanted in us through our childhood years have left powerful lasting impressions.

The great part of this 'secret' is that once we have 'discovered' it, we can begin to explore our own thought patterns and change them. What could be more fun?

Human beings are the only creatures with self-awareness, meaning we can think about our thoughts...therefore we can intentionally change our circumstances. Add to this the ability to focus our thoughts and literally create our reality...and you have incredible, life-altering power!

Autor: Shauna Arthurs Shauna Arthurs
Level: Platinum
Shauna Arthurs is a writer/editor, investor, and founder of a network of websites dedicated to helping people make and save money, and achieve - create ... ...

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The Author: Shauna Arthurs is the passionate creator of a network of websites dedicated to helping you achieve your grandest dreams. Skyrocket your personal development by visiting!

Added: March 9, 2009


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