Sunday, May 24, 2009

Unlock the Power of Your Creativity and Set Your Life on Fire!

Many of us believe is that a little creativity, hard, somewhere between genius and madness, it is the Van Gogh's Starry Night, Jane Austin's romantic prose - something that normal people do not have the madmen, geniuses and cultural symbols do. But creativity is not a mysterious "gift" for the unique talent, there is an inherent aspect of our common humanity, and it exists in every one of us. If we gain a better understanding of the kind of creativity that we demystify enigmatic relationship between creativity and happiness.

I think the creativity, as a powerful iceberg, with 90% of its essence dormant beneath the surface and the other 10%, the output from him - the product of the creativity, the visible in the world. We are often taught, hail, that 10% is that the tip of the iceberg, as the creativity of the most important aspect - the platinum CD or Nobel Prize - but it is the quiet that 90% has the potential to become a strong force in our lives, and if we unlock it, our lives from the ordinary extraordinary.

agencies prepare an intimate dinner for your lover, you feel happy as you begin to plan the details of the dinner, and while you shop for wine and flowers. You feel happy as you stir together the ingredients for your special Marinara sauce, chill the wine and arrange the flowers. This is a "creative development", which begins long before the actual building takes place dinner - it's the creative process at work, and it has an amazing ability to us the experience of happiness in the present, based solely on the expectation of a experiences at some time in the future. Why? Because if we thought intensely on something that we creative process - regardless of whether we ever actually go shopping for wine, our dinner or share it with a lover. Once you have the creative process that you have with your creative energy to the happiness in your life that only your thoughts - not with flowers, wine, or dinner with a friend - but only with your thoughts. In this way we can understand that we are not happy, we create it!

If our thoughts on what is possible - what we enjoy what we love and what we want to create, or experience - We initiate the creative process in us. This unlocks our creative energy that can be used, and is directed at everything that we want to create, even happiness. The creative process is like a kind of "prolonged foreplay energetic" It enhances our experience of life in the present, our senses increasing moment-by-time because we have been intensively at our thoughts, what it is our goal to create. As an afternoon spent with a lover, the level of happiness we can achieve is in line with the level of focus, we invest in the experience - not only at the end of the experience, but in the whole experience. If we have learned our thoughts only on the outcome of our efforts - the equivalent of 10% that the product of creativity - we can only experience and luck, if we have a successful outcome of our efforts. We have to be conditioned to believe that happiness as something that we, based on events outside our control - such as a prize to win - and not as something that we are empowered to create for ourselves.

When we realize our potential for happiness, we must in our view that the viewfinder on the search for happiness, a creator who intended to create. Once we do that, we need to make sure our thoughts on a moment to moment and take the focus. One of the keys to happiness is to create the perception that there is only happiness in the present, and we can not do it yesterday, and we can do it, not tomorrow - we can only create from what is available to us right now, in the present.

I think the relationship between creativity and luck rather than a complex version of "Cannonball soup," my mother is on our ability as individuals to do something, from nothing. I have come to understand that something from nothing is an art, and I urge that the art of creativity. With a little practice it will be possible, something (happiness) from nothing (thoughts), is - and how we do it, our lives changed. We are creators - our own happiness, and the brilliant new life, our dreams fulfill our potential and the honor of the truth of who we are. We can unlock the power of our creativity and our life in flames!

Autor: Mia Pratt

Mia Pratt is a well-known philanthropic artist and writer living in Scottsdale, Arizona, and is the author of "The Secrets of the 100 Golden Keys: Unlock the Power of Your Creativity and Set Your Life on Fire! She is a featured columnist for N'Touch Arizona magazine, authoring a monthly column that discusses how to harness the power of creativity to improve daily life. Mia also serves as a Personal Creativity Consultant to help other transform and improve their lives. Her book, The Secrets of the 100 Golden Keys: Unlock the Power of Your Creativity and Set Your Life on Fire! is available as an e-book at

Visit the website to read an excerpt from the book and join in the discussion in the Keyhole Village Forum, a center of activity for all thoughts creative!

Added: May 24, 2009


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