Friday, May 8, 2009

Drawing to Improve Your Life - Why You Should Draw and Paint Even If You Think You Are Hopeless

Kids love freehand drawing. How can you like most painters, illustrators, creative designers. There are also some people who are not professional artists, but like it as a hobby.

But probably most of the people in the western world, is committed to something quite simple, at least, would be confusing, annoying, infuriating, if not painful.

Many people, sometimes because of negative experiences and useless criticisms at a young age, believing that they "washouts," and that it would not make sense to spend any time more than sketch a few lines and a circle, or some nerve Scribbles, while on the phone.

Are you one of them? Well, the self-limiting beliefs can stop you for taking the valuable subscription services can offer.

And you do not have all the Michelangelo or Van Gogh. I speak freehand, relaxed, even childish and totally unrealistic drawing.

- drawing, we can sometimes "think better". As I mentioned in a previous article, we think in pictures, so you can communicate through pictures is very easy for us. Our brain loves images.

- After overcoming the initial prejudice, drawing is often a much quicker and more efficient form of language in relation to words. Sometimes it helps to let negative emotions and repressed. Psychological support and therapy for children used drawing very often, taking advantage of their natural tendency towards visual expression.

- You will facilitate contact with the inner child. Many problems in adulthood are characterized by an early trauma or negative experiences. Hiring the wounded child within you express his /her feelings to improve, as you now. I do not mean you solve life-long problem only thanks to your new hobby, of course. Especially in the case of delicate situations, you may also need professional help. Although, "visual art" is permitted in any case much more useful than you think.

- Needless to say, it stimulates creativity. And no, I'm not only the artistic skills. Creativity is problem solving in all areas.

- unless you prefer drawing only in black and white, is the use of color, the healing properties per se

Start with something basic, very simple sketches, so that you feel comfortable. It's something that you would like to remind you what you want to do, or eat now, your favorite pet, or even the representation of something abstract, such as joy, anger, sleepiness. No matter what you feel or see (if only in thought) now. Whatever you feel like "Throw".

They do not feel any obligation to the faithful to reality: some of the greatest figurative artists in the world are known for their own interpretation of the world. This drawing is your opinion to express, or your feelings, or your physical sensations, or all together. Surely it's not a scientific or technical manual.

They do not even need to appear in a gallery or an arbitration award to win, so can not judge.

Use what you want, and feel with: pencils, pens, brushes, fingers dipped in color as the children do. Do it on paper, glass, fabric, wood. They are the right tools for this.

You can not, for example, a major magazine or a new book that you keep secret and use whenever you want.

You have to log in the first period, but not abandon, and can easily subscribe to a pleasant habit. Perhaps it is your preferred way to unwind after a hard day. Even 20 minutes on a daily basis can do little by little miracle.

Later you discover that you have really good at magic. In any case, you will it so much easier, and you are determined, for which there is much more than you expect, this is the true magic.

Autor: Alessandra Viero Alessandra Viero
Level: Basic PLUS
Alessandra Viero is a marketing and PR specialist, and she definitely loves her job. Though, she is also passionate about mental-physical wellbeing and about personal ... ...

Alessandra Viero - Alessandra invites you to have a look at her simple method to improve your life, in which drawing plays a main role

Added: May 8, 2009


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