Thursday, July 2, 2009

Creativity is Not Just For Artists - Be Creative to Think and Live Better

When we say creativity, which to our mind is almost always art ... Fantasy authors or ... or professional fields such as music, fashion, marketing, graphic design ... and we tend to think that only people who deal with such activities have a real need to be creative.

Sure, we've probably heard that creativity is good per se, and perhaps we would like some special talents in this sense, but most of us think that simply "OK, very nice, but I'm not an artistic Guy /Gal. It is unfortunate, but I've been good so far, and in my work and life after all I can do without it perfect. "

, however, that a limited interpretation of what actually means being creative.

I can certainly agree that creativity is more pleasantly situated in a beautiful painting or a sculpture, in the signature jewelry or clothing, in a delicious original court by the famous chef, in an exciting novel, into a music masterpiece, in a brilliant advertising campaign. ..

Additionally, as I stated in previous articles, "artistic" activities such as drawing with great benefit to us all, regardless of how "gifted" we feel. And practicing this kind of activity is an excellent, if we want to promote our imaginative side.

Although creativity is much more than this. It is all about and improve all aspects of our lives.
Creativity is primarily an attitude of mind, whereas with any situation you may encounter.

It tries to think "out of the box", with the famous "thinking outside the box", ask yourself whether what is happening in a certain way can actually in a different perspective. It means that flexible-minded, young-minded, the renunciation of all mental systems vorkonstituierte and distortions, if necessary.

If you see "unchain" your mind off useless and stiffness you feel that more efficient, more brilliant solutions. Even better, you may identify opportunities where others see only problems, as a stimulating challenge what someone else calls failure. In a broader sense, sometimes means being creative, from the fear itself

The adoption of this attitude is not so easy at first, but gradually you will feel more comfortable and, finally, you are not even able to get back to your previous way of thinking.

Autor: Alessandra Viero Alessandra Viero
Level: Basic PLUS
Alessandra Viero is a marketing and PR specialist, currently working for a dynamic multinational corporation, and she definitely loves her company and her job. Though, ... ...

Alessandra Viero - Alessandra invites you to see how a creative positive approach can improve your life at

Added: July 2, 2009

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Life by Design - Be Provocative, Explore Boundaries, Be More Than Ordinary

everyday has the potential for the inspiration. Be open to possibilities, your opinion, share your creative voice. For me, it begins with the day, good coffee, music and crazy outfits. I experiment with color, texture, tough layers, boots, fat zippers, pockets, rips, and fun. If something does not work I have just cut with scissors and razors are my friends! Those who know me, have a few Do's and Dont's! I am very much a gypsy-rocker's Edge, and always with a black twist. Biker boots are a favorite!

discover borders. How to everyday life, do something that you fear. For me yesterday was my urge to 6 miles today and make this presentation for Pecha Kucha Worcester. The challenge itself is inspiring! A little crazy, but believe me it works ... something outside your comfort zone, it will be you, the spirit to ask for new levels of creative, open new doors and welcome experience. So just say yes and the rest will follow.

Remove from the normal, waking up in the middle of the forest, on rooftops or in any other culture. Inspirational travel is spice. Taste of local flavor, see the colors, textures, smells, people and culture to all of your senses and creates the perfect recipe for inspiration.

Vama Veche, Romania is one of my favorite spots. Here time stands still, it's you, the Black Sea, a mix of world travelers and adventurers weekend lounging on order all hours day and night ... There is something in the air, a mood, the words can not describe, you have experience.

Live your dreams. Find your soul mate Inspirational and click on the path ... In February, a friend and I were on vacation, we have talked about for ten years ... spend four days and four nights in Puerto Rico. We walked the beaches, tropical rain forests, the streets of Old San Juan, the A5, met the locals and had the best moffaldo always! All this with our cameras in hand. We feed all the others who crave details and have the same creative juices. At the end of the day we would enjoy the pictures and compare, you laughed at the similarities and felt betrayed by the differences.

My best photography is on its way, whether it is miles away or just stop and keep my camera out the window. One of my favorites is to sign up for a drive with my music, camera, mocha and no goal.

dance the rhythm of life. Music inspires me to the moon! Ich habe eine Playlist für jede Stimmung, Antrieb, Ort etc. Mein iPod ist einer meiner besten Freunde. I can say my life with a list of a lot better than playing with words. , A dance floor in the picture, and I'm lost in a trance. I encourage you to make your music and just dance ...

passion is a key word, and I'm a Junky. As much as I like to inspire me even from other inspiration. The creative spirit must be constantly stimulation. As CEO of Creative Group, I have to inspire. One day, instead of working we have a day trip to MassMoca. New themes, landscapes and stimulation ... a great place for adults to play against the mundane everyday, ideas, dreams and inspiration. I recommend a creative day for you all!

Every creative mind needs a break, a button "Update", a time when you can switch off and say, talk to me later, not now. I find that when I exercise, this is a time when the time is everything. I ask the buzz and physical exhaustion! If I do that endorphins are kicking, and there is a new perspective on existing and new information. Good opportunity to get out of a creative funk. I recommend, you will find that for you.

Passion /Chemistry /Talent. If you do /something from your soul, it will be easy, it's magic. I was recently in New York City at a beauty-business show and watched a team of Italian barbers working the stage. I was, there was immediate chemistry, I have up to 300 pictures! I am exhausted by inspiration. I ended up driving in the Berkshires Search Franklin, MA is still very high on the Italian Buzz ...

Autor: Andreea Waters Andreea Waters
Level: Basic
Born in Bucharest, Romania, now living in New England. Work / Psychology major with an art and photography interest. My professional background involves the printing ... ...

Surrounded...My family, friends and work are my constant feed. With them I dream, experience, taste and dance to the rhythms of life.

Life by Design Be provocative, Explore Boundaries, Be more than ordinary...

Andreea Waters presented for Pecha Kucha Night Worcester, July 14, 2009.

Added: June 25, 2009

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Be Different, Do Different

definition of insanity: the same thing over and over again with a different result.

Would you like something and you just have not been able to do it? Here's the thing: If we want to experience something different, or to create something new, we have from our regular routine. We need to turn our minds to different perspectives. We need to mix things. This is especially true if we want to stir our creativity and our authentic voice. We must be different, and not otherwise.

Here are some ideas:

Please try a new workshop
overlooking art

Get out of your regular routine and mindset to your creative spirit of the times to mature. Begins the options. Proactively. Go online and research, or say, a good friend about your plans and listen to their ideas. Imagine, if you perhaps know what you're looking for and themselves in this situation. Start to give, that others that you want to create for you. Be open to all possibilities.

The physicist Fritjof Capra put it this way: "During a period of relaxation after concentrated intellectual activity, the intuitive mind seems to take over and can the sudden clarifying insights, so much joy and pleasure."

joy and pleasure are the qualities of the creative spirit. This is when the child comes in and plays. Freeing that part of us, our creativity. The more we are ready, open to new experiences and try new things, we have the juice in our creativity machine.

Unfortunately, for some of us, hold us, before we even begin. We have so many messages in our lives "not so stupid and silly." It is important to view the messages, and the fear they create and the illusions they are. Those ideas were expressed to us from our own borders, which to them as well. The good news is, you can specify a different choice.

adopt a beginner's mind. To achieve this, we must let go of what other people think. I am not saying, no matter what your boss wants or what your customer wants, or what your spouse or children want. I think to be able to own outside of the egoic concerns and do not worry about looking silly. No big ideas have always thought that if there is a great concern about what anyone else thought.

Here is what Paul McCartney had to say: "I thought that everyone has something strange was strange. I suddenly that somebody was not funny strange, and that the people saying they were weird, the weird."

And T.S. Elliot: "Only someone who is willing to go too far will ever find out how far one can go."

Every time I have prepared to do something that others can see how a little crazy, I was free. And so can you. You will free yourself to experience the life and totally new possibilities in an area you desire.

So, go and try something new. Be different and not different. This is the way to your creativity and your machine authentic voice. Enter the gift of childlike. If things are not as you hope, who cares? Easy to laugh and smile. It does not matter. Just learn to cut loose and try something else!

Autor: Andrea Beaulieu

Andrea Beaulieu is a professional speaker, author and coach, assisting individuals to become the people they always wanted to be -- themselves. She helps them engage their true potential to live, work, and lead in ways that are authentically theirs. She is the author of Ah Ha! 100 Flashes of Insight and Inspiration from Your Authentic Voice and Finding Your Authentic Voice: Seven Practices to Free the Real You and Experience Love, Happiness and Fulfillment, about her Your Authentic Voice System.

