Thursday, May 28, 2009

All the World's a Stage - Writing the Script For Your Life

I'm currently rehearsing the role of Rosalind in As You Like It with the Living Willow community and society, what a gift for a part of it also; Mercurial in their wit, passion in their love, wise in their understanding and their desire to help others. They also spend most of the game pretending to be a boy, to an education in itself ........

For a long time now I have realized spiritual importance of my hobbies, aware of the fact that another person for a short time has taught me about the roles we play in life, the illusions, the for the public presentation, the importance of compassion for the circumstances, other than ourselves and especially our incredible capacity to change and everything we want to be. I sometimes came to test tired after a long day at work, only to me repealed by Rosalind contagious joy as she covers every moment is entirely their lives. Lives, their history, I have learned that the self-esteem and happiness is of crucial importance is literally a choice. It even says on the incurable melancholy Jacques, "I rather be a fool to me merry than experience to make me sad."

It is easier to imagine the life with all its ups and downs, if you are in your life as a game - the eternal soul you are a player in this game, and your personality and body are the costumes by you. The material accessories Surround yourself with only props (prop suggests that "things" are useful, temporary supports, but should not permanently on ....... maybe that the other items)! Not like hat? Go to the costume closet and find the character you play or feels comfortable to wear. If you are brave enough, are all the costumes and make-up and choose to protect you!

What is even more amazing to realize is that not only we, the actors in our own game, but we are also the script writer, director, location manager and casting agent. We have everything that happens to us, and if we are not the way it goes at the moment we can offer a completely new effect! Only in the foreground a clear picture of what you want in your life and then make it happen. It really is that simple.

A fantastic exercise that came with this old understanding (you have heard it called a manifestation, cosmic order, or The Law of Attraction) is to choose a situation in your life that is not satisfactory for you. Well, imagine that you are the director for a film of this situation and see the story is done exactly as you want it. Where would you be? Who would you deal with (we can be an endless supply of Jonny Depps and Sandra bullocks, for the purposes of this exercise)? What would you do or say? What would happen? How would you feel? It has been scientifically proven that the brain can not distinguish between what is real and what is thought of when you imagine it's true! Write to all, and read it once a day for three weeks. It is very interesting, the development of the situation at the end of time.

The dictionary describes play: "occupy or amuse pleasant, move freely, have fun, romp, a flexible, join" They sound like good ingredients for a happy life. Now, what is my next cue?

Autor: Semele Xerri

Semele Xerri is a spiritual healer, Reiki Master/Teacher and Tarot reader. Based in Wales, she offers healing and readings, runs spiritual and self-development workshops and gives Tarot training. Visit her websites at and

Added: May 28, 2009


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