Sunday, May 3, 2009

Chances - Don't Wait For Them

"The best men are not the ones who waited for the opportunities, but they have the chance, besieged, captured the opportunity and chance, their servants."

I do not know where I read these lines, but they took me straight, and I wanted my thoughts.

God has given every person in this world not with empty hands, but very rich. Yes, he blessed his children with rich resources time.And also known as a hard power-house is called power. But we deprive our children all about our heritage and your life searching for hard to opportunities that most of us. Many people in life wait for the right time to do what they want. Although true that the right place at the right time helps quickly achieve success, there are many that their precious resource called time waiting for the right time. There is still worse copies that do not even know what is the chance that they are waiting for, I too was one of them. People compromise with their miserable lives by him with a distant dream that one day somehow by a fairy god mother waves her magic wand and give them a golden opportunity for which she was wasting her precious resource called time.Nay! that big day comes very rarely.

As we want to do what we want can be done at any time if we consider the resources that we are born, which is carefully conducted and POWER. Time is our capital, its our bank account. What we trade it for all who makes the difference. First, decide what is that you expect, you can determine in what form it in disguised? Opportunities, as not directly to your door step and dressed how you want it. That is the reason why people stay their whole lives waiting for the right opportunity and never get one.

If large Achievers had been waiting for the right opportunity, this world we never would have had no success. I say only losers are waiting for the chance to create winners. Forging, as set out by the roughest terrain in the performance of their task for the success they carve their own paths, their own paths and opportunities for the best they want. Just like a river through the mountains somehow carves to their fate in the achievement of the winners ocean.The find their own way. Do not wait until the iron is too hot, to strike, they heat the iron first to strike it hot and to bend it. Use your time to plan what you will want to use the power to stay tight and find a way to your destiny. Create your own opportunities, and when you finally know who you want to be in the world, will wonder how they never gave the chance that you have the cheap break.

Autor: Najma Mubarah Najma Mubarah
Level: Basic
Engineer by profession,Writter by passion- i love people and life.Many of us do not live life to our satisfaction.Many do not achieve their full potential.But ... ...

I am Najma, engineer by profession, writer by passion. I love people and I want to help them with words of comfort during this tough economic conditions. As I proceed through life trying to make the most of it I want to take as many people as i can with me in this journey. Because i believe happiness multiplies as you share it. Its not that I am perfect to write whatever, I am blogging whatever I am trying to follow. I honestly believe if we help people attain the right mind-set and confidence, they will help themselves and achieve their dreams.

Added: May 3, 2009


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