Added: June 24, 2009

Monday, June 15, 2009

Creativity - The Wave That Will Take You Higher

Some myths are to keep you down, others to destroy everything you own. Some fantasies are that you are small, others to reduce nothing.

myths There are many to choose from. If you want to give you your future, go and choose a fantasy. On the other hand, if you believe that there is a better choice, look around and find your own voice.

Here are some of the nonsense, most of us have been fed:

* The only creative people are the ones who are artistic things such as singing, playing guitar, drawing, or the line of films.
* Jobs in industry and trade, primarily from the boring routine, must be in a narrow manner to certain results.
* In any organization, only top positions require a degree of creativity. All other employees will be to shut up and follow orders, that is, if they work.

These statements represent the worst kind of propaganda, and you should not believe a word from him.

I will tell you things as they really are, and then I will ask to be myths about creativity. In case nobody told you, this is the truth:

1 .- ON your creativity. You are an intelligent, creative people. It is your own business to decide how to exercise your creativity. Nobody has the right to determine which fields you are creative and what not. You are the only person who is entitled to choose which objectives you want to pursue and how.

2 .- ON YOUR uniqueness. Your life and your personal circumstances are unique. There is nobody else like you in the world, and it will never be another person like you. Their perceptions and experiences are not internalized by another man. The combination of knowledge in the head is unique to one person. Your creativity is the factor that allows you to reconfigure, and that knowledge is something new.

3 .- ABOUT HER limited time. The years of life at the end of the day, hopefully in a distant future. No one knows how much time he has, but all of us are aware of our mortality. This should not be interpreted negatively. On the contrary, this should be seen as an encouragement to use every hour creative.

Today, right now, is the best moment to ideas about creativity. It is the ideal time to get back for ourselves, in our chosen field of activity, the right to exercise our mind to the highest.

It is not a minute in the admiration of another glimpse of his own avocation. Make your own decisions and throw away what does not work. Creativity is in all our daily actions. If we choose, and if we move, we will be the living proof.

Autor: John Vespasian John Vespasian
Level: Platinum
John Vespasian has lived in New York, Madrid, Paris, and Munich. His stories reflect the values of entrepreneurship, tolerance, and self-reliance....

JOHN VESPASIAN writes about rational living. He has resided in New York, Madrid, Paris, and Munich. His stories reflect the values of entrepreneurship, tolerance, and self-reliance. See John Vespasian's blog about rational living.

Added: June 16, 2009

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Learn How Your Daydreams May Be Hurting Your Artistic Success

After the popular online encyclopedia, Wikipedia, daydreams are the visionary fantasies Happy thoughts, hopes and goals enjoy while awake. Remember how creative visualization without the relaxation part.

double-edged sword of Daydreams

daydreaming can be a constructive activity, particularly if they are to develop new ideas and inspire new art. Indeed, many artists and scientists have stumbled on creative ideas and practical solutions through daydreams like Richard Branson, Peter Jones, Albert Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci, Beethoven and Walt Disney. Research has shown that all of them in daydreams about her success.

However, daydreaming can hurt your dreams of artistic success, perhaps because you focus too much on the ifs, what if even, someday, somehow, somewhere, and someone, instead of thinking of ways to include them in the What, When, Where, Why, out, and of setting and achieving goals.

Yes, you can dream, like the successful people already mentioned, but make sure your abstract daydreams into concrete action plans and goals. In other words, build foundations under your imagination!

conversion into fantasies objectives

Fortunately, there are measures to assess progress from fantasy to reality in artistic achievement, and success in whatever area in your life, for that matter.

First, write down all your hopes and dreams, regardless of their impossibility. Then start to your list Whittle on the hopes and dreams that you want to achieve before you die, is the nature of your group, although the name of your core business dreams. Just make sure that your core business dreams are achievable in a given period examined, with your current skills and future potential.

Second, your dreams into concrete core objectives. Basically, your goals are the concrete steps that your dreams of changing the personality characteristics (ie, more and more patients with the work) to expand professional contacts (ie, participation in exhibitions and forums). Just make sure that your goals are time-and plan-specific, because you need to make them later.

Third, work on your goals one step at a time. For example, if your dream is to produce a solo exhibition of the work, you can goals such as the production of an image per week, at the galleries of your choice within one month, and the invitations to friends, one week after the information already were completed.

As already mentioned, it is important to their artistic success, even if it is against the idea that art exists for art's sake. Remember that art is a valuable commodity market, and, as such measurements. You can measure your success in the achievement of objectives kee ping a magazine.

And so you think you can not reach your dreams of world domination art, then you should know that Grandma Moses, probably the most renowned American folk artist who began her career in the arts, if they have a less - as a strapping lass in their seventies!

Truly, all people have the power to make their dreams come true. You might have to work for them, but you have power in their hands, but still. So, start the discharge, and then transforming the abstract of your dreams into concrete reality.

Autor: Cynthia A. Goranson

Cynthia Goranson has been interested in the art world for many years. She has joined forces with Randy Patton an Anime Artist to bring you some unique new Anime inspired Art as well as a fascinating look into what really goes on in the art world.

Take a look-

Added: June 12, 2009

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Six Easy Ways to Turn Ideas Into Reality

Have the courage to dream?

Always a good idea-an idea so big and large, that for one second, it is the universe full of feeling way? Maybe it's an idea for a business you can start, or a dream for a year traveling around the world, or a vision that will take you to an artist or writer. For just a moment, all limits and rules fall away and it feels as if something can happen.

What do you really want?

I can not tell you how often I have a question, someone like this: "What do you really want?" or "If money does not matter, how would you spend your time?" And I can not tell you how many this time, as follows, in a spontaneous moment of clarity is an unguarded answer, so brilliant, so naturally, and makes so much sense.

Critical voices invasion?

And just as quickly as the idea appears in your head, BAM! The dreaded voice of reason rears its ugly head. It starts to tell you why this will not work. Perhaps there is a long list of reasons why the economy is bad, or you're not talented enough. Perhaps the critical voice that lives in your head is well versed in statistics (mine)-it all starts to recite the names of people you know who have tried and failed. Perhaps the critical voice can not think of who has even tried, so it tells you that is proof of why it can not function.

some reason does not make sense

We have learned to believe that the voice of reason is the goal. We trust. We believe it is reasonable. So we quiet our big dreams, and it scurries away into the recesses of our minds, never to hear again, unless in quiet moments, in the empty space (which is sometimes why we do not rest, empty space, but that's another blog posting for a day).

What if you dream ...

If we do not allow us the opportunity to linger in the possibility, we miss out what could happen. Most of the time, there are ways to make them happen. Most of the time if people stay in this empty space long enough to explore the idea, they see that it means and helpful people around them, the fear just blindly implement. Once this happens, the idea begins to seem more possible. In fact, things begin aligning snaps. A plan can be created. The idea no longer seems so impossible.

What can we do?

  • 1 . Eighth Sometimes, when we look at something, it starts to dissolve immediately. If you are a rational voice in there to throw cold water on the big ideas, just remember it and think, without a verdict, "ok, that's what happens. I'm scared and I'm after shutdown."
  • 2nd Take notes Keep a notebook everywhere you go. Write something that inspires you ideas, images, objects. Check the list if you feel safe, secure and happy.
  • 3rd Music Listen to music, encourages you, as the time daydreaming about what you most. One of my clients always hear the theme song to Rocky psyching when he fought for something.
  • 4th Give yourself permission a sense of security for you. For example, you say, "I do not have to act on each of those. I'm only allowed to explore. I will find out the how later." Sometimes it will allow you to enough pressure on you long enough to these ideas.
  • 5 # # $% Scared! Only you can decide that fear and discover your ideas anyway. Who says they can not survive complaints?
  • 6 Challenge, the fear . Talk back. If you notice it, is rebellious. Think to yourself: "I do not care. I can think about what I want."

Think about what the worst thing could happen? You can fail. So what? People are not all the time. For me it is better to keep the neck and the risk to fail than it is to stay healthy, bored, and not questioned. In the far more beautiful words of Anais Nin:

"Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states we have to move through. Where people do not is that they are to elect a government and remain. This is a kind of death. "

Autor: Heather Jassy Heather Jassy
Level: Platinum
Heather Jassy, MA, CCC, is a personal coach, licensed counselor, and founder of Empty Space Coaching. She coaches brilliant, inspiring clients throughout the world by ... ...

Heather Jassy, MA, CCC, is a personal coach, licensed counselor, and founder of Empty Space Coaching. She coaches brilliant, inspiring clients throughout the world by phone. You can learn more about her services at

Want to relax? Try my 7-minute, free meditation session:

Added: June 5, 2009

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Special Plates

Notice how each particle moves.
Remember, everyone has just started here from a trip
Notice how everyone wants a different food.
Notice how the stars are disappearing as the sun comes,
And like all streams stream to the ocean.

Look at the kitchen with special plates
For all, depending on what they need.
Look at this cup of the sea.
views of those who face.
look through friends' eyes to water
, the total jewels.

