Monday, March 2, 2009

The Best Therapy in Life is Self Generated Action

The nature of all successful personal reality is self generated action. With that, I begin this article. If self generated action was not the key to all genuine success, then success would be based purely upon pure real luck, real predestined fate that is not alterable like a medieval caste system was supposed to be and definitely not based on any sort of self-generated effort in any way. So think about what I am typing about reasonably as you read, what solves all problems ultimately? I can honestly say action, genuine and congruently honest action genuinely solves problems at any level. When I say the word action in this article, I mean nothing irrational in any way. I mean solving problems by enacting solutions through actions and rational thought with action.

Sure, I could tell you something else other than that will solve problems, and create benefit. But even the lottery requires you to take the action of buying a ticket to have a chance at winning the money. Please note, I do not condone gambling in any way ultimately, but I am just using this example to edify your understanding about what I am writing about. But as can be told from my earlier and future writings on businesslike thinking, I do condone fully rational and honest action to solve problems and create solutions, and if there are no problems, making things ever better in every genuine way and sense.

So, the best therapy one can give themselves is self generated action, depending on a therapist for "help" is just an excuse. Letting others think for you is just an excuse. Excuses, in fact, are the most genuine disease of all, because you avoid personal responsibility and avoid getting things done through them. Crime is the ultimate excuse at a very basic level. Peace and productive, creative virtue are the ultimate solution at the most basic level in life. Guess what? It begins with each of our own personal volition and not with anyone else or any outer "things". We have to use our resources with our own personal volition in total concert with our self generated action to get genuine results. Within reason, life and existence is a reality of our own making.

To live, sure, life starts with thought. We have established that. But to get to the next level in life, we all must make a choice to take congruent and genuine action in a self generated way upon all personal rational creative thoughts and ideas.

What makes life genuinely enjoyable is when we as humanity are genuinely in rational good control of ourselves as human beings. Anything else that does not work is bad. This is not simplicity, this is the reality of the situation. The reality of the situation is what counts like a good blank check ultimately gets written on, fulfilled and ultimately made into cold, hard cash. Think for a moment, is this not what successful personal reality comes down to in every way. Indeed, it does not work in any other way than this. So, it comes down to two choices no matter what: right, wrong or desirable, undesirable. It works or it does not work. Objective reality is a series of two choices like this, "gray areas" or "many complicated choices" are only in subjective thinking.

Sure unworkability can be argued for "all day long", but or complicated choices in the guise of "doing the same old thing". But, rest assured, success comes from doing what works, no matter what it may be. Success works in harmony with reality no matter what creative, but productive methods are used. Note, I used the words creative and productive in the same sentence to describe successful action. This is what it definitely comes down to in every genuine way and sense. Sure, there is a lot I could say more, but from here, the blanks can now be filled in. So I will, to an extent:

Life is only as productive and successful as we are honest about it, and self starting and following through with it. Life really is as good as we all make it as people and individuals, then those individuals make a rational, honest and really successful society. Sure it starts with logical, reasonable thinking, yes. But it ends with logical, reasonable action based on that thinking and doing what genuinely works in every way. What works is a life creator, what does not work is a death maker. We all want to do what works, but the people that pay the price get the genuine rewards. It is that simple. Sure, thinking effort seems hard, it always is until it becomes second nature and momentum is gained within the effort and thought. So I end with a quoted chart from one of my earlier articles:

1. Unconscious incompetence: This is the stage where you do not know that you do not know;

2. Conscious incompetence: This is the stage that you know you do not know;

3. Conscious competence: This is when you know that you know, but you have to consciously think about it.

4. Unconscious competence: This is when it is second nature; this is when the information is part of you; this is when you know it just as easily as you know your own name; this is when it is fully internalized and is just automatically done.

Autor: Joshua Clayton Joshua Clayton
Level: Basic PLUS
I am a professional freelance writer with over fifteen years experience who lives in Inglewood, California. My "day job" is in Gardena, California as a ... ...

My name is Joshua Clayton, I am a freelance writer based in Inglewood, California. I also write under a few pen-names and aliases, but Joshua Clayton is my real name, and I write by that for the most part now. I am a philosophical writer and objective thinker and honest action taker.
I also work at a senior center in Gardena, California as my day job, among other things, but primarily I am a writer. As a kid I did construction work with my Dad which taught me many things like plumbing, hard labor and electrical systems, and I took notes for my Dad's home poker games at my Uncle Johnnie Gilmore's house, so I have a lot of life experience, sure. But I went to Cal State Dominguez Hills College, UCLA, and El Camino Junior College and learned a lot, but never got around to getting a degree, just lots of money spent, good grades and some credits. So, here I am currently freelance writing and working at a senior center for a living.
But enough details of my life, what I do is not what I am. So here is what I enjoy, I enjoy reading, listening to music (everything from Beethoven, Strauss and Bach to The Meters, ELO and The Band and Dylan/Garcia and The Grateful Dead also, when they were the Grateful Dead. Well, as you can tell by SOME of the music I listen to, I am a very eclectic person. I am also a deep science fiction fan and as said before, a lover of books. If I were to go into everything it would take thousands of words and I only have about three hundred words here, of which I have used 290 of already. Well, I end here. Thanks. Joshua Clayton.

Added: March 3, 2009


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