Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Organic Creativity Vs Social Conformity - Celebrating Our Creative Souls

"The arts have become a political arena in which an elite few have the power to judge how much a child can also be creative, but only one child is an artist, if the child labor can be sold -- preferably for thousands of dollars in a gallery in New York. Authors may be talented, but they are only as writers when their work was published. A writer can not approach a publisher without an agent, and by proxy the writers need to research, write books and draw up proposals to be prepared to business as the agent and the publisher. Approximately 95% of all manuscripts will be rejected by agents and publishers, so that leaves very little left creative writers as authors, and the criteria for publication is not necessarily talent, it's marketability. This phenomenon is not limited to the authors, a dancer is not a real dancer, unless they acted in a position in a ballet or Broadway play, and an actress is not a real actress before she was discovered and cast in an important film.

In essence, as a society we have lost contact with our true Selves Creative and have opted instead to focus on the evaluation and promotion is that manifestation of the creative market itself - that which can be sold. We no longer honor the artists, musicians, writers, dancers and poets in each of us, but have small, elite sectors of society in which a few are elected to the creative torch on the market for the rest of us. In so that this can happen, we have sold our collective creative souls who are not the devil, perhaps, but in a society in which we have condemned us to live in the absence of their own creative potential.

It seems that we have jointly brainwash us into believing that creativity is determined by the output of marketable selected creative people, not by the sheer size of its existence in each of us. As with some religious organizations to focus on the precious spirit of the individual has been replaced instead of the political agenda and the financial magnitude of the larger companies. Just as formal religion has little to do with our individual spirituality, the output of marketable creativity has little to do with our True Selves Creative. It is therefore up to each of us to claim our birthright as the creators and to unlock - free - this powerful, transformative force, which is used as the basis for our individual and collective humanity.

creativity is that indescribable, what can pointless without sounds and music in it - this may sound out of the earth and form sculpture - and it may be from an old coal fire to create art. The nature of creativity is in the nature of our true Selves Creative, and it has much less to do with the quality of our creative work than with their power to individuals and entire civilizations. It is a transformative power - and thus, if we try to maintain, we must expect that we in fact are supported by them, to the extent that our inner conviction can. So, we must build our inner beliefs about ourselves and learn how they are either restricting or authorizing our activities as a precondition for creative implementation.

In our modern society, the word "creativity" has become a generic term used for the unfortunate souls, the "emerging" ... those who may one day be artists, dancers, musicians, writers and poets, where their creative output is marketable enough to sell. Our adoption of this distillation of the fruits of our souls into mere pocket change is so counter-productive to our humanity, that this vibrant wine of individualism in the vinegar taste of the mass dehumanization. We have almost closed out their own creativity instead of consuming their marketable production of other, not as empowered, our creativity in every aspect of our own life and thus existing as our true Selves Creative. To change this trend, we must refuse to get involved in the false belief that creative energy is something to which only the greatest among us, and instead are closely related to their nature in our own hearts and minds.

This is a social transition from celebrating the creativity that exist in all individuals in a society in which the outcome of the creativity of the few in a society that depends on the assumption wrong, outdated and negative views about our individual and collective self-esteem, and to what we saw in each other's worth. But in an effort to restore the creative core of the individual as a valuable part of society, it does not mean we can no longer be the great successes to celebrate the artistic giants among us - far from it! It means that we both celebrate.

What does society abstract definition of creativity have to do with us and with our personal lives? Everything! If we write our first poem and receive the grade of "C" in the fifth grade, we are told our creative output is not good enough. If our friends and family hold our passions and we encourage that good work in the factory, we are diminished. If we are passionate about art, but no gallery shows our work, or write us deep into the night, but no one will be our work, we also come to accept that we "not" and we close the doors to our true Selves Creative. Over time more and more doors are closed to us, each bearing the label "I am not." And what is it that we do not? Not good enough, not talented enough, not smart enough, not beautiful enough, not lucky, do not earn enough. Each of these closed doors is an aspect of the joy of existence, that we closed in us in response to rejection - and every time we do, we lower our accepted "threshold of luck" to the ever-shrinking prison cell to the limitation in we have become Entombed. We are our own jail, and our jail is our own beliefs on us. But how can we change this? Not all of us can expect our works of art to hang in galleries and our writing to be published ... so what is the solution?