Rumi is an expression of consciousness. Rumi understands that life is diverse, there is a multitude of realities and experiences. There are metaphors throughout to point out that my diversity. I mentally make a note of, but they ignore it. It is fascinating to see me on a single standard of life, the straight-line standard that has a beginning and an end, all other life is blurred.

For me, the distance is short, the road is bumpy and joy is limited. In fact everything seems to be limited, there is simply not enough material to bypass, or that is what I believe. I've learned that I once on this kind of existence and it must be correct for my brand and what I was born to be, but I forget what I was born to be and another person in order to remember for me. I lost in the woods of the ruling and my only objective is to survive, and I make it as difficult as I can on me.

Rumi talks about the diversity in his work special plates. Every particle or awareness has its own plate, their own food, and moves to a different vibration. Physikalische a common awareness of the diversity panel to expand. Water, stars and all planets vibrates and moves with me, but they express that move in very different ways.

Everything depends on From my perception, my faith, then they become real to me. My five senses judge what is right or wrong, in default of the backyard, I call physical life. Everything else I reject and throw in the basement of the mental illusions, but in this basement particles continue to move and flow. Consciousness is always in action, independent of my consciousness for them.

The basement door opens. I'm open. Now is the time. Aware that the particles were swirling around waiting for me to open that in my door, and I am the consciousness expanded. The chef of consciousness that prepares food for all life lives through me and adding desert on my table. I am my extended presence sensors in the ant, in a rose bush and a palm tree with nectar. I swim in a melting pot of consciousness and hear the sounds of beauty, through the bladder.

The face of a star on my face when I dream of bouncing on the moon as well as the sun rises. The stream of consciousness in me is an ocean. It is another world full of ideas. There is a special plate and a cup of water filled with friends and the jewels of eternity. The special feature is a record for all.

Autor: Hal Manogue Hal Manogue
Level: Platinum
Hal has been in the Shoe Business for over 35 years. He began writing in 1996, and published his first book of poetry in 2003. ... ...

Howard (Hal) Thomas Manogue, was born in Philadelphia, and is a forerunner to the Indigo children, a now age term for misfit with an intuitive nature, a desire to know his truth with a gift of giving and sharing. Hal retired from the shoe industry after 35 years of sole searching, and discovered his real soul. He enjoys art, music, philosophy, psychology, nature and people.

His poems have been published by: Mystic Pop Magazine, Children Of The New Earth Magazine, New Age Tribune, Seasons Of The Soul Newsletters, Lightship News and Writers In The Sky Newsletters. His essays can be found on Hal"s Blog and Website:
He lives in Franklin Tennessee.

Hal"s new book Short Sleeves Insights: Live A Ordinary Life In An Non-Ordinary Way will be in print in April. Visit any bookstore or Hal"s website to get a copy. Hal"s third Collection Of poetry: Short Sleeves A Book For Friends will also be in print in April.

Added: June 4, 2009

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Creative Process Vs Product

This article is a very important award for the artistic endeavor. Why is it important to distinguish between a creative process-orientation and a Creative product orientation? A large part of the reason has to do with the pressure. There are a lot of pressure associated with the implementation of a finished product in the world, and the associated anxiety grind many a worthwhile project.

So let's start by looking at the creative process on its own merits, independently of detection, distribution, and other aspects of the product market.

creative process

Is an open, chaotic, experimental exploration.

They are playing with materials, both internal and external and see where they can. It is not all trying to prove, and so innocent, like a child scribbles and mudpies.

They do not have to be a professional, you do not even need a "good" to them in order to enjoy the creative process. They dance around your bedroom to your favorite music, writing poetry, one comes suddenly, or want to try painting. This is for you, and so to make your research in the field of innocence and security, I recommend that you (at least initially) not to share with others. Once the idea, others are there in our work, it changes the dynamics, so that only this process we are about you and for you.

in this process on the basis of container, you can use all the sights, attractions and whims of the creative outlets and both have a lot of fun, and you know yourself much better. You can also stumble on therapeutic methods to help you deal with difficult emotional states. For example, I have a regular personal "Dance Lab" for a few months one winter, and intense energy or evil would, I would be a big red veil over myself and to a certain song and a dance spazz out. If I would be either too vain or too shy, I dance with masks, to tell me that I have. I have not read these ideas in an expressive art therapy book (even though my bookshelf is full of them and I recommend it), I stumbled on what worked for me, with room for my process.

some of the advantages of the creative process include:

Deeper Self-Insight-access to intelligent, resourceful aspects of themselves and a better understanding of your multifaceted

facilitation is suffering and to find creative tools through the difficult and painful times

fun with materials and forms, without pressure, to a product or money

Stumbling on an outlet or preferred medium, is a lifelong love affair

A big apology for the enrichment, self-care time for themselves

* You will be admitted full consent to Messy, discover and create in an area of the process as long as you want.

transition into creative product

What can I do under a Creative product? Some examples are: the recording of an album, the publication of a book, a show, a play, choreographing a dance, designing a clothing line, and in all media, something for the purpose of or seen by the other.

It may come a time when the organic creative process matures into a genuine desire something to share with others. It is only natural that a cultivated garden is bearing fruit. But we must be careful how we transition our focus to product development, since many issues can come about: human opinions and expectations influence our work, I need to be seen, loved, validated, etc. ..,

Self-Sabotage in many forms, critical voices (in & out) crushed the innocence and joy out of it.

a personal story.

I have to write many songs and sing pretty much every day. For me it was a form of prayer and a joyful and simple extension of my poetry. For many years I mostly sang for me, nature, and close friends. The times that I did with larger groups, I have a lot of encouraging feedback to fight and not to let my head swell from the compliments. Part of me that I give this gift a simple prayer, while another part wanted the gift and the child in me still liked the idea of a Rock Star. Finally I decided that I really want to order a CD. Unfortunately, that's inspiration to fears and projections and a series of subtle self-sabotage. After years, I realized that I do not sing no more for the interest and dedication that I had too much in my own way, and I threw my hands and stopped singing and playing guitar for many years. I want to be a part of me push me towards a product, and in this lost a precious gift in my life.

I have not yet fully back my voice, and that is why I stress caution and clear motivation, if they become a product.

TIPS for the conversion:

1) Make sure that you feel that the time is ripe, and it is a natural internally driven decision

2) Are some journaling and a forum for all the different voices in you and your opinion about this decision. Do not ignore the critical voices, only to their messages on paper. Often these voices have a really good advice when it may be hidden under a deterrent sound bite. After all the audio files on paper and you can see where potential conflicts may arise. Exploring polarized or conflicting voices in the theater or on the side can be a very effective way to solve and thus prevent them from playing in a bigger way in your life.

3) A commitment to the agenda for some time free process. Get free doodle and write and sing nonsense songs, even if you are in a serious process of writing a book, recording an album, etc. ..

Creative product

While we always try to critic and editor at the Bay, but now it is time to take the editor to the scene. You must feel strong enough in your offer to listen to other criticism, and take into account. This is the time when you really open to feedback and take other perspectives into account, as you are now responsible for creating more than you, you create an audience for the world.

The trick is to stay connected to your authentic inspiration and motivation, but also polish their works with the world in the eye.

Any time that you also spun to external orientation, and fears, even the permission to dive back into the process for process and find your interest and inspiration there.

Avoid the temptation, a time and try to make your product quickly. Enter it time to mature and develop as a mother has a baby in her belly. This is not a doo father of a conveyor belt, but a creative extension of your care, expanded as a gift to the world. Try not to think too much about the monetary aspects only and focus instead on the best job you can.

blessed Some days will just spill out the contents and flow gracefully and quickly. Many days, you want to move, and self-distraction and dig your heals in the dirt. You need to make your own balance between performance and self-discipline.

Do your best to enjoy the process. Make it a Labor of Love.

are doing what you love for the right reasons will help you to love yourself. Creation of selflessness and self-love will steer you from many sins and is a much better chance that your body is the true value and benefit of others and be loved.

Autor: Audette Sophia Audette Sophia
Level: Basic
Audette Sophia is a writer, multi-disciplinary performer and creative career consultant. She has a B.A. in Integrative Arts from Prescott College and is a certified ... ...

Audette Sophia is a multi-modal artist and certified coach specializing in helping creative entrepreneurs synthesize their offerings into dynamically successful career strategies. She is also an educator and branding/promotional consultant.

Sign up for my Museletter & get a free Promotion & Productivity Resource Package -

C.A. Blog- Inspirations & Tools for the Creative Entrepreneur -

Added: May 30, 2009

Friday, May 29, 2009

Set a Timer to Save Your Creative Day

Do you ever find yourself overwhelmed by the size of a project or projects that you want to participate in a day? They flit from one thing to the next without really productive something of value to reach, only to himself at the end of the day ask, "What did I do all day?" Are you with the feeling that you wasted a whole day away to do. . . Not much?

