Friday, May 29, 2009

Set a Timer to Save Your Creative Day

Do you ever find yourself overwhelmed by the size of a project or projects that you want to participate in a day? They flit from one thing to the next without really productive something of value to reach, only to himself at the end of the day ask, "What did I do all day?" Are you with the feeling that you wasted a whole day away to do. . . Not much?

You're not alone. Many creative types are imaginative, highly distractable person with great ideas who are suffering "Bright Shiny Object Syndrome." This means that they are easily accessed from the side has something interesting that steals focus away from their current task. But I have discovered a shockingly simple trick, if properly, you will always insist that daunting question: "What did I do all day?"

Set a timer. That's it? That's it - I've told, it was easy. If you have a timer at intervals of anywhere from 15 to 45 minutes, you'll be amazed how much you get in shorter spurts of time. Here's why it works:

  • If you determine that you are procrastinating, a timer coax you in with the first steps is that you only have to for 30 minutes and then you get a break. Many people find that, once they have the hurdle has just begun, so that they in their project that they do not want to stop when the timer is activated.
  • It keeps you from exercising your mind to wander or be distracted. If you know that you are only 30 minutes, and the limited time you get a heightened focus and the certainty that, regardless of e-mails, phone calls or ideas you can wait half an hour, without consequences.
  • It keeps you from engaging in the hyper-focus to take over. Sometimes I can about the things for hours without a break - without food or bed at a decent hour. Even if it's fun to lose, during the project period by Whiz, then I can be moody and exhausted. Set a time limit only warns you how long you been on it and reminds you to take care of itself.

Autor: Melissa D. Williams

If you're ready to incorporate productivy tips like this one with accountability, fun and community to take your creative ideas and projects to the next level, don't wait to join my next Creative Ideas In Action Group (CIIAG). Just visit for all the details.

I'd also like to offer you my FREE 7-part audio e-course on The 7 Secrets of Creative Success when you visit It's my gift to you for stopping by.

Melissa Williams, MA, Creative Ideas and Projects Coach, empowers creative individuals to take action and turn their ideas and projects into purpose-filled, lucrative, life changing realities.

Added: May 29, 2009


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