The solution is to get our internal responses to external opinion on the quality or value of our creativity, and simply do what we pleased. And more importantly, to recognize that any effort - from sewing on a button to write a symphony - the essence of our creative energy and is thus the fruits of our existence in the world. This is the greatest gift we can each other in life - the gift of acceptance of who we are, and not as an opinion of what we produce.

The difference between the stitching of the button and the writing of the symphony is not in the quality of creative energy, but the level of concentration and imagination, we allow ourselves as we are about what we do. For example, sewing on a button to the amount of creative energy that is comparable to a refrigerator light bulb - perhaps ten watts. But if we stare at the button and it makes us to see it as something unique and beautiful that it is perfect in this moment, our creativity can spark like a firefly in the darkness - and the level of our creativity grows exponentially. Suppose we are looking at this blue button, we ordinary sewing blouse on our daughter and we need to make sure its interesting form and we suddenly begin to imagine what kind of model we could create if we are fifty of these blue buttons and lined them in rows adjacent to each other, forming a square. Next we start to imagine what would happen if we changed the colors on a couple of buttons, and suddenly we are visualizing a button mosaic. As we continue to concentrate our thoughts, we think it is like a beautiful mosaic-key, perhaps it would be pretty sewn on a throw pillow. We can then know our daughter blanket in her bedroom and wonder what, if I have three of these key pillows for their beds? Suddenly we are walking our daughter in the bedroom and thought, as long as I am that three-button pillows on the bed, what if I paint three large buttons on the wall beside her bed, in her Favorite colors? And what if I get a little in the corner where my daughter can sew, and they buy a sewing machine and a set of shelves, where they can give the little tubs of fabric and supplies ...?

This is how our creativity to get out of sewing on a button to write a symphony, this is how we power our creative energy of ten watts to a thousand - and unlock the power of our creativity, our lives the fire! And this is how we can use the power of creativity to happiness, it does not matter whether we are back on a chair in the living room and just finish sewing on the Start button, without ever having our huge bedroom Remodeling, because our daughter is only two. What counts is that our creativity and our experience, our joy, today, in the present. Its existence expands us, cleanses the boredom of our lives and frees us from the boredom of everyday life.

Our time is the currency of inestimable value of our existence, and our creative energy is our fingerprints in the world - that everything we touch and all, is what counts! For some of us, our creative contribution in the world can our fingerprints for other people's lives - the thousand small acts of kindness and care given, if we take our children and grandchildren, our parents and even strangers. For others, the fingerprints of our existence can lead to the discovery of a cure for cancer or write a great Broadway play. Regardless of any individual performance, each of these activities has a meaning, because each of us has significance as a valuable member of humanity, it is only our views on issues, what in life and what not, that our happiness in life. To create happier lives, we can use the power of our creativity, us from the restrictions of the past and begin to live in the present, as our True Selves Creative.

Autor: Mia Pratt

Mia is a well-known philanthropic artist and writer living in Scottsdale, Arizona, and is the author of "The Secrets of the 100 Golden Keys: Unlock the Power of Your Creativity and Set Your Life on Fire! She is a featured columnist for N'Touch Arizona magazine, authoring a monthly column that discusses how to harness the power of creativity to improve daily life. Mia also serves as a Personal Creativity Consultant to help other transform and improve their lives. Her book, The Secrets of the 100 Golden Keys, launched as an e-book on May 15, 2009, at http://www.100goldenkeys.com Visit the website to read an excerpt from the book and join in the discussion in the Keyhole Village Forum, a center of activity for all thoughts creative!

Added: May 20, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


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