You're not alone. Many creative types are imaginative, highly distractable person with great ideas who are suffering "Bright Shiny Object Syndrome." This means that they are easily accessed from the side has something interesting that steals focus away from their current task. But I have discovered a shockingly simple trick, if properly, you will always insist that daunting question: "What did I do all day?"

Set a timer. That's it? That's it - I've told, it was easy. If you have a timer at intervals of anywhere from 15 to 45 minutes, you'll be amazed how much you get in shorter spurts of time. Here's why it works:

  • If you determine that you are procrastinating, a timer coax you in with the first steps is that you only have to for 30 minutes and then you get a break. Many people find that, once they have the hurdle has just begun, so that they in their project that they do not want to stop when the timer is activated.
  • It keeps you from exercising your mind to wander or be distracted. If you know that you are only 30 minutes, and the limited time you get a heightened focus and the certainty that, regardless of e-mails, phone calls or ideas you can wait half an hour, without consequences.
  • It keeps you from engaging in the hyper-focus to take over. Sometimes I can about the things for hours without a break - without food or bed at a decent hour. Even if it's fun to lose, during the project period by Whiz, then I can be moody and exhausted. Set a time limit only warns you how long you been on it and reminds you to take care of itself.

Autor: Melissa D. Williams

If you're ready to incorporate productivy tips like this one with accountability, fun and community to take your creative ideas and projects to the next level, don't wait to join my next Creative Ideas In Action Group (CIIAG). Just visit for all the details.

I'd also like to offer you my FREE 7-part audio e-course on The 7 Secrets of Creative Success when you visit It's my gift to you for stopping by.

Melissa Williams, MA, Creative Ideas and Projects Coach, empowers creative individuals to take action and turn their ideas and projects into purpose-filled, lucrative, life changing realities.

Added: May 29, 2009

Thursday, May 28, 2009

All the World's a Stage - Writing the Script For Your Life

I'm currently rehearsing the role of Rosalind in As You Like It with the Living Willow community and society, what a gift for a part of it also; Mercurial in their wit, passion in their love, wise in their understanding and their desire to help others. They also spend most of the game pretending to be a boy, to an education in itself ........

For a long time now I have realized spiritual importance of my hobbies, aware of the fact that another person for a short time has taught me about the roles we play in life, the illusions, the for the public presentation, the importance of compassion for the circumstances, other than ourselves and especially our incredible capacity to change and everything we want to be. I sometimes came to test tired after a long day at work, only to me repealed by Rosalind contagious joy as she covers every moment is entirely their lives. Lives, their history, I have learned that the self-esteem and happiness is of crucial importance is literally a choice. It even says on the incurable melancholy Jacques, "I rather be a fool to me merry than experience to make me sad."

It is easier to imagine the life with all its ups and downs, if you are in your life as a game - the eternal soul you are a player in this game, and your personality and body are the costumes by you. The material accessories Surround yourself with only props (prop suggests that "things" are useful, temporary supports, but should not permanently on ....... maybe that the other items)! Not like hat? Go to the costume closet and find the character you play or feels comfortable to wear. If you are brave enough, are all the costumes and make-up and choose to protect you!

What is even more amazing to realize is that not only we, the actors in our own game, but we are also the script writer, director, location manager and casting agent. We have everything that happens to us, and if we are not the way it goes at the moment we can offer a completely new effect! Only in the foreground a clear picture of what you want in your life and then make it happen. It really is that simple.

A fantastic exercise that came with this old understanding (you have heard it called a manifestation, cosmic order, or The Law of Attraction) is to choose a situation in your life that is not satisfactory for you. Well, imagine that you are the director for a film of this situation and see the story is done exactly as you want it. Where would you be? Who would you deal with (we can be an endless supply of Jonny Depps and Sandra bullocks, for the purposes of this exercise)? What would you do or say? What would happen? How would you feel? It has been scientifically proven that the brain can not distinguish between what is real and what is thought of when you imagine it's true! Write to all, and read it once a day for three weeks. It is very interesting, the development of the situation at the end of time.

The dictionary describes play: "occupy or amuse pleasant, move freely, have fun, romp, a flexible, join" They sound like good ingredients for a happy life. Now, what is my next cue?

Autor: Semele Xerri

Semele Xerri is a spiritual healer, Reiki Master/Teacher and Tarot reader. Based in Wales, she offers healing and readings, runs spiritual and self-development workshops and gives Tarot training. Visit her websites at and

Added: May 28, 2009

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

3 Steps to a Creative Mind

Jason Clarke, it is said, flunked Senior High School is always the lowest grades in his school's history. What a mistake! Well, he paid for that now, teaching many heads and businesses, as do countless others, for their creativity and solve the problems of the world through his mind at work "was founded.

My reflections on the Breakfast with Clarke from earlier this year learning how the creative genius historic unlocked and used their powerful creative minds are as follows:

1 : First, we have with our world, experience and coverage the pulses and determines how it is. The greatest geniuses have been carefully note-takers. Even if we Ideas on 2 or in the bathtub or how we sleep, we need to take this raw gold.

2nd Second, we need to assimilate the stimulus, we have taken note, and thus our minds (including the powerful subconscious mind) to explore the new data and create something from him. This process may take some time for a little patience is important.

3 Third, we must find a way of expression the company's creativity, from assimilated and re-configuration of the data of our research. expressed in a variety of forms, but essentially on the use of ideas developed in a meaningful way.

At times, we get a fire of thoughts and ideas of all feed into line, we are blessed, as we respond in faithful, following, gathering, and obedient to our mind to the determination of the creativity and innovation.

At other times, we run dry of inspiration, but we should not be too desperate, maybe we just need to give us some new exposure to the types of environment (s) lead to the development of right brain hemisphere.

directions - is running hot on the creativity, with brain and heart to burn - is nothing less than inspiring, and it promotes the feeling of being completely, sensually alive.

Copyright 2009, SJ Wickham. All rights reserved worldwide.

Autor: Steve Wickham Steve Wickham
Level: Platinum
Steve Wickham is a registered safety practitioner (BSc, MSIA, RSP (Australia)) and a qualified, unordained Christian minister (GradDipBib&Min). His passion in vocation is facilitation and ... ...

Steve Wickham is a safety and health professional (BSc, MSIA, RSP) and a qualified, unordained Christian minister (GradDipBib&Min). He also has training and leadership Diplomas. His passion in vocation is facilitation and coaching; encouraging people to soar to a higher value of their potential. Steve's key passion is work / life balance and re-creating value for living, and an exploration of the person within us.

Added: May 27, 2009

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Unlock the Power of Your Creativity and Set Your Life on Fire!

Many of us believe is that a little creativity, hard, somewhere between genius and madness, it is the Van Gogh's Starry Night, Jane Austin's romantic prose - something that normal people do not have the madmen, geniuses and cultural symbols do. But creativity is not a mysterious "gift" for the unique talent, there is an inherent aspect of our common humanity, and it exists in every one of us. If we gain a better understanding of the kind of creativity that we demystify enigmatic relationship between creativity and happiness.

I think the creativity, as a powerful iceberg, with 90% of its essence dormant beneath the surface and the other 10%, the output from him - the product of the creativity, the visible in the world. We are often taught, hail, that 10% is that the tip of the iceberg, as the creativity of the most important aspect - the platinum CD or Nobel Prize - but it is the quiet that 90% has the potential to become a strong force in our lives, and if we unlock it, our lives from the ordinary extraordinary.

agencies prepare an intimate dinner for your lover, you feel happy as you begin to plan the details of the dinner, and while you shop for wine and flowers. You feel happy as you stir together the ingredients for your special Marinara sauce, chill the wine and arrange the flowers. This is a "creative development", which begins long before the actual building takes place dinner - it's the creative process at work, and it has an amazing ability to us the experience of happiness in the present, based solely on the expectation of a experiences at some time in the future. Why? Because if we thought intensely on something that we creative process - regardless of whether we ever actually go shopping for wine, our dinner or share it with a lover. Once you have the creative process that you have with your creative energy to the happiness in your life that only your thoughts - not with flowers, wine, or dinner with a friend - but only with your thoughts. In this way we can understand that we are not happy, we create it!

