Monday, May 11, 2009

How to Have a Creative Attitude

Peak More

The simple answer to this question is at peak times over - but let me first tell a story. Back in 1994, I had the good fortune to travel to Myanmar, which we still called Burma. Nothing has changed much for three years. It was dark and hot, the people were undernourished, friendly and very careful with the tourists, the food was meager and unappetizing, the hotel was basic hotel beds like wood coffins, the pillow cases like rough burlap. People survive on much less than they needed: a luxury was an extra bowl of rice, or a ride in a car at the local hospital for medicine. But the landscape, scattered with a Burmese-style Buddhist stupas or temples, often with gold leaf painted Buddhas, or with simple colorful decorations, shone through, always smiling, always quiet. The adoration for these temples gave people hope. Life was not perfect, but I began to wonder whether they adhere to the difficulties in a way that we in the West only imagine.

end of the behavior of the military regime aside, just watch how Burmese people cope with everyday life shows how learning to calm down can suffer terrible challenges. To that Western eyes, they have perfected the art of keeping under the pressure of the continuing difficult odds, only the simple pleasures wherever they come.


So, it was in Bagan that I began to feel what I suspected Burmese people feel. Bagan is a vast plain, on the right bank of the Irrawaddy River. There are hundreds of pyramid temples and religious shrines, or stupas, in an area of 40 square miles. Not only can you sense the atmosphere of heightened world of peace and contemplation in your skin and bones, but they taste and smell. I climbed to the top of the temple sunset as the sun went. Sits, staring at the sun over the river, a magical silence fell. These are moments for all time, never forget and with my mind on this site. If it's a genius (spirit) of the place, then Bagan had it in abundance. This led to a feeling of peace and indescribable joy. It was simple, temporary, yet profound. This is what we as a culmination of both the physical and mental /emotional.

Bagan The experience is there for all those who visit. You try to view it in photos. It is not pointless to try, in the case of beauty glossy color print, but it can only ever be a sign of the essence, your inner personal landscape. It was not easy to fall, because it is not only a physical, the rough stone steps. I had to understand why they are so good and why it reminded me of other times I had the view that way. From then on I decided to learn how to peak more.

What About Peak Experience shows creativity

The psychology of these moments is fascinating, especially since they are almost overlooked. Nobody thought that it deserves attention, until in the fifties and sixties, Abraham Maslow studied motivated as healthy people. According to Maslow, peak moments, when all fighting for survival. You have the pyramid of basic needs, safety, food, financial and now is the time - not only time, the luxury, about your situation. The good news is you do not have an exotic place to show them. They happen everywhere simultaneously weeding the garden, walk to the bus stop, or washing dishes.

One of the characteristics of high euphoria is aware that some "high", such as altitude is literally a feeling, and on the normal physical limitations. Also do not forget such a moment can trigger the body's own hormones: serotonin and endorphins, which are usually to increase the capacity for even more fun. These are the hormones you need to counterbalance the trigger, which we normally in our bodies through stress - adrenaline and cortisol and worse-GLUCO-corticoids, the injury-memory neurons.

So if we chunk the components of the sun temple, which are the ingredients distilled:

happiness and joy
selflessness, or the lack of ego

If all this were not enough to himself, there is a bonus - it leads to a release of creative energy. What seems to happen is the peak experience of the dead wood, were to prevent you feel creative, and lends optimism to your spirit. Once these dampers have fallen away, you can immerse yourself in the flow of energy that is always there. Remember, as you are connected to the main circuit, which all together.

Maslow says that a creative approach Echo Peak experiences, so they are equal. Many people believe, for whatever reason that they are not entitled to, but it is available to everyone. One thing that you are right there to find that thing that you love so much to do, do it with focus and you find that time vanishes like tissue paper. Here, we lose our sense of both time and the normal self-employed. That is what gives us relief from dull schedule decided by the clock or work routines.

