Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Creativity at Work - 7 Benefits to Increase Productivity and Profits

Creativity is frequently than in the luxury business is best for the artists and amateurs. On the contrary, when developed and used at the individual and organizational levels, creativity is a road map for us in the line value in volatile times. If you know how it goes, you can solve problems and new opportunities in the same time, so that your business remains viable and profitable.

In my experience working at all levels of businesses to solo entrepreneurs, what we need is a combination of what I am a "creative thinking" with a "creative Toolkit." The thinking is based into a direction that the creativity is happening, it helps create an environment to search for new and better ways of doing things, as well as the willingness to make the necessary changes and adapting to market changes.

A Creativity Toolkit includes a variety of individual and systematic tools and techniques that your thoughts in the desired direction and depth to your desired results. When individuals and the organization are well versed in the use and application of a number of tools and work in a culture's creativity, the effect can be exponentially .

The following are only seven of the many possible benefits of using robust creativity at work.

Individual benefits:

1) management and staff to be more self-motivation, and to experiment new things (products, services and systems ) and to solve problems

2) morality, accountability and productivity increase, person for person

Organizational Benefits:

3) Creativity makes the process of change easier and more focused to the development of more efficient and streamlined processes

4) You use the existing resources to better use, even if lower costs

5) leads to more consistent innovation, systematic and based profitability

Market Perspective Advantages:

6) You will gain employees who enjoy better share your progressive values

7) You are considered a leader by clients, other industries, competitors and the media

These are just the tip of the iceberg of the benefits of creativity at work. I would love to see more of them with you!

Autor: Donna Kim-Brand Donna Kim-Brand
Level: Platinum
Donna Kim-Brand has worked across private, public and educational sectors teaching and applying thinking and creativity skills to enhance learning, solve problems and generate new ... ...

For a free CD interview describing 26 creative mindsets and examples you can benefit from immediately, please visit

From Donna Kim-Brand, Creative Energizer & Living Legacy Strategist

Added: May 14, 2009


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