If our thoughts on what is possible - what we enjoy what we love and what we want to create, or experience - We initiate the creative process in us. This unlocks our creative energy that can be used, and is directed at everything that we want to create, even happiness. The creative process is like a kind of "prolonged foreplay energetic" It enhances our experience of life in the present, our senses increasing moment-by-time because we have been intensively at our thoughts, what it is our goal to create. As an afternoon spent with a lover, the level of happiness we can achieve is in line with the level of focus, we invest in the experience - not only at the end of the experience, but in the whole experience. If we have learned our thoughts only on the outcome of our efforts - the equivalent of 10% that the product of creativity - we can only experience and luck, if we have a successful outcome of our efforts. We have to be conditioned to believe that happiness as something that we, based on events outside our control - such as a prize to win - and not as something that we are empowered to create for ourselves.

When we realize our potential for happiness, we must in our view that the viewfinder on the search for happiness, a creator who intended to create. Once we do that, we need to make sure our thoughts on a moment to moment and take the focus. One of the keys to happiness is to create the perception that there is only happiness in the present, and we can not do it yesterday, and we can do it, not tomorrow - we can only create from what is available to us right now, in the present.

I think the relationship between creativity and luck rather than a complex version of "Cannonball soup," my mother is on our ability as individuals to do something, from nothing. I have come to understand that something from nothing is an art, and I urge that the art of creativity. With a little practice it will be possible, something (happiness) from nothing (thoughts), is - and how we do it, our lives changed. We are creators - our own happiness, and the brilliant new life, our dreams fulfill our potential and the honor of the truth of who we are. We can unlock the power of our creativity and our life in flames!

Autor: Mia Pratt

Mia Pratt is a well-known philanthropic artist and writer living in Scottsdale, Arizona, and is the author of "The Secrets of the 100 Golden Keys: Unlock the Power of Your Creativity and Set Your Life on Fire! She is a featured columnist for N'Touch Arizona magazine, authoring a monthly column that discusses how to harness the power of creativity to improve daily life. Mia also serves as a Personal Creativity Consultant to help other transform and improve their lives. Her book, The Secrets of the 100 Golden Keys: Unlock the Power of Your Creativity and Set Your Life on Fire! is available as an e-book at

Visit the website to read an excerpt from the book and join in the discussion in the Keyhole Village Forum, a center of activity for all thoughts creative!

Added: May 24, 2009

Thursday, May 21, 2009

How to Become an Unstoppable Force of Creation in Your Life

How often have you seen or read "The Secret", or how many million times have you heard about the Law of Attraction "? Too many to include? The fact, Googling "law of attraction" like several million results, a reference to the huge interest. Why such a keen interest in the law of attraction? Because it provides a promise of thinking and feeling you are in wealth and abundance. Mans The lazy way to rich. Unfortunately, it does not work for most people. You buy the books, watch DVDs, maybe a week-long cruises to observe people channel some companies, she says, all their dreams. Perhaps you have done some of these things.

So what is the problem? Why are there not only so many people rich, as is the Google results for "Law of Attraction?" If you build an airplane, and they do not fly, would you blame the law of gravitation? If you bury your money in a hole dug into the ground and it twenty years later, and were annoyed that they still have the same amount of money that would be the right debt with interest? Of course not. So why the misunderstanding about the law of attraction?

Well, I'll tell you. But first you have to buy my special series of DVD's. Just kidding. I'm not selling everything. Really. If you do not believe me, ask one of the thousands of people who have read the hundreds of free articles on my blog. I think I had a link to to be there, but that's only because I am a voracious reader, and I love Amazon. (Because I'm super lazy, and they deliver books directly to my door, but I digress.)

So, what are the problems with people's application of the law of attraction? There are two of them.

effort, and patience.

people in too much bother, too much patience. Too much expense, because they are too much thought consciously. Too many want and hoping and scheming and moves. The real secret? Get in a relaxed state, and calmly say to your goals. And while such a sense of appreciation for them as if they have already achieved. Do this a few times a day, and go about your business. Trust your subconscious part of your brain to do the work, and they all think that life moves that you want.

You can find out about other things, like, eat what you want for dinner, and what is on television tonight. Really. If you want to bake some cookies to mix them up, stick it in the oven, do you trust, and then set the timer to go when they are ready, right? It is not opening the door stop every five minutes to see if they are done. They trust in the oven, and the law of the cheeks (I bet you did not know there have been laws baking!) To do the job. These attraction. Concentrate on your goals, and they relaxed by the imagination of your subconscious, and then forget them.

The next one is patient. Most people try to visualize really hard, and then after a few weeks. If you use fifty pounds to lose, would you after a month? Realistically, lose fifty pounds in a way to make it for life, at least one year in order to really live, even train your new, healthy way of life. Any other change lasts only as long or longer. Remember that you are changing direction in your life. If you could do that only a few weeks the company would be a chaos.

people would be changing careers at the drop of a hat. Do not be fooled by instant ramen and instant messaging, and instant coffee, or something else that fools you into thinking that you should be able to get what to do with a snap of the fingers. Take time. Enjoy the change. Life is about change. Change never stops. Your body builds up completely every eleven months. Slowly, pleasantly. If you look at the idea that your life is in constant motion, you'll easily be able to slowly point out where you want, and not in a rush to get there.

If you visualize right, with enough patience, everything you want in life can use. You will be an unstoppable force of creation, an expression of Infinite Intelligence, which is always extended, always creating, always changing.

Autor: George Hutton George Hutton
Level: Platinum
George Hutton has taught a wide range of subjects in various countries. Trained in both Physics and Hypnosis, Mr. Hutton brings a fresh perspective to ... ...

George Hutton is a widely read author and blogger who writes inspirational and life changing articles. You can join many others who read daily at
You can also view his videos at

Added: May 22, 2009

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Organic Creativity Vs Social Conformity - Celebrating Our Creative Souls

"The arts have become a political arena in which an elite few have the power to judge how much a child can also be creative, but only one child is an artist, if the child labor can be sold -- preferably for thousands of dollars in a gallery in New York. Authors may be talented, but they are only as writers when their work was published. A writer can not approach a publisher without an agent, and by proxy the writers need to research, write books and draw up proposals to be prepared to business as the agent and the publisher. Approximately 95% of all manuscripts will be rejected by agents and publishers, so that leaves very little left creative writers as authors, and the criteria for publication is not necessarily talent, it's marketability. This phenomenon is not limited to the authors, a dancer is not a real dancer, unless they acted in a position in a ballet or Broadway play, and an actress is not a real actress before she was discovered and cast in an important film.

In essence, as a society we have lost contact with our true Selves Creative and have opted instead to focus on the evaluation and promotion is that manifestation of the creative market itself - that which can be sold. We no longer honor the artists, musicians, writers, dancers and poets in each of us, but have small, elite sectors of society in which a few are elected to the creative torch on the market for the rest of us. In so that this can happen, we have sold our collective creative souls who are not the devil, perhaps, but in a society in which we have condemned us to live in the absence of their own creative potential.

It seems that we have jointly brainwash us into believing that creativity is determined by the output of marketable selected creative people, not by the sheer size of its existence in each of us. As with some religious organizations to focus on the precious spirit of the individual has been replaced instead of the political agenda and the financial magnitude of the larger companies. Just as formal religion has little to do with our individual spirituality, the output of marketable creativity has little to do with our True Selves Creative. It is therefore up to each of us to claim our birthright as the creators and to unlock - free - this powerful, transformative force, which is used as the basis for our individual and collective humanity.

creativity is that indescribable, what can pointless without sounds and music in it - this may sound out of the earth and form sculpture - and it may be from an old coal fire to create art. The nature of creativity is in the nature of our true Selves Creative, and it has much less to do with the quality of our creative work than with their power to individuals and entire civilizations. It is a transformative power - and thus, if we try to maintain, we must expect that we in fact are supported by them, to the extent that our inner conviction can. So, we must build our inner beliefs about ourselves and learn how they are either restricting or authorizing our activities as a precondition for creative implementation.

In our modern society, the word "creativity" has become a generic term used for the unfortunate souls, the "emerging" ... those who may one day be artists, dancers, musicians, writers and poets, where their creative output is marketable enough to sell. Our adoption of this distillation of the fruits of our souls into mere pocket change is so counter-productive to our humanity, that this vibrant wine of individualism in the vinegar taste of the mass dehumanization. We have almost closed out their own creativity instead of consuming their marketable production of other, not as empowered, our creativity in every aspect of our own life and thus existing as our true Selves Creative. To change this trend, we must refuse to get involved in the false belief that creative energy is something to which only the greatest among us, and instead are closely related to their nature in our own hearts and minds.

This is a social transition from celebrating the creativity that exist in all individuals in a society in which the outcome of the creativity of the few in a society that depends on the assumption wrong, outdated and negative views about our individual and collective self-esteem, and to what we saw in each other's worth. But in an effort to restore the creative core of the individual as a valuable part of society, it does not mean we can no longer be the great successes to celebrate the artistic giants among us - far from it! It means that we both celebrate.