We are indeed lost (and found) in the present, with the safety and paste beats futurizing: being stuck in the past, or possessed by an imagined future. When completely immersed in the here and now, paradoxically, from small concerns us, makes us even more. The usual negative self-image to speak - that is the voice we all know well, often parents in tone, that the carp, criticize and paralyzes us from having these great ideas that we have scared us into paralysis.

practice in inserting in this there is strength, so you can find a trend to greater heights. Remember how stripping away the layers of encrusted, emerging more authentic, more grounded in your true self. Maslow identifies those who are consistently top itself actualizers. "There is even a state as a plateau experience where those who have upgraded themselves continuous peak experiences.

We can already see that this absorption fascinated with, wherever you are and what you do. sportsman and artist acknowledges that "the river" or "in the zone." It tends to leave an indelible imprint on the mind, and once tried, can not be forgotten. We want to return as often as we . But as always, there are many things you can do in the fashion, attitudes, beliefs, distorted ideas, or even corrosive, not opinions.

myths about creativity

Also we are often in a mode close to creative thinking, we just do not think it was because he did not fit our model of what "creative" should be. You need a great artist with a lot of time on your hands to be creative, right? Wrong, actually. Anybody can be creative and often do not recognize when their heads are already with a good old romp brain. These include simple concentration, absorption in a task, to draw attention to something, a book to read, just a movie, driving , swimming, hiking, fixing something, clean the house, for the courts or any action which funnel your attention inwards. The breakthrough is to recognize that we are close to the creative spirit that we thought we were. Colin Wilson said: "The man is not clear how one's own sense of defeat that they do what they could do very well. The peak experience leads to the realization that your own powers are far greater than you intended. "

more creative ways to approach

Many people try, this feeling that an inner landscape, as Bagan. But it is possible, the ability. We can use our lives in a manner that our highest and best impulses. Do you not think so much of the outcome, but the doing and in him. So, here are a few methods to keep you on your creative journey with a few reasons and references. Even if you already creative, it is good to strengthen the position.

Useful ways to have a creative approach

1 Focus on a specific area

A great way of doing this to do is to practice to visualize what you want - in detail

2nd creativity regularly

accordance beats erratic extremes to be avoided. A little bit each day goes a long way.

3rd Protect your lonely time

The mind needs rest focus time to recharge the batteries and the intellectual, the "flow" or the "zone".

4th friendships Maintain, support

How can the spirit of basic human interaction, but picky, avoid energy vampires.

5 Let your passion

"Success is loving what you do ". Scheweitzer. So it is simple: Find what you love, then do everything you can.

6 Take the time to play.

expert Stuart Brown says play is not only necessary in the brain, but our growth in the mental health and survival.

things differently 7th

Autumn from the routine, they open for the unusual rather than adherence to routines. " A change of weather is enough to the new world and us. "Proust

8 Learn new skills, a new

New neural connections are constantly in the brain this way

9th Put the things that do not help,

The selective what you are doing, implies being aware of energy sewer.

10 Enjoy a family atmosphere in a new and unique way

"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but with new eyes." Proust

11 model your life on the lives of creative people who admire you

Study those you admire and do what they have, without your uniqueness.

12th Listen to the inner voice that asks you to do things

order really listen go deep inside and open your ears, hearts and minds.

Everyone has their own experiences Bagan available, either on holiday or at home in the kitchen over a glass of wine, or hear some inspiring music. It does not matter where or when it happened, or if you want to write a poem or a shopping list, it can be more creative when it for what it is and learn to slow and have fun Peaking More.

Kieron Devlin


Maslow, Abraham H. (1963). The creative attitude "The Structurist" No. 3 of the University of Saskatchewan: Psycho Synthesis Research Foundation.

De Salvo, Louise (1999). letter as a way of healing. reading: The Women's Press Images

Autor: Kieron Devlin

Kieron Devlin

Contact me at

Added: May 11, 2009


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