Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Creative Journalling

Visiting my local library is always a pleasure for me. There I find many books and magazines that stimulate my imagination and feed my soul.

One day I picked up an interesting book on journalling. It talked about taking notes that would create my own book of imagination and creativity. By noting what it is that inspires me and what it is that makes me unique I would be providing a platform for my inner voice to teach me more about myself. All of this as I habitually create my journal. Wow! I had to do this!

I would need to be prepared for surprises as I journeyed through the day. Open to how I may be feeling at any given time. I would have moments of pleasure and delight taking note of what it was that created these feelings.

I would also have uh-ooh moments. Times of unhappiness, feeling uncomfortable or upset. Noting the reasons for this is part of the whole picture.

Continued Journalling over a period of time may be helpful in finding a clearer sense of purpose or vision for ones life.

With time and space, and working through my journal I am able to see what moments have given me the 'warm fuzzies.' Noting the moments of disappointment etc allows me to see if there are any patterns here and maybe areas where I can work on.

Anyhow, it is definitely a journal of discovery. As someone once said 'everyday is a schoolday.'

There's always room for improvement.

By discovering who we really are under the external layers of our lives, we are able to release the true beauty of ourselves to our world.

Nothing Splendid has ever been
achieved except by those who
dared believe that something
inside of them was superior to

~ Bruce Barton ~

Autor: Mervyn Knight

I am in between jobs at the moment, so here I am trying my hand at article writing.
I have my own blog which I enjoy adding to. Personal growth is very relevant to me.

Added: March 4, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


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