What does society abstract definition of creativity have to do with us and with our personal lives? Everything! If we write our first poem and receive the grade of "C" in the fifth grade, we are told our creative output is not good enough. If our friends and family hold our passions and we encourage that good work in the factory, we are diminished. If we are passionate about art, but no gallery shows our work, or write us deep into the night, but no one will be our work, we also come to accept that we "not" and we close the doors to our true Selves Creative. Over time more and more doors are closed to us, each bearing the label "I am not." And what is it that we do not? Not good enough, not talented enough, not smart enough, not beautiful enough, not lucky, do not earn enough. Each of these closed doors is an aspect of the joy of existence, that we closed in us in response to rejection - and every time we do, we lower our accepted "threshold of luck" to the ever-shrinking prison cell to the limitation in we have become Entombed. We are our own jail, and our jail is our own beliefs on us. But how can we change this? Not all of us can expect our works of art to hang in galleries and our writing to be published ... so what is the solution?

The solution is to get our internal responses to external opinion on the quality or value of our creativity, and simply do what we pleased. And more importantly, to recognize that any effort - from sewing on a button to write a symphony - the essence of our creative energy and is thus the fruits of our existence in the world. This is the greatest gift we can each other in life - the gift of acceptance of who we are, and not as an opinion of what we produce.

The difference between the stitching of the button and the writing of the symphony is not in the quality of creative energy, but the level of concentration and imagination, we allow ourselves as we are about what we do. For example, sewing on a button to the amount of creative energy that is comparable to a refrigerator light bulb - perhaps ten watts. But if we stare at the button and it makes us to see it as something unique and beautiful that it is perfect in this moment, our creativity can spark like a firefly in the darkness - and the level of our creativity grows exponentially. Suppose we are looking at this blue button, we ordinary sewing blouse on our daughter and we need to make sure its interesting form and we suddenly begin to imagine what kind of model we could create if we are fifty of these blue buttons and lined them in rows adjacent to each other, forming a square. Next we start to imagine what would happen if we changed the colors on a couple of buttons, and suddenly we are visualizing a button mosaic. As we continue to concentrate our thoughts, we think it is like a beautiful mosaic-key, perhaps it would be pretty sewn on a throw pillow. We can then know our daughter blanket in her bedroom and wonder what, if I have three of these key pillows for their beds? Suddenly we are walking our daughter in the bedroom and thought, as long as I am that three-button pillows on the bed, what if I paint three large buttons on the wall beside her bed, in her Favorite colors? And what if I get a little in the corner where my daughter can sew, and they buy a sewing machine and a set of shelves, where they can give the little tubs of fabric and supplies ...?

This is how our creativity to get out of sewing on a button to write a symphony, this is how we power our creative energy of ten watts to a thousand - and unlock the power of our creativity, our lives the fire! And this is how we can use the power of creativity to happiness, it does not matter whether we are back on a chair in the living room and just finish sewing on the Start button, without ever having our huge bedroom Remodeling, because our daughter is only two. What counts is that our creativity and our experience, our joy, today, in the present. Its existence expands us, cleanses the boredom of our lives and frees us from the boredom of everyday life.

Our time is the currency of inestimable value of our existence, and our creative energy is our fingerprints in the world - that everything we touch and all, is what counts! For some of us, our creative contribution in the world can our fingerprints for other people's lives - the thousand small acts of kindness and care given, if we take our children and grandchildren, our parents and even strangers. For others, the fingerprints of our existence can lead to the discovery of a cure for cancer or write a great Broadway play. Regardless of any individual performance, each of these activities has a meaning, because each of us has significance as a valuable member of humanity, it is only our views on issues, what in life and what not, that our happiness in life. To create happier lives, we can use the power of our creativity, us from the restrictions of the past and begin to live in the present, as our True Selves Creative.

Autor: Mia Pratt

Mia is a well-known philanthropic artist and writer living in Scottsdale, Arizona, and is the author of "The Secrets of the 100 Golden Keys: Unlock the Power of Your Creativity and Set Your Life on Fire! She is a featured columnist for N'Touch Arizona magazine, authoring a monthly column that discusses how to harness the power of creativity to improve daily life. Mia also serves as a Personal Creativity Consultant to help other transform and improve their lives. Her book, The Secrets of the 100 Golden Keys, launched as an e-book on May 15, 2009, at Visit the website to read an excerpt from the book and join in the discussion in the Keyhole Village Forum, a center of activity for all thoughts creative!

Added: May 20, 2009

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Do What You Like to Do

At some time in our lives we have tried to be creative, whether it be writing, painting, drawing, or preparing a speech. We also do not think we can we something we have not tried before. One thing is for sure that we at least try. There is something rewarding that an idea to paint or draw, or get ready for the speech that we have to in front of a room full of people. I was one of those people .... and thought I could not, but with will and determination and a lot of support from my husband and family, I started to collect all the materials I would need to express my ideas to life on a piece of paper. I had always loved to paint, and only with a few art classes in school and now in my early 60s, I am doing what I always wanted. Although I am far from a professional artist who someday might exhibit their work in some well-known art gallery, I have achieved what I have begun, and that is for me and to be creative.

intimidation was not the word, when I got my first article in a group setting. I was nervous and envied all the other artists. I knew that nobody, including me, but I was committed to my art. I was wrong, as I sold a piece. Then I have another show that does not go that great, but I was there between the great and famous artists in the region. I have several shows that after the sale and sold one or two pieces of the portfolio. One day I was approached and asked if I would like to have a solo exhibition. Now, to say the least, I was thrilled. I sold 7 and 12 pieces framed portfolio. I was always so grateful for this opportunity was. Even while I was on holiday at the beach and painting I sold several pieces. I tried my own website design and was successful in running it and now my own business.

Creativity is something that is born in us. Some people say they can not draw a straight line, or if they have a knitted sweater, it would terrible. Others would say they would never in front of a room with a few hundred people and their views on a particular topic. I am grateful that I learned how to get to my own fears and do the things I've always wanted. Life is too short to worry about what people think. It is what you think matters. Take that brush, the knitting needle or on the speech which you are afraid to write. Do not let anything or anybody you. I had my family and friends, who helped me with my painting and I am sure you have someone behind you. Enjoy! Express Yourself! Achievement!

We all have something in our lives that we have to do ... I say it .... You only live once. Thank you to all my friends and family, I am encouraged.

Autor: Jacqueline Coote Jacqueline Coote
Level: Platinum
Jacqueline Coote (Jackie) of New Fairfield, Ct., a self-taught artist and a member of the Candlewood League of Artists and the Society of Creative Arts ... ...

"Nothing Leaves An Impression Like A Lasting One"...

Added: May 17, 2009

Friday, May 15, 2009

Mastering Alpha Brainwaves Will Release the Power of Your Mind

Alpha brainwaves are the link between high levels of beta-consciousness and the entrance to the unconscious level of theta. Alpha is a state of relaxation, but also a degree of attention. They are the predominant brainwaves, and are usually the strongest. The ability to turn itself into the alpha idea can a person to improve the many facets of life. If a person is in the higher level of beta, it is usually excited, stressed, and unable to clearly see solutions to problems.

As the old saying goes, "he is winding up a little too closely." The alpha field allows a person to find solutions easier. It's just somehow come to them if they are more relaxed. It is in beta state, if a writer is in a "mental block" for example, and can not find the way out of the forest. Problem-solving is much easier in alpha. Creative people are better able to put themselves in alpha and come with solutions that are more original than normal. Writers and artists are examples of people who function in the Alpha series. A person is more emotionally stable alpha. They are not excessive and in stressful situations in a better location, a peaceful state of mind. Professional athletes higher incidence of alpha-as beginners and amateurs.

studies have shown that athletes are better able to put themselves in the "zone" while playing and get excellent results. Health is improved with alpha brainwaves. It is known that stress and fear are harmful to the immune system and can cause health problems. Since alpha is a relaxed state of mind, less harmful chemicals such as adrenaline and cortisol in the body and health can be improved. If you want to improve the general wellbeing and outlook on life, experience more alpha brain waves every day. The benefits are enormous. One of the ways to the alpha state of mind is to meditate. However, learning to effectively meditate, you can learn a lot and practice. One method to accelerate this process is to meditate while you're calming music like classical, New Age, or nature sounds embedded with binaural beats. Binaural beats are a form of brain entrainment that easily coax your brain into the alpha range. All you have to do is you in a comfortable situation, free from distractions. They feel the results quickly.

Autor: Jim Woodruff Jim Woodruff
Level: Basic PLUS
Jim Woodruff, MBA, is a management consultant who writes on issues that confront business owners and individuals. These include management issues, health, and income producing ... ...

To start reaping the results of alpha brainwaves, visit this site and learn how to get a free sample.

Added: May 16, 2009

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Creativity at Work - 7 Benefits to Increase Productivity and Profits

Creativity is frequently than in the luxury business is best for the artists and amateurs. On the contrary, when developed and used at the individual and organizational levels, creativity is a road map for us in the line value in volatile times. If you know how it goes, you can solve problems and new opportunities in the same time, so that your business remains viable and profitable.

In my experience working at all levels of businesses to solo entrepreneurs, what we need is a combination of what I am a "creative thinking" with a "creative Toolkit." The thinking is based into a direction that the creativity is happening, it helps create an environment to search for new and better ways of doing things, as well as the willingness to make the necessary changes and adapting to market changes.

A Creativity Toolkit includes a variety of individual and systematic tools and techniques that your thoughts in the desired direction and depth to your desired results. When individuals and the organization are well versed in the use and application of a number of tools and work in a culture's creativity, the effect can be exponentially .

The following are only seven of the many possible benefits of using robust creativity at work.

Individual benefits:

1) management and staff to be more self-motivation, and to experiment new things (products, services and systems ) and to solve problems

2) morality, accountability and productivity increase, person for person

Organizational Benefits:

3) Creativity makes the process of change easier and more focused to the development of more efficient and streamlined processes

4) You use the existing resources to better use, even if lower costs

5) leads to more consistent innovation, systematic and based profitability

Market Perspective Advantages:

6) You will gain employees who enjoy better share your progressive values

7) You are considered a leader by clients, other industries, competitors and the media

These are just the tip of the iceberg of the benefits of creativity at work. I would love to see more of them with you!

Autor: Donna Kim-Brand Donna Kim-Brand
Level: Platinum
Donna Kim-Brand has worked across private, public and educational sectors teaching and applying thinking and creativity skills to enhance learning, solve problems and generate new ... ...

For a free CD interview describing 26 creative mindsets and examples you can benefit from immediately, please visit

From Donna Kim-Brand, Creative Energizer & Living Legacy Strategist

Added: May 14, 2009

Monday, May 11, 2009

How to Have a Creative Attitude

Peak More

The simple answer to this question is at peak times over - but let me first tell a story. Back in 1994, I had the good fortune to travel to Myanmar, which we still called Burma. Nothing has changed much for three years. It was dark and hot, the people were undernourished, friendly and very careful with the tourists, the food was meager and unappetizing, the hotel was basic hotel beds like wood coffins, the pillow cases like rough burlap. People survive on much less than they needed: a luxury was an extra bowl of rice, or a ride in a car at the local hospital for medicine. But the landscape, scattered with a Burmese-style Buddhist stupas or temples, often with gold leaf painted Buddhas, or with simple colorful decorations, shone through, always smiling, always quiet. The adoration for these temples gave people hope. Life was not perfect, but I began to wonder whether they adhere to the difficulties in a way that we in the West only imagine.

end of the behavior of the military regime aside, just watch how Burmese people cope with everyday life shows how learning to calm down can suffer terrible challenges. To that Western eyes, they have perfected the art of keeping under the pressure of the continuing difficult odds, only the simple pleasures wherever they come.


So, it was in Bagan that I began to feel what I suspected Burmese people feel. Bagan is a vast plain, on the right bank of the Irrawaddy River. There are hundreds of pyramid temples and religious shrines, or stupas, in an area of 40 square miles. Not only can you sense the atmosphere of heightened world of peace and contemplation in your skin and bones, but they taste and smell. I climbed to the top of the temple sunset as the sun went. Sits, staring at the sun over the river, a magical silence fell. These are moments for all time, never forget and with my mind on this site. If it's a genius (spirit) of the place, then Bagan had it in abundance. This led to a feeling of peace and indescribable joy. It was simple, temporary, yet profound. This is what we as a culmination of both the physical and mental /emotional.

Bagan The experience is there for all those who visit. You try to view it in photos. It is not pointless to try, in the case of beauty glossy color print, but it can only ever be a sign of the essence, your inner personal landscape. It was not easy to fall, because it is not only a physical, the rough stone steps. I had to understand why they are so good and why it reminded me of other times I had the view that way. From then on I decided to learn how to peak more.

What About Peak Experience shows creativity

The psychology of these moments is fascinating, especially since they are almost overlooked. Nobody thought that it deserves attention, until in the fifties and sixties, Abraham Maslow studied motivated as healthy people. According to Maslow, peak moments, when all fighting for survival. You have the pyramid of basic needs, safety, food, financial and now is the time - not only time, the luxury, about your situation. The good news is you do not have an exotic place to show them. They happen everywhere simultaneously weeding the garden, walk to the bus stop, or washing dishes.

One of the characteristics of high euphoria is aware that some "high", such as altitude is literally a feeling, and on the normal physical limitations. Also do not forget such a moment can trigger the body's own hormones: serotonin and endorphins, which are usually to increase the capacity for even more fun. These are the hormones you need to counterbalance the trigger, which we normally in our bodies through stress - adrenaline and cortisol and worse-GLUCO-corticoids, the injury-memory neurons.

So if we chunk the components of the sun temple, which are the ingredients distilled:

happiness and joy
selflessness, or the lack of ego

If all this were not enough to himself, there is a bonus - it leads to a release of creative energy. What seems to happen is the peak experience of the dead wood, were to prevent you feel creative, and lends optimism to your spirit. Once these dampers have fallen away, you can immerse yourself in the flow of energy that is always there. Remember, as you are connected to the main circuit, which all together.

Maslow says that a creative approach Echo Peak experiences, so they are equal. Many people believe, for whatever reason that they are not entitled to, but it is available to everyone. One thing that you are right there to find that thing that you love so much to do, do it with focus and you find that time vanishes like tissue paper. Here, we lose our sense of both time and the normal self-employed. That is what gives us relief from dull schedule decided by the clock or work routines.

We are indeed lost (and found) in the present, with the safety and paste beats futurizing: being stuck in the past, or possessed by an imagined future. When completely immersed in the here and now, paradoxically, from small concerns us, makes us even more. The usual negative self-image to speak - that is the voice we all know well, often parents in tone, that the carp, criticize and paralyzes us from having these great ideas that we have scared us into paralysis.

practice in inserting in this there is strength, so you can find a trend to greater heights. Remember how stripping away the layers of encrusted, emerging more authentic, more grounded in your true self. Maslow identifies those who are consistently top itself actualizers. "There is even a state as a plateau experience where those who have upgraded themselves continuous peak experiences.

We can already see that this absorption fascinated with, wherever you are and what you do. sportsman and artist acknowledges that "the river" or "in the zone." It tends to leave an indelible imprint on the mind, and once tried, can not be forgotten. We want to return as often as we . But as always, there are many things you can do in the fashion, attitudes, beliefs, distorted ideas, or even corrosive, not opinions.

myths about creativity

Also we are often in a mode close to creative thinking, we just do not think it was because he did not fit our model of what "creative" should be. You need a great artist with a lot of time on your hands to be creative, right? Wrong, actually. Anybody can be creative and often do not recognize when their heads are already with a good old romp brain. These include simple concentration, absorption in a task, to draw attention to something, a book to read, just a movie, driving , swimming, hiking, fixing something, clean the house, for the courts or any action which funnel your attention inwards. The breakthrough is to recognize that we are close to the creative spirit that we thought we were. Colin Wilson said: "The man is not clear how one's own sense of defeat that they do what they could do very well. The peak experience leads to the realization that your own powers are far greater than you intended. "

more creative ways to approach

Many people try, this feeling that an inner landscape, as Bagan. But it is possible, the ability. We can use our lives in a manner that our highest and best impulses. Do you not think so much of the outcome, but the doing and in him. So, here are a few methods to keep you on your creative journey with a few reasons and references. Even if you already creative, it is good to strengthen the position.

Useful ways to have a creative approach

1 Focus on a specific area

A great way of doing this to do is to practice to visualize what you want - in detail

2nd creativity regularly

accordance beats erratic extremes to be avoided. A little bit each day goes a long way.

3rd Protect your lonely time

The mind needs rest focus time to recharge the batteries and the intellectual, the "flow" or the "zone".

4th friendships Maintain, support

How can the spirit of basic human interaction, but picky, avoid energy vampires.

5 Let your passion

"Success is loving what you do ". Scheweitzer. So it is simple: Find what you love, then do everything you can.

6 Take the time to play.

expert Stuart Brown says play is not only necessary in the brain, but our growth in the mental health and survival.

things differently 7th

Autumn from the routine, they open for the unusual rather than adherence to routines. " A change of weather is enough to the new world and us. "Proust

8 Learn new skills, a new

New neural connections are constantly in the brain this way

9th Put the things that do not help,

The selective what you are doing, implies being aware of energy sewer.

10 Enjoy a family atmosphere in a new and unique way

"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but with new eyes." Proust

11 model your life on the lives of creative people who admire you

Study those you admire and do what they have, without your uniqueness.

12th Listen to the inner voice that asks you to do things

order really listen go deep inside and open your ears, hearts and minds.

Everyone has their own experiences Bagan available, either on holiday or at home in the kitchen over a glass of wine, or hear some inspiring music. It does not matter where or when it happened, or if you want to write a poem or a shopping list, it can be more creative when it for what it is and learn to slow and have fun Peaking More.

Kieron Devlin


Maslow, Abraham H. (1963). The creative attitude "The Structurist" No. 3 of the University of Saskatchewan: Psycho Synthesis Research Foundation.

De Salvo, Louise (1999). letter as a way of healing. reading: The Women's Press Images

Autor: Kieron Devlin

Kieron Devlin

Contact me at

Added: May 11, 2009

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Boost Your Creative Thinking With These Techniques!

After you exhausted all means of solving problems and difficulties with the usual methods, and it is time to think "out-of-the-box" and try this unconventional creative thinking techniques. You can always a different in your thinking when it comes to problem solving and the avant-garde in your thoughts. And some of these creative thinking include the following:

Think about all the options and possibilities, what ever you try to deal with. Gather everything carefully and examine all the facts and information you can in relation to the subject. However, if you still have a Rut (what most of us ever again, anyway), then leave it for a moment.

Back at a later time and in the meantime, go to another part of the puzzle. You will find that again and again as you move forward and advance, it would only emerge unexpectedly lively, without that you are looking for or thinking really hard for them. And if they do not write them all, so as not to lose, before the momentum disappears. And do not underestimate the power of daydreams. Even the mere act of discharge is another practice in creative thinking. To do this, design your own world from this story in your head, then the eyes, or dreaming your way to a victorious end to what you want to achieve.

In addition, the study of curiosity and actually join forces in solving the difficult problems. In most cases, the solution is so simple, it is not clear to us. Use a structured and well thought out action plan for implementing and documenting the results of rational. This is done so that you have a source for evaluation and a system to, as you continue on to the end of a difficult problem that is also something fresh. Another practice in creative thinking is through the completion of just one step at a time. By simply to make them bite-size, you can solve by section to section.

And never try to replace any errors or mistakes. Identify and set it to rest, so they do not return, but will help you to your ascent to your creative thinking. And how would it be, new products or through the union of the agenda? This is another good technique in thinking creatively. It works as follows: First, you think an object or thing which is comparable to or adjacent to your topic piece, and then the "series" of related ideas to new and useful agenda, or products and materialize as ideas or concepts . Now, to associate these terms to pieces, or item by a test or trial and error all the specified variables.

So the next time that you have exhausted all the conventional steps towards the solution of problems, and you still can not, with the desired solution, why not try the creative thinking methods?

Autor: Amy Twain

The author of this article Amy Twain is a Self Improvement Coach who has been successfully coaching and guiding clients for many years. Amy just published a new home study course on how to boost your Self Esteem overnight. More info about this "Quick-Action Plan for A More Confident You" is available at

Added: May 9, 2009

Friday, May 8, 2009

Drawing to Improve Your Life - Why You Should Draw and Paint Even If You Think You Are Hopeless

Kids love freehand drawing. How can you like most painters, illustrators, creative designers. There are also some people who are not professional artists, but like it as a hobby.

But probably most of the people in the western world, is committed to something quite simple, at least, would be confusing, annoying, infuriating, if not painful.

Many people, sometimes because of negative experiences and useless criticisms at a young age, believing that they "washouts," and that it would not make sense to spend any time more than sketch a few lines and a circle, or some nerve Scribbles, while on the phone.

Are you one of them? Well, the self-limiting beliefs can stop you for taking the valuable subscription services can offer.

And you do not have all the Michelangelo or Van Gogh. I speak freehand, relaxed, even childish and totally unrealistic drawing.

- drawing, we can sometimes "think better". As I mentioned in a previous article, we think in pictures, so you can communicate through pictures is very easy for us. Our brain loves images.

- After overcoming the initial prejudice, drawing is often a much quicker and more efficient form of language in relation to words. Sometimes it helps to let negative emotions and repressed. Psychological support and therapy for children used drawing very often, taking advantage of their natural tendency towards visual expression.

- You will facilitate contact with the inner child. Many problems in adulthood are characterized by an early trauma or negative experiences. Hiring the wounded child within you express his /her feelings to improve, as you now. I do not mean you solve life-long problem only thanks to your new hobby, of course. Especially in the case of delicate situations, you may also need professional help. Although, "visual art" is permitted in any case much more useful than you think.

- Needless to say, it stimulates creativity. And no, I'm not only the artistic skills. Creativity is problem solving in all areas.

- unless you prefer drawing only in black and white, is the use of color, the healing properties per se

Start with something basic, very simple sketches, so that you feel comfortable. It's something that you would like to remind you what you want to do, or eat now, your favorite pet, or even the representation of something abstract, such as joy, anger, sleepiness. No matter what you feel or see (if only in thought) now. Whatever you feel like "Throw".

They do not feel any obligation to the faithful to reality: some of the greatest figurative artists in the world are known for their own interpretation of the world. This drawing is your opinion to express, or your feelings, or your physical sensations, or all together. Surely it's not a scientific or technical manual.

They do not even need to appear in a gallery or an arbitration award to win, so can not judge.

Use what you want, and feel with: pencils, pens, brushes, fingers dipped in color as the children do. Do it on paper, glass, fabric, wood. They are the right tools for this.

You can not, for example, a major magazine or a new book that you keep secret and use whenever you want.

You have to log in the first period, but not abandon, and can easily subscribe to a pleasant habit. Perhaps it is your preferred way to unwind after a hard day. Even 20 minutes on a daily basis can do little by little miracle.

Later you discover that you have really good at magic. In any case, you will it so much easier, and you are determined, for which there is much more than you expect, this is the true magic.

Autor: Alessandra Viero Alessandra Viero
Level: Basic PLUS
Alessandra Viero is a marketing and PR specialist, and she definitely loves her job. Though, she is also passionate about mental-physical wellbeing and about personal ... ...

Alessandra Viero - Alessandra invites you to have a look at her simple method to improve your life, in which drawing plays a main role

Added: May 8, 2009

Monday, May 4, 2009

Impersonating Film Stars

Stars Movies identity is not as easy as it might appear. First, one must at least vaguely in the part and then have to be good. It's easy to say simply unforgettable lines, but from movies, the part is another matter completely.However For example, it is relatively easy to say "make my day" from the Dirty Harry series. However, one can say that it is only with the same conviction that has Clint Eastwood? That is exactly what separates the good impersonators of the bad impersonators.

They say that sarcasm is one of the sources of all admiration and gentlemen, that a certain devoted his life to that was famous in his own area. Rich Little was very easy for the identity of famous movie stars with surprising accuracy. In fact, he had a show at the Las Vegas Strip has been marked by the art of impersonation and improvisation, and it was a great success. He would impersonate people from many different actors, politicians, seemingly with the greatest of ease.

Many times, it's just the moves, or routines, which is the only thing that needs to be traded, how much of the slapstick comedy of the past. Everyone knows it and can, therefore, appreciate it. But what about the poor soul who just looks eerily similar to a known star, but otherwise normal. You can be the source of some unwanted and improper attention from time to time.

These are the ones who are good candidates for the various talent agencies, most high Metropolitan locations. You may very well be a further source of income, just like the person. Who knows? Perhaps a chance at a Hollywood will double. At least you can use different appearances at other events and the like.

Obviously there are ways to use what you have been blessed with, even if it is the shy type. These situations can be as simple as on a birthday, or just an appearance at a major opening up of some sort.

This provides an opportunity to opportunity and choice only do it part time. Treat it as a novelty and have fun. Use it as an opportunity to meet people, it can be a more than they originally thought, it can be. It's really not difficult to imitate movie stars. You just have to know their characteristics and specific measures.

Sometimes that's all you need to make a great general performance and rewards. This can also give them the option to take a time to bring all their favorite screen legends. You never know where the road if you're lucky, and what you can, stop.

Autor: Martin Jeszke Martin Jeszke
Level: Basic PLUS
I am married to an Italian wife. We have 2 children who now Both attend university studying Business and Computer IT. Currently we live west ... ...

Have a real fun day with impersonating.

Martin Jeszke

Live in the UK currently, married with Italian wife, 2 grown up children both attending university. I have been involved with Personal Development for several years both in the corporate world and now ongoing training.

My mentors are Brian Tracy, Jim Rohn and now Stephen Pierce.

I love to write including Blogging, Articles, Free Newletters, Writing advertisements, Web Site Copywriting. Interests: Photography, Guitar, Music,Yoga, Sport, Reading and Web Publishing


Added: May 4, 2009
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